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City of Albany and COVID Recovery Task Force Seek Input on the Use of American Rescue Plan Funds






Date: June 17, 2021

Contact: David Galin


City of Albany and COVID Recovery Task Force Seek Input on the Use of American Rescue Plan Funds 

Deadline For First Survey Extended to Friday, June 25, 2021 

ALBANY, NY – The City of Albany and the COVID Recovery Task Force are seeking input on the City’s use of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds. Your feedback is essential to ensuring that the discretionary ARP funds are used in the most impactful ways for our community. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey by Friday, June -25 – 20 questions estimated at under 15 minutes to complete.

On March 12, 2021, Mayor Sheehan announced the creation of a COVID Recovery Task Force to ensure the City of Albany equitably and strategically maximizes the resources available to its residents, businesses, and community organizations. More information on the Task Force.

Signed into law by President Biden in March 2021, the ARP has provided funding to states, local governments, and other entities to help replace lost revenues, cover COVID-related expenses, and reverse the economic impacts of this pandemic. The City of Albany was allocated approximately $80.7 million as part of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan.

The 41 experts who make up the Task Force represent a wide cross-section of community, educational, healthcare and commercial sectors, and – in addition to these surveys – will draw from existing community strategies and their extensive experience to provide information on trends and impacts in their industries, while representing the populations they serve. As the Task Force’s work progresses, it is important for the City to obtain input from the public on local needs and priorities to ensure local needs are being well-represented. The City of Albany COVID Recovery Task Force will be working with their diverse constituent groups directly in addition to these two widespread public surveys to meet these needs. The final report produced will ultimately help guide the City of Albany and its Common Council on how best to allocate resources for recovery from the pandemic. Thank you in advance for making your voice heard in this important effort.


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Free Saturday Bus service

Nature Bus flyer 2021

As you may know, this past Saturday was the first run of the free Nature Bus Service powered by CDTA! Yay!

This service is free every Saturday from June 12th to September 25th.

Right now, we are hoping to ramp up communications within the communities the bus serves to get folks riding this service so it can continue for years to come!

Attached please find our two-page flyer with information on the bus. I have also included a link to the CDTA schedule here. Please share both widely.

For us, we really want to build a sense of security with this service. All locations were chosen with the user in mind – -meeting folks at every stop with informational kiosks, well-marked trails and staffed welcome centers at half the stops.

If I was to recommend a start destination, it would be Pine Hollow Arboretum. They have a small space that is easy to navigate and a welcome center. They are also staffed for Saturdays as far as I know. My second stop would be Five Rivers. Folks are dropped right at the welcome center and most weekends have programming for families right on site.

If we could get community groups within the areas the bus serves to host a first trip to a location to help people experience it and show them the ropes, we think this would best help folks to use the bus confidently. Please feel free to reach out should you have interest in having MHLC lead a walk for a group at one of our two location stops (Bennett Hill and Normanskill West Preserves). We would be happy to lend support to your group! I am also happy to connect you with a contact at other partner locations to lead groups if that’s of interest.

Thank you again for your efforts to spread the word about this service to date and into the future. We appreciate it!

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City of Albany COVID Recovery Needs Assessment Survey

City of Albany COVID Recovery Task Force Public Survey #1

COVID-19 Recovery Needs Assessment

The City of Albany and the COVID Recovery Task Force are seeking input on the City’s use of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds. Your feedback is essential to ensuring that the discretionary ARP funds are used in the most impactful ways for our community. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey by Friday, June 18 – 20 questions estimated at under 15 minutes to complete.

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Nature Bus is headed your way!

Through generous support of state, local and private funds Nature Bus is FREE!

Partners at each destination are also offering free programs and kid-related activities on most Saturdays!

Are you ready to get outside Albany?
Nature Bus is headed your way!

Nature Bus is brought to you by Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy in partnership with CDTA. This free bus serves Albany City communities. Jump on board in the morning and spend your Saturday exploring trees of the world at Pine Hollow Arboretum, walking trails in the woods at Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy preserves, or visiting Five Rivers for outdoor education opportunities. You can also take the bus to Thacher Park for a spectacular view from the top of the Helderberg Escarpment!

Check out the full list of destinations below.

