AHA News

Career Exploration Day at CSCC

Career Exploration Day! 12.11.21

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COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters


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Turkey Giveaway


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NEWS RELEASE: City of Albany to Host Conviction Sealing Clinic & Community Resource Fair






Date: November 5, 2021

Contact: David Galin



City of Albany to Host Conviction Sealing Clinic & Community Resource Fair

(See attached flyer)

 Guide to New York State Conviction Sealing - CPL 160.59 - Updated 11.5.21

Albany, NY Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan announced the City of Albany, in partnership with a number of community organizations, is hosting a walk-in Conviction Sealing Clinic & Community Resource Fair on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, from 1:00pm to 7:00pm at the Central Avenue BID’s STEAM Garden located at 279 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12206.

The Clinic will connect City residents with both City of Albany and volunteer lawyers who will help them identify old, low-level criminal convictions that are eligible to be sealed under New York’s Sealing Law passed in 2017. The law limits eligible convictions to misdemeanors and certain felonies that are 10 years or older and do not involve violence or sex offenses. Eligible candidates cannot have more than two, 10-year-old convictions. Sealing eligible convictions removes the stigma of a criminal record and increases possibilities for employment, earnings, promotions, education, loan, and licensing opportunities.

Individuals interested in having their conviction sealed should visit https://www.albanyny.gov/1982/Conviction-Sealing to complete the eligibility form. While appointments are not required, individuals seeking to participate are encouraged to sign up prior to the event to help determine their eligibility and allow staff to prepare the necessary documents to expedite the process.

The City is proud to partner with community organizations including the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York, the Black Nurses Coalition, Urban Grief, Capital District Latinos, MVP Healthcare, the City of Albany Department of Recreation, the City of Albany Department of General Services, City of Albany Department of Youth & Workforce Services, and other organizations on this important initiative – organizations that will be in attendance to provide information regarding employment, education, healthcare, and other services available in the City of Albany.

Prior to the Conviction Sealing Clinic there will be a one-hour CLE presented by attorney George LaMarche of LaMarche and Safranko Law, LLP covering everything attorneys will need to know about completing a sealing application for a client. In addition to CLE credit, volunteer attorneys will accumulate pro bono hours depending on their availability for the clinic. Attorneys interested in volunteering and providing pro bono services at the City of Albany Conviction Sealing Clinic & Community Resource Fair should complete this form.

Questions regarding the clinic should be sent to convictionsealing@albanyny.gov.


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COVID-19 Vaccination Drive


COVID-19 Vaccination Drive

Offering Pfizer, Moderna, and
Johnson & Johnson vaccines and boosters. Persons between the ages of 12-18 must be accompanied by a
parent/guardian. Proof of address and photo ID are needed at time of
Please email mjimenez@promesa.org or acamilohernandez@inourownvoicees.org
or call (518)801-9440, Ext#5081 to



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Bake Sale at the South End Children’s Cafe

Bake Sale at the South End Children’s Cafe

When: October 28th

Where: 25 Warren Street, Albany, NY 12202

Time: 3:30PM – 5PM

IMG_3650 (002)

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Capital Region BOCES Hiring Opportunity!

Receptionist #2022-99 – Capital Region BOCES




Career & Technical Education – Adult Education Program located at Capital South Campus Center @ 20 Warren Street, Albany

Basic Function:

Performs routine clerical work in meeting and directing clients.   Work procedures and routines are well defined with detailed instructions for any new or revised procedures.  Work is performed under direct supervision until the employee is able to work independently on the normal office routines. Work is inspected upon completion or by another step in the clerical process.  Does related work as required.


A.     Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma.

Vacancies are filled by certified list provided by Albany County Civil Service. Should no certified list be available, candidates appointed to this position will be serving in a provisional appointment in accordance with New York State Civil Service Law. The candidate must successfully complete a competitive examination and be eligible for appointment in accordance with Civil Service Law and the Civil Service Rules for Albany County to obtain a permanent appointment.


1. Acts as a receptionist, answers telephone and personal inquiries, routes visitors and calls, secures and gives out routine information relating to office operations and activities.
2. Registers each client on the computer as they appear.
3. Depending on the requirements of the department, may issue bills to clients.
4. Depending on the requirements of the department, may arrange for employees to secure county cars for use.
5. Collects fees from the clients and issues receipts, as necessary.
6. Provides clerical assistance, as needed.
7. Enters data into the computer on clients and on services rendered.
8. Depending on the requirements of the department, may verify Medicaid eligibility of clients requesting services.
9. Enters statistical data on manual or computerized forms.
10. Sorts and files correspondence, checks, vouchers, index cards or other materials in accordance with office procedures.
11. Makes simple arithmetic calculations, computes data from requisitions, statistical reports, time reports or other records.
12. Occasionally operates office equipment to copy or duplicate information, switchboard, cameras and other office equipment.
13. Orders office supplies, delivers messages.
14. Working knowledge of office terminology, procedures and equipment.
15. Working knowledge of Business English and arithmetic.
16. Ability to operate a computer terminal to enter and retrieve data.
17. Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions.
18. Ability to get along well with others.
19. Ability to write legibly.
20. Physical condition commensurate with the demand of the position.

