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Free PPE Distributing Event – Capital District Latinos & NENYCOSH

Join the Northeast New York Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health and CD LATINOS in a free distribution of personal protective equipment to Latinx workers. There will be a 20 minute demonstration showing you how to properly use the PPE, and a PPE kit with filtering respirators, gloves, hand sanitizers, and more!

When: Thursday, September 17 2020 at 12:30 PM &
Thursday, September 24 2020 at 4:00 PM
Location: Capital District LATINOS, 160 Central Ave, Albany NY 12206
Please call 518-801-9440 Ext 5080 to reserve your spot

For a Printable Flyer Please CLick HERE!

PPE Fliers - Capital Dist Latinos & NENYCOSH_Page_1

PPE Fliers - Capital Dist Latinos & NENYCOSH_Page_2

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Albany Public Library Hosts Live Virtual Programs on Banned Books & Voting Rights

Albany Public Library Hosts Live Virtual Programs on Banned Books & Voting Rights

ALBANY, NY—Albany Public Library (APL) has planned an ambitious slate of live virtual programs that patrons can participate in from home. The library is celebrating the freedom to read with the Banned Books Week Read Out Loud on Sept. 30 and shining a light on Music and Voting Rights Movements with Taína Asili on Oct. 2.

Both programs are free and require registration through the APL online events calendar. The event link is emailed to participants after they register.

Banned Books Week Read Out Loud | Sept. 30 (Wed) | 6:30-8:00 pm | Online
This annual event—which supports the freedom to read, seek, and express ideas, even if they are considered unorthodox or unpopular—is being held virtually for the first time. Joanna Palladino Resnick from the New York Civil Liberties Union hosts the event that features 10 community members reading aloud from books that have been targeted for removal or restriction in libraries and schools. Register for Read Out Loud via the APL events calendar.

Music and Voting Rights Movements with Taína Asili | Oct. 2 (Fri) | 7:00-8:30 pm | Online
In this workshop, renowned local musician and activist Taína Asili shares a history of the role music has played in the various movements for voting rights in the United States. The discussion covers current voter suppression challenges and ways to organize to protect the right to vote. Register for Music and Voting Rights Movements through the library’s events calendar.

The library has many virtual programs planned for the coming months for all ages and interests, everything from family storytimes to job search workshops and book discussion groups to crafting sessions. All programs are listed on the APL online events calendar.


Albany Public Library Hosts Live Virtual Programs on Banned Books & Voting Rights_pr_sept22_20

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Tenants: Know Your Rights



• No evictions may happen in New York State until at least October 1st, 2020.

• Courts are not allowed to require you to appear in court in person for an eviction filed since March 17, 2020.

• You might be required to appear for an older eviction (from before March 17, 2020) but you cannot be evicted.

The Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York helps qualifying people with civil (not criminal) legal problems.


TenantRightsGraphic-English TenantRightsGraphic-Spanish

Printable Flyer with Tear Tabs can be found HERE!

¡El folleto imprimible con pestañas de lágrimas se puede encontrar AQUÍ!

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Reminder: South End Connector Meeting, Tonight @ 6PM

South End Connector
Activate This Space

Public Meeting #1

Brainstorm and share ideas!
WHAT: The South End Connector is a new shared use trail below I-787 in the South End. We need your ideas to help create a design that will activate this space.
WHEN: The first meeting will be on Tuesday, September 22nd at 6:30pm.
WHERE: Online “Zoom” Meeting. Registration is required, please sign up at
*If zoom is a new technology for you please sign in at 6:20 pm to learn the basics.

Flier Flier Social Media1 Flier Social Media2 Flier Social Media3

Register for the online meeting by using your smartphone camera to access QR code or visit

FlierPDF (002)

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Meeting to Re-Imagine I-787 Portion of New South End Connector Scheduled for Tuesday, September 22


ALBANY, NY – On Tuesday, September 22, at 6:30 p.m., The City of Albany’s Department of Planning and Development will host the first in a series of public meetings to reimagine a key portion of the newly opened South End Connector to make it more engaging to cyclists and pedestrians. The South End Connector opened in July and is the City’s first two-way cycle path, which links the Albany County Helderberg-Hudson Rail Trail to the Mohawk-Hudson Hike-Bike Trail. The City is seeking ideas about how to make the part of the Connector that runs underneath Interstate 787 more attractive and user-friendly. 

The public meeting will take place via Zoom and will include a project overview and small group discussions for participants to share their initial impressions of this trail section and their vision for its future. This input will inform the project team as they create several potential designs that the public will be able to respond to at future public meetings and events as well as online. You need to sign up beforehand at the South End Connector Virtual Meeting to participate. You can also visit for more information, project updates and future meetings.

Who: The City of Albany Department of Planning and Development staff, South End residents, Albany bike and pedestrian advocates, and the general public

Where: Zoom Call (you need to sign up beforehand at South End Connector Virtual Meeting)

When: Thursday, September 22

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Stakeholder groups that have been involved in this project include the Capital District Black Chamber of Commerce, Albany Housing Authority, AVillage Inc., Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy, South End Development and Hon. Carolyn McLaughlin, Albany County Legislator.