Where can I get on the bus?
• Livingston & Lark
• North Pearl & State
• South Pearl & State
• Second & South Pearl
• Second/Whitehall & Delaware
• Whitehall & New Scotland

Where will Nature Bus take me?
• Tivoli Lake Preserve and Farm, Albany
• Pine Hollow Arboretum, Slingerlands
• Albany County Helderberg-Hudson Rail Trail, Slingerlands
• Five Rivers Environmental Education Center, Delmar
• Hilton Barn Park & Helderberg-Hudson Rail Trail, Voorheesville
• John Boyd Thacher State Park, Voorheesville
• Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy’s Bennett Hill Preserve, Clarksville
• Lawson Lake County Park, Feura Bush
• Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy’s Norman’s Kill West Preserve, Delmar

Nature Bus flyer 2021

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New Nature Bus Connects Communities to Outdoor Opportunities in Albany County

New Nature Bus Connects Communities to Outdoor Opportunities in Albany County

(Originally Posted June 10, 2021 on the CDTA Website)

Free Service to Run Every Saturday Through September 25, 2021

ALBANY, NY (June 10, 2021) The Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy (MHLC) has partnered with the Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA), New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation, and local partners to provide a free bus service to connect communities in the City of Albany to natural areas in Albany County that are a short ride from downtown Albany.

MHLC Conservation Director Sarah Walsh, the architect of this partnership, said, “Access to nature is something we all need, but not something we all have access to. Through Nature Bus, we will take an important and long overdue step towards ensuring access to these spaces for everyone.”

Nature Bus will run every Saturday, with service starting on June 12, 2021, and running through September 25, 2021, bringing Albany residents to some of the region’s most scenic outdoor destinations. Nature Bus riders can explore trees of the world at Pine Hollow Arboretum, walk trails in the woods at Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy preserves, or visit Five Rivers for outdoor education opportunities. Residents can also take the bus to Thacher Park for a spectacular view from the top of the Helderberg Escarpment. All partner locations have easy-to-navigate maps and well-marked trails to make the user experience fun and easy. All locations are free and open to the public from dawn to dusk. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult when visiting Five Rivers, Thacher Park, and Pine Hollow Arboretum.

Nature Bus will have stops at the following locations within the City of Albany:

Livingston and Lark                                                   North Pearl and State

South Pearl and State                                                 Second and South Pearl

Second/Whitehall and Delaware                                Whitehall and New Scotland

Nature Bus will make four stops each Saturday at the following locations:

  • Tivoli Lake Preserve and Farm, Albany
  • Pine Hollow Arboretum, Slingerlands
  • Albany County Helderberg-Hudson Rail Trail, Slingerlands
  • Five Rivers Environmental Education Center, Delmar
  • Hilton Barn Park & Helderberg-Hudson Rail Trail, Voorheesville
  • John Boyd Thacher State Park, Voorheesville
  • Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy’s Bennett Hill Preserve, Clarksville
  • Lawson Lake County Park, Feura Bush
  • Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy’s Normans Kill West Preserve, Delmar

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos said, “DEC is proud to support the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy and Capital District Transportation Authority’s Nature Bus initiative to help connect more New Yorkers with nature. Connecting young people to the outdoors is the best way to cultivate our next generation of environmental stewards in the Capital Region. This free service will provide access to outdoor gems close to home that they otherwise might not have the opportunity to explore, appreciate, and enjoy.”

State Parks Commissioner Erik Kulleseid said, “We couldn’t be more excited to partner with MHLC to tear down barriers and expand access to historically underserved communities in the City of Albany. We can’t wait to greet our newest patrons with a warm welcome. John Boyd Thacher State Park offers family friendly activities, a world class nature education facility, and some of the most beautiful trails in the state. This program brings us one important step closer to recognizing our mission to make parks accessible to everyone.”

Albany County Executive Daniel P. McCoy said, “I commend the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy and CDTA for once again thinking outside the box and developing this exciting program. The Nature Bus will provide free rides to some of Albany County’s best outdoor offerings to communities who may not have had the opportunity or ability to access these sites. This effort is consistent with the County’s ongoing equity agenda and I strongly encourage residents to take advantage of this service. I am especially proud that our Rail Trail and Lawson Lake County Park are included in the route.”

Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan said, “The Nature Bus is a wonderful way to connect our communities to several beautiful locations including the recently revitalized Tivoli Lake Preserve and Farm in Albany. Many people may not have the ability to get to these outdoor spaces and providing this opportunity introduces all the benefits of being in nature. I want to thank Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy, CDTA, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and the State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation for collaborating to provide access to nature for everyone.”

