Category Archives: Office of the Executive Director
Update from Capital South Campus Center!
Report One, May 14, 2013 • Capital South Campus Center • 20 Warren St. Albany, NY
City Streets: Good • Site Conditions: Dry • Purpose: Scheduled inspections • Photographs: Below • Inspector: Robert Becker
- After site clearing and preliminary staging areas were prepared building line E was excavated.
- Clay mixed with ashes and miscellaneous debris was encountered
- Excavations continued to complete building foot print pile cap sub grade.
- Materials encountered were consistent with pre construction soils investigations.
- View from 3 Lincoln Square indicating geotextile fabric and crushed stone base material.
- Completed excavation and stone base ready for driven pile operations
Short term schedule:
- Commence pile driving (test piles) 5/15 to 5/17
- Dynamic testing 5/18
- Pile driving 5/20 through 6/7
- Preconstruction
- Groundbreaking
- Rear Building – First Cut
- Completed Building Excavation
- Pile Cap Excavation
- View from 3 Lincoln Square
A Letter to the Assistant Secretary for Public Housing
To view the original letter, please Click Here!
March 12, 2013
The Honorable Sandra B. Henriquez
Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 Seventh Street, SW
Washington, DC 20410
Dear Sandi,
There REALLY is trouble in River City! I’ve had the pleasure of being around the Public Housing program for over 25 years, and I’ve never known the Industry to be satisfied with its appropriation allocation. I’m sure Congress must feel like the Industry is just a little boy crying “Wolf!”
However, the action taken by the House of Representatives to continue the shortfall created in 2012 throughout the 2013 fiscal year and the Senate proposal to only provide minor relief creates a challenge to the very existence of decent, safe, affordable housing for over three million families. To illegally seize $750 million from financially prudent housing authorities in 2012 and then refuse to consider that this was a one-time offset in 2013 is beyond any sense of fairness. It’s an imprudent attack on America’s most vulnerable population, public housing residents. While the sequester is a problem, the proposed shortfall is an unmitigated disaster!
There is only so much cutting one can do to any organization before the fat is totally removed and bone is being chopped away. If the House action stands, the shelter of all of these deserving families is in true jeopardy.
This is not a time for either hesitancy or timidity. Both HUD and the Industry must go into crisis mode. As a previous occupant of your office, I am strongly urging you to cease all “business as usual” not explicitly, statutorily required and focus the full attention of your team on saving the nation’s assisted housing programs. Nothing less than slashing the micromanaging red tape created over the decades (including during my tenure) will suffice. Be bold! Be creative! We need to end homelessness, not increase it by watching public housing crumble.
Specifically, I urge you to assemble a bi-partisan group of people tasked with the immediate suspension of any and all non-statutorily required provisions within the next thirty days via an emergency Interim Regulation. Even if a program is required, the group should seek alternative streamlined compliance possibilities. This suspension should remain in effect until full funding is restored to the program.
I seriously question whether HUD staff has the temperament or capacity to handle this on its own, so I urge you to assemble, on HUD’s nickel (they can’t afford to do it voluntarily), relevant outside experts (i.e. public housing practioners) to assist you in this effort.
Needless to say, this request will need the Secretary’s, and possibly OMB’s, blessing. Clearly, HUD lawyers will need to be involved in drafting the removal of non-statutorily REQUIRED process requirements that currently bind the Industry and diverts housing authority personnel from serving deserving residents. However, I urge that outside, knowledgeable counsel be recruited to provide a “can do” attitude to the effort.
Sandi, I write this to you in a constructive spirit dictated by circumstances you did not cause. I am writing to you, rather than the Secretary, because your responsibility is totally focused on our small, but critical, arena. We all appreciate your efforts to keep everyone informed of the dire situation, but that is not enough. As the person charged with our country’s Public and Indian Housing programs, you have a unique responsibility and obligation to act before it’s too late. Please take action today in consort with your superiors and colleagues. ACT BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.
While we obviously need to deal with this short-term crisis, the longer-term picture is just as bleak. For the sake of America’s extremely low-income families, the entire morass of federally-assisted housing programs desperately needs to be re-engineered into a results oriented, comprehensive, locally-focused, choice-based holistic program that is consistent with the federal government’s budget problems. Before we focus on the long term, however, let’s stop the gushing blood stemming from the public and assisted housing body today.
Sincerely yours,
Joseph G. Schiff
African American History and Culture Film and Discussion Series
The Center for Law and Justice, Inc.