City of Albany





TELEPHONE (518) 434-5100

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Albany Public Library Opens Two Branches for Appointment Services

Albany Public Library Opens Two Branches for Appointment Services

Arbor Hill/West Hill & Howe Now Provide In-Building Computers, Assistance & More

Albany, NY—Albany Public Library (APL) is now providing in-person appointment services at two locations—Arbor Hill/West Hill Branch at 148 Henry Johnson Blvd. and Howe Branch at 105 Schuyler St.

“APL staff are thrilled to welcome patrons inside our Arbor Hill/West Hill and Howe branches for appointment services,” said APL Executive Director Scott C. Jarzombek. “Our patrons have been asking to use computers, make copies and fax documents, and get information and research assistance from librarians. The pandemic required us to modify our buildings, institute cleaning and safety protocols, and train staff on new procedures. We are now ready to safely provide these much-requested in-person services by appointment at two locations.”

Starting today, Sept. 14, library patrons may use the following services, all of which require an appointment, at the Arbor Hill/West Hill and Howe branches:
• Copy, print, scan, and fax documents
• Use a computer
• Purchase or replenish a CDTA Navigator card
• Get reference and research assistance from a librarian
• Utilize a notary (limited branches and hours)

Patrons can request appointments by calling the Arbor Hill/West Hill Branch at (518) 694-0596 x221 or the Howe Branch at (518) 472-9485 x221. Appointments are available Monday through Friday from 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Times and services may be limited due to availability, staffing, and distancing requirements.

In order to accommodate in-person services, the APL branches are following established COVID-19 distancing and cleaning protocols. Masks that cover the mouth and nose must be worn by everyone over the age of two. Hand sanitizer and wipes are available for patrons. Desks and equipment are safely spaced. Clear plastic barriers and floor distance markers have been installed. Appointments are limited to one person at a time. Seating is limited to patrons using computers or working with a librarian. The collections, newspapers, toys, games, water fountains, and restrooms are unavailable. Surfaces, equipment, and computers are cleaned before and after each appointment.

Curbside pickup appointments are continuing at Arbor Hill/West Hill and Howe, in addition to Bach, Delaware, and Pine Hills. The North Albany and Washington Ave. branches remain closed.

The library’s website contains information about appointment services at Arbor Hill/West Hill and Howe.

Albany Public Library Opens Two Branches for Appointment Services_pr_sept14_20

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Community Give Back Day


Community Give Back Day

Free Haircuts

Free Book Bags, School Supplies, Cookout and More

Celebrities Barbershop at 216 Central Ave, Albany NY – More Info at 518-729-2913

Virtual Book Bag Drive. If you would like your child’s book bag delivered or you want to reserve a haircut and pick up your book bag, please register at https://tinyurl.comCommunityGB

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Event Details for OAC Public Presentation on Albany COVID-19 Community Survey Results

Event Name: Public Presentation on Albany COVID-19 Community Survey Results

Date & Time: Thursday, 9/17/20, 6-7pm EST

Description: How should the City of Albany address the needs of the community in its COVID-19 response in the coming months? Please join the Office of Audit & Control for a virtual public presentation on the COVID-19 Community Survey results and potential recommendations.

We welcome your feedback on recommendations for a stronger and more resilient community response to COVID-19, especially among communities of color.

Watch on Facebook Live at @AlbanyChiefCityAuditorDorceyApplyrs

Event Link:

or Call into the meeting at +1 646 558 8656 (Meeting ID: 954 7172 7596)

Public Presentation Promotional Graphic Instagram

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South End Connector Activate This Space

Public Meeting #1

Brainstorm and share ideas!
WHAT: The South End Connector is a new shared use trail below I-787 in the South End. We need your ideas to help create a design that will activate this space.
WHEN: The first meeting will be on Tuesday, September 22nd at 6:30pm.
WHERE: Online “Zoom” Meeting. Registration is required, please sign up at
*If zoom is a new technology for you please sign in at 6:20 pm to learn the basics.*

20200910_SEC flyer

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Fund the Community

Saturday, September 5th

4pm to 6pm

The city of Albany and the US Census will be on site to help residents complete the census at

241 Green Street

9-5-20 (002)

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FairHousingMattersNY – Help Spread the Word!

From NYS Homes and Community Renewal 

New York believes that fair housing matters.

We want to hear from individuals and communities about their thoughts and experiences with housing segregation and discrimination.

How can you participate?

Take our fair housing survey, join a public participation event, and keep in touch by joining our mailing list (see below). You can help drive public housing policies that help all New Yorkers.

How will my feedback be used?

Your feedback will be gathered in a report called “Fair Housing Matters NY:  An Assessment of Fair Housing” and will be used to inform housing policy.