Mark King, Executive Director of the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy said,“The Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy is so pleased to work with a wide variety of partners on this important endeavor. As we learned during the pandemic, access to nature is critical for our emotional and physical well-being, but for many this access is challenging. We hope the Nature Bus will encourage more people to get out and explore all of the wonderful parks and preserves throughout the Capital Region. Many thanks to CDTA and the partners and project supporters who contributed so much to make the Nature Bus possible.”

Carm Basile, Chief Executive Officer of CDTA said, “Providing accessibility and opportunity to our local communities continues to be a top priority. We are thrilled to partner with the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy to introduce the Nature Bus as a convenient resource that will inspire those to experience the diverse and natural wonders that surround the Capital Region. We are committed to providing new and improved ways to enhance transportation services and the Nature Bus is an innovative program that will provide services to communities who may not have access to these beautiful, nature sites.”

Kim Tateo, Executive Director and Farm Manager for Friends of Tivoli Lake Farm and Preserve said, “We hope you enjoy the new Brother Yusuf Burgess Trail and the Preserve as a whole. We hope you have peaceful adventures!”

Gabrielle Sant’Angelo, Executive Director of The Pine Hollow Arboretum said, “The Nature Bus provides the ability to come explore, connect, and enjoy the natural beauty of the arboretum. We invite everyone to walk the trails, admire the trees, appreciate the wildlife, and discover things they have not yet experienced.”

This project would not be possible without partnerships from CDTA, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historical Preservation, Friends of the Tivoli Lake Preserve and Farm, Pine Hollow Arboretum, and Albany County. Funding to make this service free is courtesy of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, MVP Health Care, Friends of Thacher Park, and private funders.

To learn more about location amenities and suggested things to bring to make your trip fun and easy, visit MHLC’s Nature Bus website:

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COVID-19: Upcoming Vaccination Events

Date / Time Location Vaccine
M-F Daily

9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Albany County Department of Health Pfizer; J & J

4:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Refugee Welcome Center Pfizer; J & J

4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Cap Center Pfizer; J & J

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Capital District Latinos Pfizer; J & J

12:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Broad St & Alexander St. Pfizer; J & J

4:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Refugee Welcome Center

Pfizer; J & J

CDL COVID flyer spanish - June 12th version (2)

CDL COVID flyer english - June 12th version

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Underground Railroad – Juneteenth Celebration

Tours and Presentations by the teen members of the Young Abolitionist Leadership Institute

Where: Underground Railroad Education Center, 194 Livingston Ave

When: Saturday, June 19th @ 1PM – 4PM

Free to the Public

Learn More At:

Juneteenth flier - 2021

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South End Connector: Activate This Space

20210528_Community Meeting3

Public Meeting #3

What: The South End Connector is new shared use trail below 1-787 in the South End. Come see the updates to the design and share feedback.

When: The third meeting will be on Tuesday, June 15th at 6:30PM

Where: Online “Zoom” meeting. Registration is required, please sign up at

*If zoom is new technology for you please sign in at 6:20pm to learn the basics.

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City of Albany holding three events to celebrate Pride Month

Albany Inclusive Pride 2021

ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) – On June 1, the City of Albany will be holding three events throughout the day to kick-off Pride Month:

State Senator Neil Breslin honors LBGTQ History with a check to the Pride Center of the Capital Region

At 10:45 a.m. at Albany City Hall, New York State Senator Neil Breslin will present a $25,000 check to the Pride Center of the Capital Region. Started in 1970, the Pride Center of the Capital Region is the oldest continually operating Center in the United States. 2020 was the 50th anniversary for the Pride Center, but due to the Pandemic the anniversary was not honored publicly. Senator Breslin believes in the importance of safe spaces and the mental health and inclusive and affirming spaces that the Pride Center represents for these now 51 years.

LGBTQ flag raising

At 11 a.m. at Albany City Hall, the City of Albany will host the annual Pride Flag Raising event, marking the official kick-off of LGBTQ Pride Month for the City of Albany, Capital Region, and State of New York. Pride Center Board President John Daniels and In Our Own Voices Chief Executive Director Tandra LaGrone will join elected officials and community leaders. The Pride Flag Raising can be viewed live by visiting Mayor Kathy Sheehan’s Facebook page.

Parade kick-off reception

At 5:30 p.m., the 2021 Pride Kick off Reception will take place at the Palace Theater. The free reception will feature a live performance, cocktails and lite fare.

To learn more here about all the June Pride Events in the Capital Region, visit the Capital Region Pride website.

Original Article can be found at News10

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Upcoming training programs with BOCES!!


