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Online Orientation Session – A4TD


Online Orientation Session

Wednesday, October 28th at 9:00AM

Learn about the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

A federally funded jobs training program specifically designed for older job seekers.

We are actively enrolling in this paid training program.

If you are an unemployed job seeker 55+ we are looking for you.

Join us at :

phone: 1-646-876-9923

Meeting ID: 962 2758 1691

any questions? call 518-769-0004

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“Our Beloved Community” Mass Food Distribution

“Our Beloved Community” Mass Food Distribution

Come receive food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and other items

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 9:30am until food is gone
833 Broadway, Albany, NY

• Please do not arrive before 9AM
• Food will be given out at 9:30
• There will be healthcare vendors you can interact with
• Everyone must practice social distancing & wear masks
• Share this information with others

Food Distribution - Flyer - North Albany - Oct 2020

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Your Vote Counts

9-30-20 Your Vote Counts (1)

Voting Early can help you stay safe from COVID-19

All New York voters are also eligible to vote absentee during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can request an absentee ballot by visiting

Early Voting sites are open Saturday, October 24 – Sunday, November 1. You can vote at any of the early voting sites in your county.

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ZOOM Link:
SESSION I SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2020 10 A.M. – 12 P.M.

Session I: Keynote by Rev. Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson, Grace Baptist Church
Other presentations: Food Insecurities with Daniel Bonnet, New Rochelle Community Action Partnership
Civic Engagement with Mayo Bartlett, PLLC, Civil Rights Attorney, Education with Professor Rebekah
Zwick, PhD, Westchester Community College

Session II: Keynote by James Rodriguez, Fathers & Families Coalition of America, Inc.
Other presentations: Employment with Nashon Halevi, Westchester Co. Office of Workforce Development,
Child Care with Nicole Masucci, Child Care Council of Westchester, Mental Health how to reduce stress
and anxiety

Session III: Keynote by Andre Rainey, Mayor City of Peekskill
Other presentations: will address: Effective Fathers with Scott Leach, NYC Director of Fatherhood Initiative;
Making the Holiday Happier, community resources that support family development; Grandpas
United, how this program of local grandfathers stands in the gap for families.

Fatherhood Conference Flyer FINAL WEB ADA

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BusPlus River Corridor

Building 40 Miles Of Bus Rapid Transit


The Capital District Transportation Authority is building a 40-mile network of Bus Rapid Transit service to connect the Capital Region. CDTA is the only upstate transit system to build and operate BRT service, beginning with the introduction of the BRT Red Line, which provides rail-like service, along the Route 5 corridor linking Albany, Colonie, Niskayuna and Schenectady.

CDTA’s BRT network is expanding with a second line, travelling along the “River Corridor”, connecting neighborhoods, downtowns, and employment centers in communities adjacent to the Hudson River. The 16-mile BRT Blue Line will provide enhanced service from Albany’s South End to Menands, Watervliet, Troy, Cohoes, and Waterford.

This corridor produces 3 million transit rides annually and is undergoing a revitalization with developments that need more service. The Blue Line will serve a dense, urban corridor that connects offices, universities, shopping centers, retail districts, and residential areas in the heart of the Capital Region. These characteristics make it an excellent fit for Bus Rapid Transit service.

Blue Line service will be provided along two routes to provide more options for customers. One route will run from Delaware/Second Avenue to Cohoes, while the other route will run from South Pearl Street to Waterford. BRT offers limited stop service, improving traffic congestion on adjoining roadways. The Blue Line will feature the distinctive BusPlus branding scheme that signifies premium service. Customers will use large, and weather resistant stations, have access to real time information and complimentary Wi-Fi service.

Blue Line Overview 

River Corridor BRT_One Pager_Oct20_Page_1

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CDL Hosts Wellness Event for Men of Color, Featuring COVID-19 Testing, Colorectal Cancer Screening, Yoga & More!

Your health and safety are our priorities! We are following strict COVID-19 health & safety guidelines, so space is limited to a small number of participants at a time. Participants are not required to stay for the duration of the event.

¡Su salud y seguridad son nuestras prioridades!! Estamos siguiendo estrictas medidas de seguridad y salud de COVID-19; es por esto que el espacio es limitado a un pequeño número de participantes para mantener medidas de distanciamiento. Los participantes no están obligados a permanecer durante todo el evento.


