2:00 P.M. – MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2013
1. Roll Call
2. Community Forum
3. Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting held January 7, 2013
4. Action Calendar
02-13-05 Authorization for AHA to contribute up to $110,000 to be applied after the expenditure of $295,000 in NSP funds provided through the Albany Community Development Agency and $250,000 in funds contributed by the City of Albany toward costs to abate asbestos and demolish buildings #6, 7, and 4 at Ida Yarbrough Homes, subject to approval from HUD, currently pending. Total cost of abatement and demolition to be $655,234. The abatement and demolition will be overseen by Norstar Development as AHA’s Developer Partner for the Ida Yarbrough Rehabilitation project.
02-13-06 Approval to award contract # 0025-C-12-023 Elevator Maintenance to the low bidder, Otis Elevator, Inc. for a Not-To Exceed value of $270,540 for three years. Initial contract period will be March 1, 2013– February 28, 2016, with options to renew for 2 additional one year terms.
2nd Low Bidder: Kone, Inc. $417,024
3rd Low Bidder: Shindler, Inc. $1,130,400
02-13-07 Approval to write-off $51,955.73 in tenant balances covering the period from last quarter of 2012 (All balances are results of evictions, fraud, or death):
Pieter Schuyler Court: $4,235.50
Steamboat Square: $7,914.96
Ezra Prentice: $5,348.36
North Albany: $2,441.65
Nutgrove: $2,374.95
Lincoln Square: $9,498.94
Ida Yarbrough: $7,793.00
Townsend: $322.30
Capital Woods: $7,770.76
Westview: $2,133.21
Creighton Storey: $1,753.35
Swan Street Apt: $368.75
5. Reports of Committees
6. Unfinished Business
7. New Business
8. Bills and Communications – Financial report by the Deputy Director
9. Report of the Executive Secretary
A. Monthly Management Report
B. Items for Advisement and Discussion
Bank Balance as of 2/7/13
10. Adjournment:
Monday, March, 11, 2013 at 2:00 P.M.