2021-2022 Occ Ed description


Childhood Development Associates: BOCES is partnering with the YMCA and Brightside Up to offer this course. This 40 week course takes place every Tuesday evening from 5:30PM-8:30PM at the Capital South Campus Center. The course is geared for adult learners who wish to have a career in Early Childhood Education in a daycare facility. To apply, call Heather at 518-426-7181 Ext. 347. You must apply by June 20th. Funding is available for those who meet income eligibility.

Forklift Training:  This 8 hour training will give you the necessary skills to operate a sit-down power industrial forklift. Participants will have class time and seat time in the forklift and must also pass a written and practical exam. If they pass the course, BOCES will issue an operator’s permit. The course is offered at our Albany CTE location (1015 Watervliet Shaker Rd.) and our CTE Schoharie site (174 State Rt. 30A.) The course cost is $200.00.  Schedule is to be determined.

Security Guard Training: This is an 8 hour course required by NYS for anyone interested in becoming a non-armed security guard. The course will take place at the Capital South Campus Center and costs $150. Participants who pass the exam will be issued a NYS license and could be employed by various security agencies. Schedule is to be determined.

Following this course, we will offer the “On-the-Job-Training (OJT)” course which is 16 hours, followed by the annual renewal course which is 8 hours.


HVAC/R:  This course runs from September until June and is typically 450 hours of instruction. The program will run Monday – Thursday from 3:30PM-7:00PM at our CTE Albany Campus – 1015 Watervliet Shaker Rd.  During this course you will have hands-on activities and the curriculum includes gas heat, oil heat, electrical, air conditioning, low pressure boilers, refrigration, and more. This course does NOT include plumbing.

The course cost is approximately $6,500.

Welding:  This course runs from September until June and is 500 hours of instruction. The program will run Monday through Thursday from 3:00PM-7:00PM at our CTE Albany Campus – 1015 Watervliet Shaker Rd.  During this course you will have hands-on activities and the curriculum includes MIG welding, TIG welding, Stick Welding, and some fabrication.

The course cost is approximately $7,000.

Residential Electrical: The class starts in September and goes until December. This class is held Monday-Thursday from 3PM-6PM. This program will prepare you for entry level positions in the Residential Electrical Field. You will receive your OSHA 10 Certification and a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course. The Commercial Electrical course will follow in January.

This course costs approximately $2,500.

Tuition Assistance:

Capital Region BOCES does not provide financial aid for these programs, however funding is available through various agencies. The local American Jobs Center (formerly known as Career Centers) at the local Department of Labor will provide funding for eligible applicants. Additionally, we encourage everyone (especially those who have a diagnosed or undiagnosed disability) to connect with ACCES-VR to see if they meet their eligibility for funding as well. 

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Albany Can Code and BOCES Classes

Code 1 Code 2

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The FreeThem Walk Event


May 28 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Coming to The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence on Friday, May 28!
194 Livingston Avenue

The FreeTHEM Walk-ers recognize that human trafficking is modern-day slavery, and there are many victims in the United States. To help stop human trafficking, they educate others about the crime and inform them how to identify and help victims. The FreeTHEM Walk is made of a group of abolitionists who will spread awareness to light a path toward freedom for enslaved people today. With help from supporters like you, we believe we can abolish human trafficking in our lifetime.

Every Stop Has A Story —The FreeTHEM Walk-ers are walking nearly 1,000 miles on the Underground Railroad to help raise awareness about modern day slavery, better known as human trafficking. Each individual stop has its own story – Appomattox Courthouse (5.04.21), White House of the Confederacy (5.07.21), Fauquier History Museum at the Old Jail & THe Plains (5.10.21), Bucktown General Store (5.12.21), New Castle Court House (5.15.21), Liberty Bell, President’s House, Belmont Mansion, & Historical Society of PA. (5.17.21), African Burial Grounds (5.21.21), Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence (5.28.21), Gerrit Smith Estate (5.31.21), Harriet Tubman Residence (6.02.21), African American Heritage Corridor (6.19.21), Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center (6.20.21).

Welcome the walkers at The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence on Friday, May 28!

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Announcing: Immersion Tours.  A unique Albany experience.


Starting May 14

Ten Broeck Mansion Re-opens for tours – by pre-registration
Tours available:
Fridays 10 am, 11 am, noon, 1 pm
Saturdays 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm
Thanks to a generous anonymous Trustee, all children’s tours at the Ten Broeck Mansion are again FREE in 2021.