For Additional Information: Alice Green – 427-8361
Community Film Series to tell African American History Story
Three Albany-based community organizations have joined forces to present a 10-week film and discussion series entitled – African American History and Culture Film and Discussion Series. The Center for Law and Justice, the Albany Housing Authority, and the African American Cultural Center of the Capital District believe that it is important to provide a forum for community people to discuss major issues affecting their community and place them in an historical perspective for clearer understanding and effective action.
Key community leaders, educators, and activists will be on hand to discuss each film. They include: The Honorable Barbara Smith, Dr. Timothy Sams of RPI, Dr. Allen Ballard of SUNY at Albany, Alice Green, Mark Bobb-Semple, Brenda Motley, Dr. Ingrid Allard of Albany Medical College, Ekow King, Nell Stokes-Holmes, and Karen Christina Jones.
The Series will begin Thursday, February 21 at 5:30 PM and run through April 25 and is free and open to the public. Showings, discussions, and free snacks and refreshments will be held at 200 South Pearl Street at the Albany Housing Authority Building.
AHA February Board Meeting Agenda
2:00 P.M. – MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2013
1. Roll Call
2. Community Forum
3. Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting held January 7, 2013
4. Action Calendar
02-13-05 Authorization for AHA to contribute up to $110,000 to be applied after the expenditure of $295,000 in NSP funds provided through the Albany Community Development Agency and $250,000 in funds contributed by the City of Albany toward costs to abate asbestos and demolish buildings #6, 7, and 4 at Ida Yarbrough Homes, subject to approval from HUD, currently pending. Total cost of abatement and demolition to be $655,234. The abatement and demolition will be overseen by Norstar Development as AHA’s Developer Partner for the Ida Yarbrough Rehabilitation project.
02-13-06 Approval to award contract # 0025-C-12-023 Elevator Maintenance to the low bidder, Otis Elevator, Inc. for a Not-To Exceed value of $270,540 for three years. Initial contract period will be March 1, 2013– February 28, 2016, with options to renew for 2 additional one year terms.
2nd Low Bidder: Kone, Inc. $417,024
3rd Low Bidder: Shindler, Inc. $1,130,400
02-13-07 Approval to write-off $51,955.73 in tenant balances covering the period from last quarter of 2012 (All balances are results of evictions, fraud, or death):
Pieter Schuyler Court: $4,235.50
Steamboat Square: $7,914.96
Ezra Prentice: $5,348.36
North Albany: $2,441.65
Nutgrove: $2,374.95
Lincoln Square: $9,498.94
Ida Yarbrough: $7,793.00
Townsend: $322.30
Capital Woods: $7,770.76
Westview: $2,133.21
Creighton Storey: $1,753.35
Swan Street Apt: $368.75
5. Reports of Committees
6. Unfinished Business
7. New Business
8. Bills and Communications – Financial report by the Deputy Director
9. Report of the Executive Secretary
A. Monthly Management Report
B. Items for Advisement and Discussion
Bank Balance as of 2/7/13
10. Adjournment:
Monday, March, 11, 2013 at 2:00 P.M.
Notice of Public Hearing
Notice of Public Hearing
Albany Housing Authority will hold a public hearing on April 4, 2013 at 6:00 PM in the Atrium at 200 So. Pearl Street. This is the time to come and hear/make comments on the Annual Plan for the upcoming fiscal year 2013.
The Annual Plan Update and attachments will be available for public review during regular business hours starting on February 15, 2013 and for the duration of the comment period. A copy of the plan will also be available on our website at and at each AHA management office for its federal sites.
Comments may be submitted prior to the public hearing. Comments may be mailed to AHA, 200 So. Pearl St., Albany, NY 12202-1834; emailed to or faxed to 518-641-7545.
Please put “Annual Plan Comments” in the subject line. Attendees to the hearing will be required to sign in.
Victor Cain, Chairman
Steven T. Longo, Executive Director
Equal Housing Opportunity
AHA featured in Downtown Albany Digest!!
In 2007, the year the Hampton Inn and Suites opened its doors in downtown Albany, a collaboration to create and manage a Work Experience Program was born between the hotel, The Albany Housing Authority (AHA) and the Community Technology Initiative (CTI). The idea was simple. Create a train-to-work program giving participants an opportunity to learn necessary skills to build careers, develop confidence and grow as individuals. At the same time, The Hampton Inn and Suites gains a pool of valuable employees, builds a strong community, improves the hospitality workforce and capitalizes on benefits for the company.
