When: Saturday, September 29, 2012 from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Where: The Touhey Barn, Onesquethaw Creek Road, Feura Bush
Dress: Denim and “Dancing” shoes
Entertainment to be provided by “Tamarack” and “Too Deep Entertainment”
Please RSVP by September 20 at chloe978@aol.com or (518) 434-8644
Barn Dance and Barbecue Flyer
MAKING MORE THAN ENDS MEET: Creating an Effective Spending Plan
When: September 25, 2012 from 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.
Where: Community Room, Albany Housing Authority, 200 S. Pearl St.
This SEFCU workshop provides realistic options for successfully cutting back on spending, trimming your monthly expenses, and saving toward specific goals.
Don’t forget to register at the SEFCU Branch.

SEFCU Workshop Flyer
T.H.E. Center Welcomes Stephanie Troiano!

Stephanie Troiano, G.E.D. Teacher for T.H.E. Center.
I am currently the G.E.D. Teacher for T.H.E. Center. I hold a New York State Teaching license in both Early Childhood (birth-grade 2) and Childhood Education (grades 1-6). I have my B.A. in Education from Alfred University and will be graduating with my M.S. in Reading and Literacy, through Capella University, in 2013. With my M.S. degree, I will be certified to teach reading and literacy at any age level.
Before joining T.H.E. Center, I was a substitute teacher for grades K-12, and a Pre-K teacher at a Head Start program. During this time, I was also able to coach girls’ volleyball and work on my music. These are both very strong aspects of my life.
After working in the insurance field for a short while, I am glad to be back in an educational setting where I can help those who are striving to become more successful in life. Hopefully, I will be able to inspire my students inside, as well as, outside my classroom.
Work Experience Program
Marriott Hotel
In June of 2012, jumping off the success of Work Experience Program at the Hampton Inn, the WAGE Center began a new partnership with the Marriott Hotel of Colonie, N.Y. This partnership was initiated by the Marriott to help fill a void in qualified employees. We are looking forward to building a relationship with another well-established company that is able to provide our clients with the opportunity to build careers in the field of hospitality.
Our first program at the Marriott was a huge success. We enrolled four clients into the program at the Marriott, all of whom were hired at the end of the internship. Looking forward, we feel that securing this new location for the Work Experience Program has greatly contributed to our client’s success in obtaining gainful employment as well as the demand for qualified employees at the Marriott.
Aniyah Stratton, an 8 year old third grader attending Albany Community Charter School won the essay contest sponsored by the Albany Housing Authority. She currently resides at the Swan Street Mixed-Use properties. Her essay was a model of excellence that expressed the importance of playground safety for children in the community. We congratulate Aniyah Stratton for her active participation in the essay contest, and we encourage her as well as others to continue the promotion of playground safety in their communities.

