BGCCA provides a safe and secure After School (ASP) environment for children ages 5-12. The programs include dinner, enrichment activities, homework help, arts & crafts, game room, mentoring, tutoring, and more.
Albany club House
21 Delaware ave, Albany NY 12210
Sept 11, 2023 – June 21, 2024
M-F, 2:30PM to 5:30PM
Ezra Prentice Housing Authority
625 South Pearl St, Albany, NY 12202
Sept 11, 2023 – June 21, 2024
M-F, 3:00PM to 6:00PM
Troy Clubhouse
1700 7th Ave, Troy, NY 12180
Sept 11, 2023 – June 21, 2024
M-F, 2:30PM to 5:30PM
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The NYSDEC has undertaken an air quality monitoring study to examine the local sources of air pollution impacting Albany South End residents. Most of the monitoring effort is aimed at looking at emissions from motor vehicles and Port activities with equipment to monitor for particles and gasses from these sources. In addition to air monitoring, NYSDEC staff are increasing inspections of motor vehicles for safety and for emissions violations. DEC Staff are also using new technologies to look for emissions from fuel distribution facilities as well as other industries in the region.
The NYSDEC has set up a webpage to learn more about the study. Updated information can be found here:
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National Weatherization Day 2012
Life just improved for hundreds of Albany residents in the South End. They will enjoy a more comfortable winter with new windows, patio doors, insulation and weather stripping thanks to ARRA funded Weatherization Assistance Program improvements in senior and family apartments managed by the Albany Housing Authority. This partnership has lowered the cost to taxpayers with lower utility loads and smaller heating bills for the residents. The continuing reduction in capital improvement funding coming from the federal housing program would have meant this work would not have been possible without the DOE stimulus dollars for energy improvements.
A resident of 230 Green Street recently said how much she appreciates the new modern look, how much easier the windows are to clean, and the house is noticeably warmer. There is better security with the new patio doors as well.
County Executive Daniel McCoy expresses “Partnerships are critical in every aspect of our lives and this is a great example. Congratulations to the many groups involved who are able to help seniors lower their utility bills, stay warmer and have an easier time opening and closing their patio doors and windows. This demonstrates how important the Weatherization Assistance Program is to our community.”
“I applaud Governor Cuomo for his efforts in securing this vital funding,” said Albany Mayor Gerald D. Jennings. “I know that the residents of the South End will join me in thanking Governor Cuomo, as well as the Cornell Cooperative Extension and the Albany Housing Authority, for all of their hard work. I am confident that these new energy efficient windows and doors, installed throughout the building, will help save on heating costs, while also keeping residents warm during the long New York winters.”
Housing Authority Executive Director Steve Longo commented: “When the offer of this weatherization money came to us from Cornell Cooperative Extension we wondered if we could both meet this tight deadline and come up with matching dollars. But everyone, both staff and residents alike were excited to accept the challenge. It is a great example of what can be accomplished when we all work together. I want to thank the Cornell staff and our residents for their cooperation. This winter will bring comfortable happy residents while lowering taxpayer subsidy through lower energy bills.”
Today the new computer lab opened up to the residents of Ezra Prentice Homes.
The new lab, featuring five computers, is located in the Ezra Prentice Community Building.

Ezra Prentice Computer Lab
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