- Downtown Albany
Over the past six years, the work experience program has averaged 28 individuals annually. Participants who enter the two to four week intensive work training experience at the hotel, are given a uniform, and put to work shadowing and assisting employees in hotel departments such as housekeeping, breakfast bar, laundry and hotel public areas. The hands-on experience allows participants to gain quick skill sets that can be put into immediate use and presents opportunities to impress the host organization for possible future employment.
The program benefits for the Hampton Inn and Suites are three-fold. First, the partnership supports the local community by offering much needed job training opportunities. Additionally, fresh and eager individuals are introduced to the hotel as a way to replenish the workforce and keep It stable. Lastly, the corporate entity of the Hampton Inn receives tax incentives as a program participant.
According to Todd Reichelt, General Manager, Hampton Inn and Suites, Albany-Downtown, The hospitality industry has a history of being a good corporate citizen and giving back to our local communities. The work experience program with AHA and CTI allows us to continue that tradition while enhancing our workforce.” Training new people costs time and money for any business. Hotel management embraces this fact and trains program participants to be successful.
For most, the job is a tremendous stepping stone,” explains Reichelt, We have a core of housekeeping and front office associates that have been here for a number of years. So they rub shoulders with these people and make friends and sometimes, that’s what they need more than anything. Other people they can relate to that have been somewhat successful at what they do so they can be a role model for them.” A position at the Hampton Inn is not guaranteed, but many successful participants in the training program are considered for serious employment. Some even go on to train others.
For the full article Click Here!!
The Holidays are here at Albany Housing Authority!
The Holiday Season is upon us and the AHA has decked the halls! Our trees are decorated, the lights are shining and the stockings have been hung with care. AHA would like to take the time during this busy season to thank our neighbors for their continuing support, helping us to be active members of the community.
*:._.:*~*:. Happy Holidays from our family to yours .:*~*:._.:*
“Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!”
–Amanda Bradley
- Albany Housing Authority
- Albany Housing Authority
- Albany Housing Authority
- Capital South Properties
- Capital South Properties
- Capital South Properties
- Capital Woods
- Capital Woods
- Capital Woods
- Creighton Storey Apartments
- Creighton Storey Apartments
- Creighton Storey Apartments
- Eagle Court Apartments
- Eagle Court Apartments
- Eagle Court Apartments
- Ezra Prentice Homes
- Ezra Prentice Homes
- Ezra Prentice Homes
- Ida Yarbrough Homes
- Ida Yarbrough Homes
- Ida Yarbrough Homes
- Lincoln Square Homes
- Lincoln Square Homes
- North Albany Homes
- North Albany Homes
- North Albany Homes
- Nutgrove Garden Apartments
- Robert Whalen Homes
- Robert Whalen Homes
- Steamboat Square Homes
- Steamboat Square Homes
- Steamboat Square Homes
- Swan Street Properties
- Townsend Park Homes
- Townsend Park Homes
- Westview Homes
- Westview Homes
- Westview Homes
National Weatherization Day 2012
Life just improved for hundreds of Albany residents in the South End. They will enjoy a more comfortable winter with new windows, patio doors, insulation and weather stripping thanks to ARRA funded Weatherization Assistance Program improvements in senior and family apartments managed by the Albany Housing Authority. This partnership has lowered the cost to taxpayers with lower utility loads and smaller heating bills for the residents. The continuing reduction in capital improvement funding coming from the federal housing program would have meant this work would not have been possible without the DOE stimulus dollars for energy improvements.
A resident of 230 Green Street recently said how much she appreciates the new modern look, how much easier the windows are to clean, and the house is noticeably warmer. There is better security with the new patio doors as well.
County Executive Daniel McCoy expresses “Partnerships are critical in every aspect of our lives and this is a great example. Congratulations to the many groups involved who are able to help seniors lower their utility bills, stay warmer and have an easier time opening and closing their patio doors and windows. This demonstrates how important the Weatherization Assistance Program is to our community.”
“I applaud Governor Cuomo for his efforts in securing this vital funding,” said Albany Mayor Gerald D. Jennings. “I know that the residents of the South End will join me in thanking Governor Cuomo, as well as the Cornell Cooperative Extension and the Albany Housing Authority, for all of their hard work. I am confident that these new energy efficient windows and doors, installed throughout the building, will help save on heating costs, while also keeping residents warm during the long New York winters.”