CDL’s first in-person event during the COVID-19 pandemic will include mental health sessions & nutrition workshops

(Albany, NY)—Capital District Latinos (CDL), an affiliate of the nonprofit Acacia Network, will host a special event, “Wellness Workshops & Health Screenings for Men of Color,” in collaboration with the New York State Department of Health’s Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities Prevention.

The free event will feature onsite COVID-19 testing; prostate and colorectal cancer information; colorectal cancer screening for men 50 and older; mental health sessions with a certified psychologist; nutrition and wellness workshops; yoga and exercise; information on the effects of COVID-19 on men in the LGBTQ+ community, and more.

Free masks, hand sanitizers, healthy refreshments, and boxed lunches will be provided. Workshops will be offered in English and Spanish. Participants will receive $20 gift cards and giveaways, including toiletries and other wellness items.

Your health and safety are our priorities! We are following strict COVID-19 health & safety guidelines, so space is limited to a small number of participants at a time. Participants are not required to stay for the duration of the event.

For more information, contact Micky Jimenez at 518.801.9440 Ext. 5080.

WHAT: Wellness Workshops & Health Screenings for Men of Color

WHEN: Saturday, October 24, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM

WHERE: Cultural Empowerment & Community Engagement Center (160 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12206)


Join Us During our Weekly Virtual Wellness Events

Acacia Network, in partnership with our affiliate, the Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly (IPRHE), invites you to participate in our Virtual Wellness Series for Seniors and Essential Workers, which features diverse workshops and events in areas such as physical fitness, relaxation, mindfulness, music and dance, census outreach, and voting information, among others.

These workshops aim to nurture the social-emotional well-being of seniors in our programs, as well as our frontline workers. Everyone is invited to join, FREE of cost!

We hope you’ll join us during one or more of the events listed below:

• Fri, Oct 16 | 11 AM: COVID-19 Conversations: Mental Health, Equity & Resilience
• Mon, Oct. 19 | 11:00 AM: Latin Dance
• Wed, Oct. 21 | 11:00 AM: Total Body Condition
• Fri, Oct. 23 | 11:00 AM: Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration: Music & Poetry
• Mon, Oct. 26 | 11:00 AM: Healthy Financial Habits
• Wed, Oct. 28 | 11:00 AM: Tai Chi
• Fri, Oct 30 | 11:00 AM: Halloween Masquerade Ball

For more info, please contact Angel Santini at or 917-634-6963.


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ALBANY, NEW YORK – During the COVID-19 school closures, some students with Individualized Education Plans (IEP) did not receive instruction and services according to their Plans.  These students might be eligible for compensatory education services if they did not make adequate progress. Compensatory services make up for instruction and services not provided according to the IEP. The individualized make-up services must help the student progress toward his or her IEP goals.

School districts should first assess each student’s current performance levels. Districts should then compare those levels with that student’s pre-closure performance levels. Districts should also consider what level the student should have achieved if schools had remained open. Review should include looking at all sections of the IEP.

Parents and guardians can and should keep track of student performance and progress as best they can. They should bring any specific concerns to the child’s special education teacher, supportive service provider, and Committee on Special Education (CSE)’s attention.  They should do this in writing. Parents can ask the school for copies of progress monitoring information. They can also ask the CSE to meet to discuss concerns.

School staff members can also bring concerns to the CSE’s attention if the assessments show loss of skills or lack of progress.

The Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York’s Children’s Law Project can advise and assist parents of low-income children with disabilities at no charge. You can learn more about the Children’s Law Project by visiting If you have questions about an education matter, please contact LASNNY by calling (833) 628-0087.


Since 1923 the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York has worked to ensure fairness in the justice system and address some of our community’s most serious problems by providing free civil legal aid to low-income individuals and families. The Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York fights for fairness, dignity, and justice for those living in poverty and for a society which is inclusive and equitable for all. LASNNY transforms lives, builds community, and empowers people by using the law to address individual and systemic wrongs and inequalities.


The Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York provides effective, free civil legal services and education to and advocacy for people with low income or other barriers to accessing the legal system. We secure basic needs, protect and preserve legal rights, provide equal access to justice, and seek fairness and dignity for our clients. We have 150 staff in five offices, serving 16 counties from the Catskills to the Canadian border.

Legal Aid Society

Press Release
October 16, 2020
For more information contact:

Deanne Grimaldi
Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York
Director of Development and Communications
Mobile: 518-860-6629

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Are you currently enrolled in Medicare? Will you be turning 65 over the next year or two?