Start Date:

As soon as possible

Application Deadline:

October 29, 2021 (or until position is filled)

Starting Salary:

$28,490 – $30,590 prorated to the amount of service rendered.

Apply To:

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National Diabetes Prevention Program

TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH FREE Diabetes Prevention Program!

Albany County residents, if you have prediabetes or other risk factors for Type 2 diabetes, the Prevent T2 lifestyle change program can help! The free program offers:
• A CDC-approved curriculum
• The skills you need to lose weight, be more physically active, and manage stress
• A trained lifestyle coach to guide and encourage you
• Support from other participants with the same goals as you
• Follow-up meetings to help you maintain your healthy lifestyle
The program meets weekly for 16 weeks, then bi-weekly, and then monthly.

Our next virtual program for Albany County residents begins – OCTOBER 7 – Thursdays, 12:30 – 1:30pm

To learn more or to register, go to sphp.com/DPP or, contact Katie.Cameron@sphp.com or call (518)723-0680.

Find out if you have prediabetes.
Take the CDC self-assessment quiz at sphp.com/DPP.

NDPP FlyerFall2021_Page_1NDPP FlyerFall2021_Page_2

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Excelsior College Open Doors Scholarship

Earn Your College Degree With Excelsior College’s Degrees Open Doors Scholarship!

Excelsior College believes in the power of education to change lives—and the motivation within every student to succeed.
We’re partnering with Carl E. Touhey Foundation and the Albany Housing Authority to offer residents the opportunity to earn an associate or bachelor’s degree at little or no cost.

About the Degrees Open Doors Scholarship Excelsior College is an online institution in Albany, N.Y., with a 50-year history of helping working adult students earn their degrees.
Study business, health sciences, liberal arts, nursing, public service, or technology.
Learn 100% online, on your own time.
You’ll have personal support and advising from Excelsior College and the Housing Authority teams throughout your journey.
All AHA residents are eligible to apply.
Contact Mary Sayer with questions: Email: msayer@excelsior.edu
Call or Text: 518-608-8426

Albany Housing Authority Scholarship Flyer_Final

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National Diabetes Prevention Program

TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH FREE Diabetes Prevention Program!

Albany County residents, if you have prediabetes or other risk factors for Type 2 diabetes, the Prevent T2 lifestyle change program can help! The free program offers:
• A CDC-approved curriculum
• The skills you need to lose weight, be more physically active, and manage stress
• A trained lifestyle coach to guide and encourage you
• Support from other participants with the same goals as you
• Follow-up meetings to help you maintain your healthy lifestyle
The program meets weekly for 16 weeks, then bi-weekly, and then monthly.

Our next virtual program for Albany County residents begins – OCTOBER 7 – Thursdays, 12:30 – 1:30pm

To learn more or to register, go to sphp.com/DPP or, contact Katie.Cameron@sphp.com or call (518)723-0680.

Find out if you have prediabetes.
Take the CDC self-assessment quiz at sphp.com/DPP.

NDPP FlyerFall2021_Page_1 NDPP FlyerFall2021_Page_2

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Employment Opportunities – NYS Dept Tax & Finance

We have upcoming positions that we are recruiting for now.  Interested? You can start by applying to our temporary Tax Information Aide position.


Apply now on our website: www.tax.ny.gov/r/jobs

Check out our employee testimonials: Careers at the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance

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WAGE Center Application Clinics

Get personal help finding and filling out online applications!


8:30 AM – 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM


2021 Application Clinics

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Resident Commissioner Election!!

Tenant Commissioner Election Flyer

Run for Resident Commissioner & Join the Board
A qualified Candidate is any resident of AHA or Section 8
recipient for at least 30 days prior to election, is 18 years of age or older, and is in good
standing as a resident
Just get 50 Signatures from fellow residents of AHA or
Section 8 to secure a nomination-and, don’t worry, you will
receive training and support once elected to the board
Candidates interested in running must attend one
informational meeting

Petitions Available at Development Offices October 4, 2021

Candidates Meetings (Must attend one)
Townsend (45 Central Avenue) October 13, 2021 1pm-2pm

Westview (680 Central Avenue) October 13, 2021 3pm-4pm

Ida Yarbrough (260 North Pearl Street) October 15, 2021 5pm-6pm

Deadline to file Petitions and Candidate Statements with a Development Manager or at the Main
Office Reception Desk, 200 South Pearl Street
November 4, 2021

Ballots to be mailed to all eligible voters by Sample Ballots will be posted in Development Offices
November 17, 2021

Mandatory Meet the Candidates Night
Main Office November 10, 2021 6pm-7pm

All marked ballots must be postmarked by December 17, 2021

Ballots will be opened, counted, and results announced at
Ida Yarbrough December 29, 2021

Winning Candidates will take Office January 1, 2021

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Proctor’s Collaborative Now Hiring – Multiple Locations!