Architecture & Garden Tours – by pre-registration
select Wednesdays 1 pm

Immersion Tours: by pre-registration
The Mansions: Ten Broeck Mansion, Schuyler Mansion Grounds, Historic Cherry Hill
Freedom & Opportunity in Albany: Ten Broeck Mansion, Myers Residence, Irish American Heritage Museum
Albany: Native Voices Ten Broeck Mansion, Albany Institute of History & Art

Save the Dates!

Living History Days: Community Gardening, Art, Health & History Days
June 19, July 10, August 14, September 11 –  registration information coming soon

Archaeology Day
In partnership with Hartgen Archaeological Associates
July 24 – registration information coming soon

Art meets History Kits
Free educational kits, self-guided tours, and ever-changing plant id coloring cards available from our garden kiosk

Free Persons of Color in 19th c Albany Panel
We were honored to present our research and new approaches to interpretation at the Ten Broeck Mansion in a panel with Historic Cherry Hill staff and Dr. Kori Graves, Associate Professor of History at SUNY Albany.  Click here to watch the discussion online.

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Albany Community Action Partnership – Early Childhood Education


ACAP – Apply Now Flyer

Apply Now Post Card

Community Partner Letter

Virtual Flier

Dear Community Partner,

My name is Kerri Trethaway, an Outreach Coordinator at ACAP (Albany Community Action Partnership) here in Albany. Gail Perry may have been working with you and I am now transitioning to her outreach responsibilities. I am writing you today not only to introduce myself as your representative for ACAP, especially our Early Childhood Education Program (Head Start and Early
Head Start), but also to establish our partnership.
ACAP excels in partnering with families and their child to prepare for success in Kindergarten and beyond. Qualified professionals provide services for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years of age at no
cost to families. Educational materials and curriculum align with most public-school systems in Albany county. Services for children ages 3 years to 5 years correspond with the calendar and
schedules of local school districts. Services for children 6 weeks to 3 years are available 12 months per year from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. These services are also at no cost to families, but a
childcare subsidy is required. In addition, to an array of best practice approaches to early education, several parent workshops, tailored to the needs of families in program are offered.
Other services and opportunities include:

• Nutritious breakfasts and lunches at no cost to families
• Support for well childcare and other medical/health issues
• Opportunities to work closely with classroom teams as a classroom volunteer supporting them to value and promote life -long learning for them and their children
• Being part of program planning and quality improvement – leadership opportunities
• Diapers and formula for infants at no cost to families while children are in program
• Career Service – supports progress of individuals and their families toward economic self-sufficiency.
• Energy Services – our program helps to make your home more comfortable and energy efficient.

We are extremely interested in continuing to work with your organization to help provide more resources and support to those in the community who need it . Please consider dispersing our
materials to those who may be interested. Referrals may be sent to our service navigation team at 518-463-3175 option 2 or myself. A significant service we provide at ACAP is a referral of our
customers to appropriate services. We would like to have material and information to share with our staff and customers to facilitate this referral process , so if you have fliers or other
materials, I am interested in sharing this information with our team at ACAP.
If you have any questions/requests, please feel free to contact me at 518 -285-5021. I may also be reached via email at Thank you for continuing to work with us to help
families reach their full potential.

Kerri Trethaway Outreach Coordinator
P: 518-285-5021

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Albany Multi-Craft Apprenticeship Preparation Program Open House

Are you or someone you know interested in pursuing an opportunity to get into the building trades?

Save the date for the May 12th Open House ,  and spread the word as this may be the opportunity you are waiting for.

Location 29 Broad Street (Behind the John Howe Library and the South End Fire Station)


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Johnson & Johnson Paused Lifted

_CDL J&J COVID flyer english 5th revision (1)[2744] _CDL JNJ COVID flyer spanish 5th revision (1)[2745]

Capital District Latinos and the Albany County Health Department are offering you an opportunity to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

U.S. health officials lifted an 11-day pause on the COVID-19 vaccinations using Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose shot on Friday, after scientific advisers decided its benefits outweigh a rare risk of blood clot.

If you are interested in receiving the single-dose J&J vaccine, please contact or call 518-801-9440 extension 5081.

Los latinos del Distrito Capital y el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Albany le ofrecen la oportunidad de vacunarse contra el COVID-19. Los funcionarios de salud de EE. UU. Levantaron una pausa de 11 días en las vacunas COVID-19 usando la inyección de dosis única de Johnson & Johnson el viernes, después de que los asesores científicos decidieron que sus beneficios superan un riesgo poco común de coágulos sanguíneos. Si está interesado en recibir la vacuna J&J de dosis única, comuníquese con o llame al 518-801-9440 extensión 5081.