Learn about eligibility, how and when to enroll, when you can make changes and the insurance options available to you. Review and compare what services are covered/not covered under Medicare Parts A, B, C and D. Detail the costs associated with medical and drug insurance. Explore and evaluate Original Medicare, Medicare Supplement Insurance, Prescription Drug Plans and
Medicare Advantage Plans.
This educational program will simplify the choices you need to make, help you make more well-informed decisions and explain what Medicare means for you.

  • Registration is required for this event at
  • At the registration page, please fill in your first name only and leave your last name blank.
  • After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


James Farnham MS, MBA, has thirty years’ experience in insurance and financial services and currently works as a licensed agent. Over the last 10 years, he has taught this program, both live and webinar, for numerous libraries, schools, colleges, universities, businesses, learning centers and adult & continuing education programs. Jim works with individuals to determine the most appropriate coverage and then to assist them in the enrollment process.


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FREE FOOD! Farmers to Families Food Box


Albany County Plaza (260 South Pearl St.) Drive-thru Food Box Pick-up
Fridays: October 16, 23, 30
5:00 – 7:00 pm
The Capital District YMCA is providing our community access to the fresh and wholesome food we need during the COVID-19 national emergency.

Join us to pick-up a box of food including:
Assorted fruits and vegetables Meat and eggs Dairy: cheese, butter, cream cheese, and 1 gallon of milk **Ingredients subject to changes based on availability** Free and open to the community!

518.272.5900 x2200

Albany_Farmer to Families Promo

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South End CC – Move Food Event Schedule

Here are the latest food distributions from Catholic Charities and the Regional Food Bank.



Address Pallets Volunteer AM Arrival Start Time
   10/6 Fort Plain 119 Reid Street 12 8:15 9:30
   10/9 Metropolitan Baptist Church 105 Second Street, Albany 12 8:15 9:30
10/15 Centro Civico 143 Main Street Amsterdam 12 8:15 9:30
10/16 Lansingburgh  501 4th Ave. Troy 12 8:15 9:30
10/19 Crosstown Plaza Watt Street Schenectady 12 8:15 9:30
  10/21 Centro Civico 230 Green St., Albany 756 boxes 8:15 9:30
 10/22 Macedonia Baptist 26 Wilson Ave Albany 12 8:15 9:30
10/27 833 Broadway Albany 12 8:15 9:30
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Resident Success Stories


Ciara has achieved goals she started the FSS program with and additional goals she didn’t even know she had. “At the time, my goals were to go back to school, clear up my debt and buy my first home. During my time in the FSS program, I managed to raise my credit score, almost clearing my debt. Also I started my own brand (Trezur My Kiss-es) selling t-shirts and other apparel.”
During her time with FSS, Ciara’s vision for her life evolved. “In the beginning you’re thinking about the money. But you realize your goals out of life and the FSS program helps you in pursuing them. In the end, you feel more accomplished.”
One of the unexpected parts of her journey was starting a business. Ciara talks about what it really takes to get a business going: “When I first started this program, I had no idea I would [own] my own business. I started October 31st of 2019. It’s a small online business. But, in the future, I plan on opening a retail store. Owning a business and working days and overnights between two jobs is not as easy as it seems, because you still have to hustle to make sales. Basically, you need to be focused and have motivation. Any goal you want out of life, it’s up to you to make that happen. You have to be willing to put in the work and make small sacrifices.”
Ciara has found that while building a business, you still need to have steady income. So, she has continued full-time employment and plans to continue until the business can create a secure income. In the meantime, she has other dreams. “With the FSS money, I plan on using it to put down on a house. Everything since I started this program has made a difference. My finances, my knowledge, and me being a business owner.”
Ciara and Amibel are pictured above wearing Trezur My Kisses facemasks and Ciara is showcasing a logo shirt.

Apparel is available at:

Ciara Fountain

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Resident Success Stories

Buying a House with FSS Funds

From selling empanadas while her daughters were in dance class, to buying a home, Rosa walked the path to her goal for many years. She has been seriously working on homeownership for two years with the help of Albany Housing Authority’s Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Pro-gram at The WAGE Center and Affordable Housing Partnership.
Back when she was sitting at her orientation to Section 8, dreaming of becoming a homeowner, she re-members, “My mind was so limited…it wasn’t really open. So, I said to myself: I would love to be able to do this. But that’s going to take such a long time. I won’t be able to do it…then life gave me another opportunity and that’s when I took it.”
With the help of Section 8, she was able to join the Family Self-Sufficiency Program, which allowed her to save money whenever she received an increase in rent due to rising work income. This is when the goal of homeownership really started to come into view. “It was a very exciting journey. First, I decided to go to counseling at AHP [Affordable Housing Partnership] and al-lowed them to help me repair my credit. Second, I was advised to attend the First-time Homebuyer classes and I completed all the classes and became certified. Next, I began to search for a home. I’m not going to lie. It wasn’t easy, but worthwhile. It took me almost two years. I believe in my heart that this is the right house and I will be truly happy there.”
Rosa credits Amibel with always being available as her caseworker for FSS and says, “FSS helped me on my journey with extra savings in my FSS ac-count.” Whenever she made an upward change in work related income, the account grew.
Rosa has been to The WAGE Center many times over the last two years in her search for a home. This isn’t the first house she has looked into buying. One thing or another stopped the process before. But, Rosa didn’t give up, because she says, “Becoming a homebuyer gives me a sense of stability and self-confidence.”
In talking about the FSS program, she hopes that others will take advantage of the extra help provided in the form of not only cash, but financial advising, goal set-ting and referrals. “My advice is: Believe in yourself, work hard, persevere and take advantage of the opportunity life gives you.”


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Inspirational Letters for Breast Cancer Awareness Month



Would you like to send someone an inspirational letter in support of survivors and/or battlers of breast cancer?

Please email George Lopez (

with the following information:

•Person Nominating

AHA Inspirational Letters v2

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NYS Voting Dates and Deadlines You Need to Know


Albany County Board of Elections (Former DMV Site)
260 South Pearl St., Albany, (518) 487-5050

October 9, 2020
Last day to register to vote in time for the general election. You may request a voter registration form be mailed to your home by calling 1-800-FOR-VOTE or you may obtain a form online at You can fill it out online or print it out. Forms must be mailed to your county’s Board of Elections.

October 14, 2020
Last day to submit a change of address. You may register to vote on-line here:

OCTOBER 24, 2020 – SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2020

October 27, 2020
Last day to postmark an application or letter of application by mail for an absentee ballot.

November 2, 2020
Last day to apply IN-PERSON for absentee ballot.


November 3, 2020
Last day to postmark and mail-in an absentee ballot. Must be received by the local board of elections no later than Nov. 10th. Military Voter Ballots must be received no later than Nov. 16th.

November 3, 2020
Last day to deliver an absentee ballot IN-PERSON to the local Board of Elections (by someone other than the voter).


Albany County Board of Elections (Former DMV Site)
224 South Pearl St, Albany

Pine Grove United Methodist Church
1580 Central Ave, Albany

Boght Community Fire Department
8 Preston Dr, Cohoes

Berne Volunteer Fire Company
30 Canaday Hill Rd, Berne

Bethlehem Lutheran Church
85 Elm Ave, Delmar

Guilderland Fire Department
2303 Western Ave, Guilderland


Saturday, October 24th–9am to 2pm
Sunday, October 25th–9am to 2pm
Monday, October 26th–12pm to 8pm
Tuesday, October 27th–9am to 5pm
Wednesday, October 28th–12pm to 8pm
Thursday, October 29th–9am to 5pm
Friday, October 30th–9am to 5pm
Saturday, October 31st–9 am to 2pm
Sunday, November 1st–9am to 2pm

NYS Voting Info (Albany County)

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Significant Economic Impact Payments Through CARES Act Still Available To Low-Income Residents in the Capital Region


Significant Economic Impact Payments Through CARES Act Still Available To Low-Income Residents in the Capital Region

2019 Funds Still Available to Those Who Qualify as Non-Filers and Register by October 15, 2020

ALBANY, NY – Though more than 160 million Americans have already received their Economic Impact Payments (EIP), the IRS is reminding New Yorkers  who receive little or no income and are not required to file a tax return that they may be still eligible to receive an EIP payment in 2019. It’s estimated that 814,000 people in NY State were missed by the automatic payments.

To receive an EIP payment this year, people who qualify may have to provide additional information to the IRS by October 15. Individuals who qualify for an EIP, authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) passed by Congress in March, can receive up to $1,200. Married couples can receive up to $2,400. People with qualifying children under age 17 at the end of 2019 can get up to an additional $500 for each child.

“Making sure everyone who is qualified receives an Economic Impact Payment will help them navigate through these trying times and improve their quality of life,” says Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan. “There is no reason to miss out on receiving these resources designed to help individuals and families through this pandemic, so please register now if you haven’t received your payment yet.”