New employment opportunities with Proctors Collaborative in Schenectady, Albany, and Saratoga Springs.

Please visit https://workforcenow.adp.com/mascsr/default/mdf/recruitment/recruitment.html?cid=51389d2e-2a8e-4609-8f9f-8feea3ec0c45&ccId=19000101_000001&type=MP&lang=en_US for informations and to apply to current employment openings.

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The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

What is the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program?

The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program that provides a temporary discount on monthly broadband bills for qualifying low-income households. If your household is eligible, you can receive:

  • Up to a $50/month discount on your broadband service and associated equipment rentals
  • Up to a $75/month discount if your household is on qualifying Tribal lands
  • A one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer (with a co-payment of more than $10 but less than $50)

Only one monthly service discount and one device discount is allowed per household. To receive the connected device discount, consumers need to enroll in the EBB Program with a participating provider that offers connected devices (not all service providers offer device discounts). The service provider will provide the discount to the consumer.

The program will end when the fund runs out of money, or six months after the Department of Health and Human Services declares an end to the COVID-19 health emergency, whichever is sooner.

Click Here to Learn More and See If You Qualify Today!

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Health Empowerment Conference

CEK Conference

CEK Conference

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Albany – Public Meeting with the Independent Redistricting Commission

Mid Hudson _ Capital Notice

The Independent Redistricting Commission of New York State will hold a virtual public meeting on August 2, 2021, at 2 pm to seek comments from the residents of the Mid-Hudson Valley and Capital Region.

The Commission would appreciate your help in publicizing the meeting for your residents. They can sign up to participate in and stay updated about the process at our website: www.nyirc.gov

The Commission is seeking input from your community’s residents as it embarks on this process. This includes, but is not limited to information such as:
• How do residents feel about the current lines outlining their district?
• What would residents like the IRC to know about their community of interest?

Participants will have up to three (3) minutes of speaking time, with no question or answer period. Residents are also invited to create their own maps using resources available on our website. The Commission invites residents to submit written comment as well through our website. All meetings will be recorded for future public record and will be livestreamed as they occur.

These public meetings are the first and best opportunity for New Yorkers to give public comment before the Commission begins drawing the first round of district maps after the Census Bureau releases its data on August 16, 2021. Then initial district maps will be released to the public for review by September 15, 2021. After which, the Commission will hold a series of hearings where residents may testify. Then, final district maps will be voted on and certified by the Commission and presented to the New York State Legislature. Any person who wishes to request auxiliary aids or services, including translation, to participate in this public meeting of the Commission, in accordance with State or Federal law, should indicate this when they sign up no less than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

The IRC is a ten-member body created by the voters of New York State to redraw Congressional and State Legislature lines fairly and equitably. Public participation in drawing these districts is critical to ensuring that communities throughout New York continue to have the strongest voice possible to express their preferences. When voters with similar interests are drawn into a district together, their voices multiply giving them a greater opportunity to express their views, elect candidates of their choice and hold their leaders accountable. We urge your constituents to stay updated on this process by signing up at www.nyirc.gov and connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

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FOCUS Breakfast Special Day: Thursday, July 29 ERAP & Gift Card Giveaway

FOCUS Churches Free Hot Breakfast is giving away $10 gift cards to the first 45 Breakfast guests

Thursday, July 29
7am to 8:30am
Westminster Presbyterian Church
262 State Street, Albany

Outreach workers from Legal Aid Society and Albany County DSS will be here to sign up folks for ERAP (Emergency Rental Assistance Program).
Poor People’s Campaign members will be here to share information on advocacy and justice opportunities.
All are welcome!
and . . .
FOCUS Churches Free Hot Breakfast
is now open three mornings a week:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
7am to 8:30am

FOCUS Churches of Albany 

275 State Street, Albany, NY 12210

website: www.focuschurches.net


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City of Albany Office of Audit and Control New Youth Program- Ready. Set. Goal!