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Unpacking Sexual Violence in Communities of Color Series

Unpacking Sexual Violence in Communities of Color Series

Please join panel to discuss starting conversations about sexual violence. The Unpacking Sexual Violence in Communities of Color is a three part series. The conversation will continue
with the Teal Table Talks!

Part 1: What is Not Being Talked About…
APRIL 22, 2021
7:30 PM

Part 2: Community Healing and Accountability – April 23 @7:30pm
Part 3: Call to Action! – May 6 @7:30pm
Watch on FB Live or

Learn more about partner organizations at and

UnPacking Sexual Violence Part 13598

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The Capital Youth Speak-Out

Capital Youth Speak-Out

The Capital Youth Speak-Out

A Community Collaboration Addressing Community Violence

Virtual Event Through Zoom Facebook Live

The City of Albany Equity Agenda has united with multiple local organizations to sponsor The Capital Youth Speak-Out. This event focuses on youth and community violence awareness. Our collective mission is to bring awareness to and prevent community violence.

Registration required to view on zoom or tune into watch on Mayor Kathy Sheehan’s Facebook page, at

Zoom Registration Link:

if you are interested in becoming a community sponsor, please visit


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YouthFX is Hiring!!

Youth FX


We are looking for a full-time Administrative and Operations Manager to join our team. The Administrative and Operations Manager will be responsible for supporting lead staff, managing day-to-day administration, and contributing to a wide variety of key initiatives. At this time, this position will not supervise any other staff positions. The Administrative and Operations Manager will report to and receive support from the Co-Executive Directors of the organization.

This is a full-time position. Pay is commensurate with experience starting at $37K annual salary, with a benefits package provided, including health, vision, dental, workers compensation, and disability, paid vacation time, and professional development.

Youth FX is an equal opportunity employer and strongly encourages Black, Indigenous, and People of Color candidates, people identifying as LGBTQIA+, people with disabilities, formerly incarcerated people, immigrants, and people with working-class backgrounds to apply. 

To apply, please email the following materials to Please include “Administrative and Operations Manager – [your name]” in the email subject line.

  • A brief cover letter demonstrating your interest in the position and your relevant experience.
  • CV or Resume
  • Names and contact information for THREE professional references.

Applicants must be based in the Capital Region or be willing to relocate.

For additional information on YouthFX’s ideal candidate click HERE!

Youth FX is a nationally known youth-led non-profit media organization rooted in Upstate New York. Youth FX was designed to empower young people between the ages of 10-24 by teaching them the technical and creative aspects of digital filmmaking and media production. Our primary mission is to work with diverse groups of youth from communities that have been historically under-served and in need of opportunities to learn filmmaking and acquire skills in emerging media technologies. Youth FX hands-on programming develops leadership skills, creativity, and critical thinking, through the collaborative and artistic process of making films, amplifying the voices of young people in the capital region of New York State and around the world.

For more information on Youth FX please visit our website at

If you think you’re a perfect fit, or know someone who is, please don’t hesitate to pass this along or click HERE.

As always, if you think there’s someone else who’d like to learn about Youth FX, please forward our newsletter and suggest joining our mailing list. If you’re not following us on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook please do so now! To stay updated on our activities.

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Capital District Latinos and Albany County Health Department Offering Vaccinations!



Se le está ofreciendo la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech para prevenir la enfermedad del coronavirus 2019 (COVID 19) causada por el SARS-CoV-2. Esta hoja informativa contiene información que le ayudará a comprender los riesgos y beneficios de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech, que es posible que reciba porque actualmente existe una pandemia del COVID-19.

La vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer-BioNTech es una vacuna que puede prevenir que usted contraiga el COVID-19. No existe una vacuna aprobada por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de EE.UU. (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) para prevenir el COVID-19.

Lea esta hoja informativa para obtener información sobre la vacuna contra el COVID- 19 de Pfizer BioNTech. Hable con el proveedor de la vacuna si tiene alguna pregunta. Es su decisión recibir la vacuna de Pfizer BioNTech contra el COVID-19.

La vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech se administra en una serie de 2 dosis, con 3 semanas de intervalo, en el músculo.

Puede que la vacuna de Pfizer BioNTech contra el COVID-19 no proteja a todos.