Essay Contest Winner
Aniyah Stratton’s Essay
The Albany Housing Authority’s Commissioners Board Meeting has been cancelled for the month of September.
“Every Court Has a Story.” For millions of basketball players across America and throughout the world, there are no refs, no sneaker deals and no doctors on call. To get in the game, you have to show up at the local park or gym, claim a spot and fight to keep it. The next game isn’t a guarantee. Every point matters. That’s pickup basketball. Ballin’ at the Graveyard is a gritty look into the culture and community of pickup basketball as told by a group of hardcore ballers at Albany’s Washington Park – aka, the Graveyard. It offers a courtside view of the unwritten rules, hierarchy and special code of ethics of pickup ball, and provides a revealing glimpse into the off-the-court struggles and triumphs of a core group of players who call the court their home. Ballin’ at the Graveyard is a thought-provoking portrait of urban basketball that will challenge what you think you know about life behind the chain-link fence.
Ballin’ at the Graveyard Flyer
Ballin’ at the Graveyard Flyer Preview
Friday, July 13 – Opens at Albany’s Spectrum 8 Theatre
Thursday , July 19 – A portion of all ticket proceeds will benefit the African American Cultural Center
This event encourages MWBE participation and will provide specific information about the project which is slated to begin construction August 2012.
July 25, 2012 from 4:00 – 5:30pm at the Hampton Inn, 25 Chapel Street, Albany, NY. To RSVP please contact Colleen Breiner, Sano-Rubin Construction via fax 518-462-6866 or e-mail: colleenb@sano-rubin.com. See flyer for more details.
Outreach Event Flyer
Located in Albany’s South End Neighborhood, the Capital South Campus Center will host training, education and community functions as well as incorporate child care and youth programming. It will also be the new home of the Albany Promise program and Senior Services of Albany’s Meals-On-Wheels program with the kitchen also being utilized as classroom space for Schenectady Community College’s culinary arts program.
Too Deep Entertainment presents the Father Community Expo 2012.
The Albany Housing Authority is in the process of submitting a mixed finance 24 C.F.R. 941 subpart f disposition application to HUD’s Special Application Center. The proposed disposition is for Phase I of the Ida Yarbrough Redevelopment Plan. In Phase I of the redevelopment plan, 76 public housing units will be demolished and 43 newly constructed public housing units will be built. Phase I will also include up to ten future homeownership sites, which AHA expects to collaborate with Habitat for Humanity or another not-for-profit developer. The following links will direct you to the disposition application that AHA will be submitting to HUD and a map of the units that will be disposed of in Phase I. If you have any comments or questions regarding the disposition application or the redevelopment plan please leave a comment below or call the comment hotline at 380-5585 to leave a voice message. To view map of Phase I, please click Phase I Ida Yarbrough, to view Disposition Application please click Disposition Application.
AHA commended by the Office for Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity of the NYS Division of Homes and Community Renewal in meeting and/or exceeding the Minority and Women-Owned Business/Enterprise goals for South End Revitalization II and Ezra Prentice Homes Rehab. For more information please click Ezra Prentice Homes Rehab MWBE OFHEO or South End Revitalization II MWBE OFHEO for more information.
South End Earth Day is an event for our neighborhood to get together to clean up our streets, turn our vacant lots into community spaces, plant trees, flowers & vegetables, learn about sustainability & nutrition, eat delicious food and hear great music by our neighbors. For more information please click south end earth day 2012.
Please click AHA Black History Month Flyer 2012 for more informaton.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2012 at 2:00 P.M.
1. Roll Call.
2. Business To Be Conducted
Pursuant to Section 5.3 of the By-Laws, the Chairman has called a special meeting of the Authority for the purpose of receiving a report from the Executive Director concerning Media Coverage of a complaint from a resident at North Albany Homes concerning allegations of Mold induced illness and for a report on the Authority’s actions to date in remediating improper installation of siding and windows during construction. No other business shall be conducted unless all the members of the Authority are present.
North Albany Homes mold response
Albany Housing Authority will hold a public hearing on April 4, 2012 at 6:00 PM in the Atrium at 200 So. Pearl Street to hear comments on its Annual Plan for the upcoming fiscal year 2012.
The Annual Plan Update and attachments will be available for public review during regular business hours starting on February 15, 2012 and for the duration of the comment period. A copy of the plan will also be available on our website and at each AHA management office for its federal sites.
Comments may be submitted prior to the public hearing. Comments may be mailed to AHA, 200 So. Pearl St., Albany, NY 12202-1834; emailed to
info@albanyhousing.org or faxed to 518-641-7545.
Please put “Annual Plan Comments” in the subject line. Attendees to the hearing will be required to sign in.
Victor Cain, Chairman
Steven T. Longo, Executive Director
Equal Housing Opportunity
HAPCheck is now live!
Coming October 1st, AHA has introduced a new system to allow HAP payments to be viewed online. Using this new system, called HAPCheck, Landlords will be able to view the previous 18 months of HAP payments. HAPCheck is a centralized, secure, web-based system for producing on-line statements for all owners. HAPCheck eliminates the need for creating paper payment statements, saving time, eliminating excess paper usage and improving owner access to data.
HAPCheck is now live!
AHA has created a new Landlord section on our website. This section will contain information and the link to connect to the new HAPCheck website. HAPCheck link below:
AHA would like to thank the tenants of Steamboat Square Homes and the community along Green Street for their patience as new sidewalks and major construction are being completed by the city of Albany. Soon, fresh new sidewalks will take the place of the current construction zone.
Eagle Court Apartments is now leasing new 2 bedroom apartments with central air conditioning. These apartments will be $789 per month plus utilities. Section 8 will be accepted.
For more information please contact:
Michael DiBiase
Development Manager
3 Lincoln Square
Albany, NY 12202
Phone: (518) 445-0739
AHA would like to thank everyone who helped make this years block parties at North Albany Homes and Capital Woods a success. Things went extremely well; over 300 people participated in the event. Music was provided by DJ Bobby Keyes. Kids could play in a bouncy bounce, enjoy a water slide or get their faces painted by MisChief the clown. As for food, there was a cook out with Popeye’s donating 100 pieces of chicken and Stewart’s donating 150 ice cream sundaes for dessert.
AHA would like to announce that we have applied for the following technology and employment related grants for the continued operation of T.H.E Center:
- DSS – Incentive based grant to provide help in finding jobs, keeping jobs and getting raises for qualified individuals.
- PHFSS – Single year grant for $65,000 to provide an FSS Coordinator for public housing residents.
- Broadband Technology Opportunities – Single year grant for $265,000 to fund T.H.E Center and all its current positions.
- ROSS Coordinator – Single year grant for $130,000 to support two positions based on our number of units.