Housing Authority Executive Director Steve Longo commented: “When the offer of this weatherization money came to us from Cornell Cooperative Extension we wondered if we could both meet this tight deadline and come up with matching dollars. But everyone, both staff and residents alike were excited to accept the challenge. It is a great example of what can be accomplished when we all work together. I want to thank the Cornell staff and our residents for their cooperation. This winter will bring comfortable happy residents while lowering taxpayer subsidy through lower energy bills.”
A Letter from Molly Belmont…
Dear Mr. Longo,
Thanks so much for providing dinner for the Central Avenue Beautification Project Volunteers. They did a great job, worked hard and the pizza was very much enjoyed by all!
AHA Policy Changes
Security Deposits
Leasing and Inspections, the security deposit will be equal to the family’s total tenant payment at the time of move-in, minimum of $250.00 and must be paid in full prior to move in.
Late Fee
If the rent is not paid by the end of business on the 10th day of the month, a late fee of $25.00 will be charged.
Pet Policy
Pets, there are no significant changes to the policy except the pet deposit will be raised from $100.00 to $200.00 and there will be a non- refundable pet fee of $25.00 as allowed by HUD. ______________________________________________
Residents are welcome to submit comments and/or concerns regarding the above changes. Comments may be submitted by either process below:
200 South Pearl Street, Albany, New York 12202
Attn: Policy Comments
Please put “Policy Comments” in subject line
Attn: Policy Comment
*The comment period will close December 5, 2012.*
Albany Housing Authority is Looking Good!!
Fall has arrived again and the AHA is looking good! Our landscapes are full of Fall themes as our residents, neighbors and community prepare for Halloween, Thanksgiving and the coming Holiday season. During this season of change we continue to pride ourselves on being an asset in our community to those who wish to improve their future, and that of their neighborhoods, through change and growth.
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf’s a flower. ”
–Albert Camus
- Capital South Properties
- Capital Woods
- Creighton Storey Apartments
- Creighton Storey Apartments
- Creighton Storey Apartments
- Eagle Court Apartments
- Eagle Court Apartments
- Ezra Prentice Homes
- Ezra Prentice Homes
- Ezra Prentice Homes
- Ida Yarbrough Homes
- Jared Holt Mews
- Jared Holt Mews
- Jared Holt Mews
- Lincoln Square Homes
- North Albany Homes
- North Albany Homes
- North Albany Homes
- Nutgrove Garden Apartments
- Nutgrove Garden Apartments
- Nutgrove Garden Apartments
- Robert Whalen Homes
- Robert Whalen Homes
- Steamboat Square Homes
- Steamboat Square Homes
- Steamboat Square Homes
- Swan Street Properties
- Swan Street Properties
- Swan Street Properties
- Townsend Park Homes
- Westview Homes
- Westview Homes
A Program to Benefit Needy School-aged Children in Kindergarten Through Grade 5
Members of the media are invited to attend a press conference where Mayor Jennings will announce the 2012 “Mayor’s Cash for Coats” Drive: a community-based program designed to collect money to purchase new winter clothing items for needy school-aged children in Albany schools. The Mayor will be joined by representatives from supporting organizations, including the Albany Devils, B. Lodge and Company Department Store, and Burke Companies. Additional partners include the Downtown Business Improvement District (BID), Trustco Bank, Albany Broadcasting, Capitalize Albany, NYSUT, the Albany City School District and Men’s Room Barbershop. There will be excellent photo and video opportunities.
WHERE: City Hall Rotunda – 24 Eagle Street
WHEN: Tuesday, October 23, 2012
TIME: 2:30 PM
Albany Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Monthly Meeting Monday, October 15, 2012 at 2:00PM
The Albany Housing Authority Board of Commissioners monthly meeting agenda has been posted. Please click the link below to view the agenda.
Townsend Park Field Report
A Townsend Park Field Report has been completed for Townsend Park Homes. For questions on the report please contact:
Chiquita D’Arbeau
Executive Assistant
Albany Housing Authority
200 South Pearl Street
Albany, NY 12202
Phone: (518) 641-7518
Fax: (518) 641-7545
A Successful 2009 National Night Out
AHA wanted to let you know how much we truly enjoyed this year’s National Night Out event. It was moving, inspiring and a lot of fun. We were so proud of everyone at all the sites. There was great community spirit in Arbor Hill, North Albany and the South-end! The team did an amazing job again this year. THANK YOU!
It was great to have all the Neighborhood Association members involved with this event! We were extremely impressed with all the collaborations and community partnerships. The kids, the families, the vendors, the CBO’s and the community as a whole enjoyed it all!
Again, congratulations and THANK YOU.