Esta hoja informativa puede haber sido actualizada. Para la hoja informativa más reciente, por favor consulte



La enfermedad del COVID-19 es causada por un coronavirus llamado SARS-CoV-2. Este tipo de coronavirus no se ha visto antes. Usted puede contraer el COVID-19 a través del contacto con otra persona que tenga el virus. Es una enfermedad predominantemente respiratoria que puede afectar otros órganos. Las personas con el COVID-19 han tenido una amplia gama de síntomas reportados, desde síntomas leves hasta una enfermedad grave. Los síntomas pueden aparecer de 2 a 14 días después de la exposición al virus. Los síntomas pueden incluir: fiebre o escalofríos; tos; falta de aliento; fatiga; dolores musculares o corporales; dolor de cabeza; nueva pérdida del gusto o del olfato; dolor de garganta; congestión o secreción nasal; náuseas o vómitos; diarrea.


La vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech es una vacuna no aprobada que puede prevenir el COVID-19. No existe una vacuna aprobada por la FDA para prevenir el COVID-19.

La FDA ha autorizado el uso de emergencia de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech para prevenir la infección por el COVID-19 en personas mayores de 16 años bajo una autorización de uso de emergencia (EUA).

Para más información sobre la EUA, vea la sección “¿Qué es una autorización de uso de emergencia (EUA)?” al final de esta hoja informativa.


Informe al proveedor de la vacuna sobre todas sus condiciones médicas, incluyendo si usted:

  • tiene alguna alergia
  • tiene fiebre
  • tiene un trastorno hemorrágico o está tomando un anticoagulante
  • está inmunocomprometido o está tomando un medicamento que afecta a su sistema inmunológico
  • está embarazada o planea quedar embarazada
  • está amamantando
  • ha recibido otra vacuna contra el COVID-19


La FDA ha autorizado el uso de emergencia de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech en personas de 16 años o más.


Usted no debe recibir la vacuna de Pfizer-BioNTech contra el COVID-19 si usted:

  • tuvo una reacción alérgica severa después de una dosis previa de esta vacuna
  • tuvo una reacción alérgica severa a cualquier ingrediente de esta vacuna


La vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech incluye los siguientes ingredientes: ARNm, lípidos ((4-hidroxibutil) azanodiil) bis(hexano-6,1-diil) bis(2-hidroldecanoato), 2 [(polietilenglicol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecilacetamida, 1,2-distearoil-sn-glicero-3-fosfocolina y colesterol), cloruro de potasio, fosfato monobásico de potasio, cloruro de sodio, fosfato dibásico de sodio dihidratado y sacarosa.


La vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech se le administrará en forma de inyección en el músculo.

La serie de vacunas de Pfizer BioNTech contra el COVID-19 es de 2 dosis con 3 semanas de intervalo.

Si usted recibe una dosis de la vacuna de Pfizer-BioNTech contra el COVID 19, deberá recibir una segunda dosis de esta misma vacuna 3 semanas después para completar la serie de vacunación.


La vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer-BioNTech es una vacuna no aprobada. En los ensayos clínicos, aproximadamente 20,000 personas de 16 años o más han recibido al menos una dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer-BioNTech.


En un ensayo clínico en curso, la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer-BioNTech ha demostrado que previene el COVID-19 después de 2 dosis administradas con 3 semanas de intervalo. Actualmente se desconoce la duración de la protección contra el COVID-19.


Los efectos secundarios que se han reportado con la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech incluyen:

  • dolor en el lugar de la inyección
  • cansancio
  • dolor de cabeza
  • dolor muscular
  • escalofríos
  • dolor en las articulaciones
  • fiebre
  • hinchazón del lugar de la inyección
  • enrojecimiento del lugar de la inyección
  • náuseas
  • sentirse mal
  • ganglios linfáticos inflamados (linfadenopatía)

Hay una remota posibilidad de que la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer-BioNTech pueda causar una reacción alérgica grave. Una reacción alérgica grave suele ocurrir entre unos minutos y una hora después de recibir una dosis de la vacuna de Pfizer- BioNTech COVID-19. Los signos de una reacción alérgica grave pueden incluir:

  • Dificultad para respirar
  • Hinchazón de la cara y la garganta
  • Latido cardíaco rápido
  • Sarpullido severo en todo el cuerpo
  • Mareos y debilidad

Puede que estos no sean todos los posibles efectos secundarios de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech. Pueden ocurrir efectos secundarios serios e inesperados. La vacuna de Pfizer BioNTech contra el COVID-19 aún está siendo estudiada en ensayos clínicos.