“Back in March, I joined my colleagues in Congress to swiftly advance the CARES Act to deliver the support Americans needed to weather this storm,” Congressman Paul Tonko said. “As we continue to face the financial hardships caused by this crisis, it is important that everyone has the resources available to them to help themselves and their families, which is why I have not stopped fighting in Washington to deliver the federal support that our communities need with a COVID-19 rescue plan. I encourage anyone in the Capital Region who thinks they may qualify to pursue these critical funds.”

“Everyone who is qualified deserves to receive an Economic Impact Payment,” said NY State Senator Neil D. Breslin. “It is crucial that no family slips between the cracks. If you or someone you know has not received a payment, please use this helpful tool from the IRS by October 15.”

Qualifying people who have not received their EIP payments yet can use the Non-Filers Tool, available only at The Non-Filers tool is designed for people with incomes typically below $24,400 for married couples, and $12,200 for singles. This includes couples and individuals who are experiencing homelessness. Those unable to access the Non-Filers tool may submit a simplified paper return following the procedures described in the Economic Impact Payment FAQs at, which also includes eligibility requirements.

Anyone using the Non-Filers tool can speed up the arrival of their payment by choosing to receive it by direct deposit. Those not choosing this option will get a check. Beginning two weeks after they register, people can track the status of their payment using the Get My Payment tool, available only on



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South End Connector Community Site Walk

South End Connector Community Site Walk

WHAT: The South End Connector is a new shared use trail below I-787 in the South End. Joins us for a site walk to talk about ideas to activate this space!

WHEN: Saturday, October 10th, 10:00 AM

WHERE: Departing from in front of Steamboat Square Apartments, 20 Rensselaer Street

RSVP: to Lauren Alpert
Email: or
call: 518-434-5250.

Space is limited.

20200929_Community Site Walk

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Emergency Rental Assistance


UTA’s Emergency Financial Assistance service assists tenants at-risk of homelessness by directly addressing arrears, utility delinquency, security deposit and/or 1st months’ rent costs to prevent displacement.
UTA is able to provide financial assistance to public housing tenants in the City of Albany – United Tenants of Albany provides financial assistance to public housing tenants who are facing eviction and/or facing a utility shut off. In order to obtain assistance, tenants must be at risk of homelessness and/or eviction.


Housing Condition
Facing Eviction Due to Non-Payment of Rent
Eligible Location
City of Albany and
Public Housing Unit



CALL US: (518) 436-8997 Extension 3

Rental Assistance info graphic

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South End Connector Bike Rodeo and Ride

South End Connector Bike Rodeo and Ride

Presented by Albany PAL, the Albany Police Department and the Albany Department of Planning & Development

•Take the Bike Test and show us what you got on our Skills or Braking Course
•Free Bicycle Helmet to registered participants (while they last)
•Enjoy a great ride on the recently completed South End Connector Trail with Albany Police Department Bike Officers
•Hot Dog BBQ compliments of the Albany Community Development Agency
•Have a scoop of complimentary ice cream by Stewarts and the Albany PAL YLC
•PAL Challenge games and win a prize
•Balloon sculptures by Victor the Clown

WHEN: Saturday, October 3, 10 AM
WHERE: 4th Avenue & Green Street in the parking lot and on the South End Connector trail.

Kathy Sheehan, Mayor, City of Albany
Christopher Spencer, Commissioner, Planning & Development

20200917_SEC Bike Rodeoddd

Albany Police Athletic League

20200917_SEC Bike Rodeo

To learn more about the South End Connector visit

20200917_SEC Bike Rodeo Flyer

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Do you have questions about special education rights for the 2020/21 school year?

Civil Legal Help During COVID-19 Special Education Questions?

Questions about special education rights for the 2020/21 year?

  • Are you concerned with how your child will receive services in a virtual or hybrid setting?
  • Are you wondering if the school district will have to provide your child with make-up services?

Call Us, We are Here to Help!

Legal Aid 1

The Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York provides free legal advice and services to eligible low-income residents for a variety of civil (not criminal) legal problems including, but not limited to:

Legal Aid 2

For updates on changes that may affect you due to COVID-19,

go to COVID

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Application Clinics at the WAGE Center

Get personal help finding and filling out online applications

MONDAYS 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
& 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
TUESDAYS 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM

WAGE Center

200 Green Street

2020 Application Clinics

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