The report will examine obstacles to housing choice, accomplishments and actions we can take as a state to remove barriers and fulfil our obligation to create and preserve housing choice in New York.

We will share a draft of the report here in the beginning of 2021.

Want to learn more about fair housing or feel you have been discriminated against in housing?

Please check out New York State Homes & Community Renewal’s Fair Housing Page

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Final Day to Fill out City of Albany COVID19 Community Survey

Today is the LAST DAY to fill out the City of Albany COVID-19 Community Survey. Albany residents, please fill out this anonymous 5-minute survey by 5pm today to help the City of Albany government respond to the needs of the community, especially communities of color, in the event of a second wave of COVID-19 or future emergency. Please share with your friends and family so all voices are heard!

Survey Link: (to access the survey in Spanish or Chinese, click the dropdown menu that reads “English” in top right corner)

If the link above does not work, try using

Tuesday Facebook Tuesday Facebook Espanol

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Young Voices Matter: Why Vote?

Attend Part 1 of Y-Vote

Young Voices Matter: Why Vote?

Join this online discussion September 10th

Organized by the Albany NAACP, Troy

NAACP, Schenectady NAACP, & P3

Register Here Now

Thursday, September 10th, 2020 – 6:00-7:30 pm EST

Participate by Listening — Ask Questions — Join the Panel

Bring your ideas. Participate in breakout groups.

For more information contact: Beverly, NAACP: 518-221-9388

NAACP Y-Vote Flyer rev. #1

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The City of Albany Wants to Hear From You!

The Audit Office wants to hear from you! The City of Albany’s Office of Audit and Control wants to better understand how community members are experiencing the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic, especially those from communities of color.

If you are an Albany resident, please fill out an anonymous 5-minute City of Albany COVID-19 Community Survey by 5pm on Tuesday (9/1).

The survey results will help the City of Albany government respond to the needs of the community in the event of a second wave of COVID-19 or future emergency.

Survey Link:

Friday Facebook

Friday Facebook Espanol

PDF Flyer (Espanol) 

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HERO Scholarship & Healthy Neighborhood Referral Form

The HERO Scholarship provides the opportunity to earn a college education and embark on career opportunities that will allow you to grow as a professional and achieve success. Clicking the below image will open the application in PDF form for you.

HERO Scholarship Application Packet

Schedule a Healthy Neighborhoods Home Visit today! Clicking the below information will open the PDF version of the flyer and referral form.

Healthy Neighborhoods Flyer

Healthy Neighborhoods Referral Form

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Saturday, August 29, 2020

11AM – 2PM

Ezra Prentice Homes, 625 South Pearl Street, Albany NY

Strengthening Our Community Together!


census combines

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“Our Beloved Community” Mass Food Distribution

“Our Beloved Community” Mass Food Distribution

Come receive food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and other items

Thursday, August 27, 2020 10:00 am until food is gone

833 Broadway, Albany, NY

Please do not arrive before 10:00am

Arriving early will cause traffic and people creating large crowds

Food will be given out beginning at 10:00am If you are driving, stay in your car.

If you are walking, please practice social distancing. Adhering to these instructions will allow us to distribute food quickly and in a timely fashion.

We created this initiative to focus attention and resources on the highest impacted health care disparity zones / census tracts in the Capital Region

Part of Catholic Charities Mobile Outreach Vehicle Extension (CC MOVE)

Food Distrib. Flyer

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A message from the South End Community Collaborative:

My Dear Friends,

I am writing all of you today to ask for your help.

We are having a mass food distribution on Friday, August 21st. It will be held at 230 Green Street, Albany, in the Centro Civico parking lot starting at
9:30am. We will be distributing 24 tons of food that day and need as many volunteers as we can get. I have attached both the flyer for the distribution and the flyer requesting volunteers.

This is a crucial time and the success of the day depends on volunteers to assist us in providing this much needed resource during this pandemic. I am aware that many of you have gone back to work, so if you cannot attend, please forward to your friends who may still be working from home and can contribute some time to this worthy cause.

I thank you in advance and in prayer. My mobile number is listed below, please feel free to call or text.

Fawn Potash

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Story Walk presented by the Albany Public Library

APL (Albany Public Library) has partnered with several community and city organizations, and the Upper Hudson Library System, to bring StoryWalks® to Albany neighborhoods!

A StoryWalk® is a way for families with young children to enjoy reading stories while outdoors.

Pages from picture books are laminated and attached to wooden stakes that are posted at regular intervals along an outdoor walking path or sidewalk. As families stroll, they stop and read pages of the story.

Albany Public Library’s StoryWalks® will be up through September 2020.


Click here for the PDF of this flyer.

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Complete the Census Event – 8/22/2020

Fund the Community

Saturday, August 22nd

106 S. Pearl St. (Old McDonald’s Parking Lot)

The City of Albany will be On-Site to help residents complete the Census.

Music, Grab-N-Go Meals, and Raffles!!

Fund the Community

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