Si experimenta una reacción alérgica grave, llame al 9-1-1 o vaya al hospital más cercano.

Llame al proveedor de la vacuna o a su proveedor de atención médica si tiene algún efecto secundario que le moleste o que no desaparezca.

Reporte los efectos secundarios de la vacuna al Sistema de Reporte de Eventos Adversos de Vacunas de la FDA/los CDC (VAERS, por sus siglas). El número gratuito del VAERS es 1-800-822-7967 o envíe un reporte en línea a Por favor, incluya “EUA de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech” en la primera línea del cuadro #18 del formulario del informe.

Además, puede reportar los efectos secundarios a Pfizer Inc. a la información de contacto que se proporciona a continuación.

Sitio web Número de fax Número de teléfono 1-866-635-8337 1-800-438-1985



Es su decisión recibir o no la vacuna de Pfizer-BioNTech contra el COVID-19. La atención médica estándar que recibe no cambiará si decide no recibirla.


Actualmente, no hay una vacuna alternativa aprobada disponible para la prevención del COVID-19. La FDA puede permitir el uso de emergencia de otras vacunas para prevenir el COVID-19.


No hay información sobre el uso de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech con otras vacunas.


Si está embarazada o amamantando, discuta sus opciones con su proveedor de atención médica.


No. La vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer-BioNTech no contiene SARS-CoV-2 y no puede darle el COVID-19.


Cuando reciba su primera dosis, recibirá una tarjeta de vacunación que le indicará cuándo debe regresar para su segunda dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer-BioNTech. Recuerde traer su tarjeta cuando regrese.


Si tiene preguntas, visite el sitio web o llame al número de teléfono que se indica a continuación.

Para acceder a las Hojas informativas más recientes, por favor escanee el código QR proporcionado a continuación.

Sitio web global Número de teléfono 1-877-829-2619 (1-877-VAX-CO19)




El proveedor de la vacuna puede incluir la información de su vacunación en el Sistema de Información de Inmunización (IIS, por sus siglas en inglés) de su estado o jurisdicción local u otro sistema designado. Esto asegurará que reciba la misma vacuna cuando regrese para la segunda dosis. Para obtener más información sobre el IIS visite:


El Programa de compensación por lesiones de contramedidas (CICP, por sus siglas en inglés) es un programa federal que puede ayudar a pagar los costos de atención médica y otros gastos específicos de ciertas personas que han sido gravemente lesionadas por ciertos medicamentos o vacunas, incluyendo esta vacuna. Por lo

general, se debe presentar una reclamación al CICP dentro de un (1) año a partir de la fecha de recibir la vacuna. Para obtener más información sobre este programa, visite o llame al 1-855-266-2427.


La FDA de los Estados Unidos ha puesto a disposición la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech bajo un mecanismo de acceso de emergencia llamado una EUA. La EUA está respaldada por una declaración del Secretario de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS, por sus siglas en inglés) en la que se afirma que existen circunstancias que justifican el uso de emergencia de medicamentos y productos biológicos durante la pandemia del COVID-19.

La vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech no ha sido sometida al mismo tipo de revisión que un producto aprobado o autorizado por la FDA. La FDA puede emitir una EUA cuando se cumplen ciertos criterios, incluyendo que no hay alternativas adecuadas, aprobadas y disponibles. Además, la decisión de la FDA se basa en la totalidad de las pruebas científicas disponibles que demuestran que el producto puede ser eficaz para prevenir la pandemia del COVID-19 y que los beneficios conocidos y potenciales del producto superan los riesgos conocidos y potenciales del mismo.

Todos estos criterios deben cumplirse para permitir que el producto se utilice en el tratamiento de pacientes durante la pandemia del COVID-19.

La EUA para la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech está en vigor mientras dure la declaración de la EUA para el COVID-19 que justifica el uso de emergencia de estos productos, a menos que se termine o se revoque (después de lo cual los productos ya no podrán utilizarse).

Revisado en diciembre 2020

La FDA ofrece esta traducción como un servicio para un amplio público internacional. Esperamos que encuentre útil esta traducción. Mientras que la agencia ha tratado de obtener una traducción lo más fiel posible a la versión en inglés, reconocemos que la versión traducida podría no ser tan precisa, clara o completa como la versión en inglés. La versión oficial de este documento es la versión en inglés.

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