RSG FlyerPress Release

Ready. Set. Goal! Application

TELEPHONE (518) 434-5023
Date: June 24, 2021
Contact: Dr. Dorcey Applyrs
Chief City Auditor


Albany, NY – The Office of Audit and Control is thrilled to announce Ready. Set. Goal!, a new youth program. Ready. Set. Goal! will host its first cohort Monday, August 16, 2021 through Friday, August 20,2021. The goal of this program is to link youth in the City of Albany to economic opportunities and in turn build a pipeline of highly qualified young talent that will shape our community’s economic future. Cooperative economics and personal and professional goal setting serve as the foundation of this program. Ready, Set, Goal! incorporates workshops, field experiences, and networking opportunities with local business leaders to foster an environment that encourages career exploration, critical thinking, and skills building. Examples of featured topics include, college preparation, professional etiquette, money management, career readiness, and entrepreneurship.
In order to be eligible, applicants must be entering the 8th or 9th grade at the start of the 2021-2022 Academic Year and a City of Albany resident.

To apply for the program, prospective applicants can visit:

2021 Ready. Set. Goal! is made possible by a host of community partners. Sponsors include by Albany Housing Authority, Dawn Abbuhl, President of Repeat Business Systems, Inc., University at Albany Associate Professor Dr. Lani Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Williams and Price Chopper & Market 32.

Chief City Auditor Dr. Dorcey Applyrs said “Thank you to our community partners for making Ready. Set. Goal! possible. This program will ensure that young people gain meaningful economic opportunities which is essential to reducing poverty, develop future leaders and secure, stable community. This program will improve future employment outcomes, particularly for disadvantaged youth who would otherwise have low summer employment rates and improve educational outcomes. We look forward to collaborating with the community partners in few months ahead for a success program.”

Albany Housing Authority, Executive Director Chiquita D’Arbeau said “Albany Housing Authority is proud to support Ready. Set. Goal! and looks forward to working with the talented students who will participate in this initiative. It is extremely important to connect our youth with economic opportunities and to help develop them into community leaders. Congratulations to the Office and Audit and Control for launching this exciting program.”

Repeat Business Systems, Inc., President Dawn Abbuhl, PhD said “The mission of Ready. Set. Goal! immediately grabbed my attention as I have always been committed to supporting young talent and truly appreciate the direct reach that this program will have. The process of including real field experiences coupled with workshops for relevant skill development being offered, and then providing opportunities for the students to practice these skills while networking is the perfect way to make a lasting impression and a great foundation. We are very excited to be part of it!”
New Birth Christian Fellowship Center, Dr. Paul Parsons Sr., Pastor said “Investing in our youth today is investing in the future of our communities, city, and country. Ready. Set. Goal! is an amazing first step in developing our youth locally for a global impact and we I am glad to be a part of this initiative!

For any questions, additional information, or if you would like to be a community sponsor, contact Michele Andre, Auditor at Mandre@albanyny.gov or 518-434-5023.


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City of Albany and COVID Recovery Task Force Continues to Seek Input on the Use of American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds





  * * NEWS RELEASE * * 

Date: July 13, 2021

Contact: David Galin


 City of Albany and COVID Recovery Task Force Continues to Seek Input on the Use of American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds 

Deadline For Second Survey Tuesday, July 20

ALBANY, NY – The City of Albany and the COVID Recovery Task Force is once again seeking input on the City’s use of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds. Feedback is essential to ensuring the discretionary ARP funds are used in the most impactful ways for our community. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey by Tuesday, July 20. The survey includes 17 questions estimated at under 15 minutes to complete.

The two surveys implemented as part of the COVID Recovery Task Force are intended to serve as an opportunity to get feedback on the needs and priorities identified by the Task Force and to validate, amend, and add to the Task Force’s preliminary findings.

On March 12, 2021, Mayor Sheehan announced the creation of a COVID Recovery Task Force to ensure the City of Albany equitably and strategically maximizes the resources available to its residents, businesses, and community organizations. More information on the Task Force.

Signed into law by President Biden in March 2021, the ARP has provided funding to states, local governments, and other entities to help replace lost revenues, cover COVID-related expenses, and reverse the economic impacts of this pandemic. The City of Albany was allocated approximately $80.7 million as part of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan.

The 41 experts who make up the Task Force represent a wide cross-section of community, educational, healthcare and commercial sectors, and – in addition to these surveys – will draw from existing community strategies and their extensive experience to provide information on trends and impacts in their industries, while representing the populations they serve. As the Task Force’s work progresses, it is important for the City to obtain input from the public on local needs and priorities to ensure local needs are being well-represented. The City of Albany COVID Recovery Task Force will be working with their diverse constituent groups directly in addition to these two widespread public surveys to meet these needs. The final report produced will ultimately help guide the City of Albany and its Common Council on how best to allocate resources for recovery from the pandemic. Thank you in advance for making your voice heard in this important effort.


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