Department of Planning & Development

The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) builds housing that people call home. Quality affordable housing that is for rent and for sale is a fundamental need for healthy families and vibrant communities. These are places where a person begins and ends each day; it can be a safe haven, a supportive environment, a place where the next generation gets its start and the elderly live out their days with dignity.

Our work with communities begins with getting to know its people. Tell us about you and your neighborhood, what is working and what is not, and we’ll help you envision a community of choice: a place where people want to live. We make change using housing, but we work with a wide variety of stakeholder groups, including residents, to round out a plan for change, one that is balanced and realistic. The Arbor Hill Neighborhood Plan and the Capital South Plan are good examples of bottom-up planning that was driven by housing needs but addressed a wide range of issues important to each community.

DPD works independently or with developer-partners to implement the housing component of each neighborhood’s revitalization plan. This includes acquiring existing buildings and vacant lots for construction, completing architectural and engineering drawings, and assembling the financing. Often a project requires a mixed-finance approach, wherein funds from numerous sources need to be coordinated. We then closely monitor the construction for quality and to insure a vigorous effort is made to employ residents and contract with minority- and women-owned enterprises.

Our relationship with Albany’s communities does not stop there. We continue to participate in groups such as the Arbor Hill Implementation Team and the South End Action Committee and each of their various sub-committees. These ongoing relationships result in additional housing, quality of life, and economic development initiatives designed to strengthen previous investments and continue the revitalization trend.

Please see our list of accomplishments and the work we are doing now.

For information regarding Planning and Development please contact:

Timothy O’Byrne
Director of Planning and Development
Albany Housing Authority
200 South Pearl Street
Albany, NY 12202
Phone: (518) 641-7500


Marianna Holmes
Capital Program Coordinator
Albany Housing Authority
200 South Pearl Street
Albany, NY 12202
Phone: (518) 641-7500


Virginia Rawlins
Project Development Assistant
Albany Housing Authority
200 South Pearl Street
Albany, NY 12202
Phone: (518) 641-7500


Jared Holt Mews


North Albany Homes