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Albany Announces Academy Lofts

Capital Region Economic Development Council and the City of Albany Announce Academy Lofts Affordable Housing & Business Incubator Project Breaks Ground in Arbor Hill

CREDC officials today joined with Albany Mayor Jerry Jennings, representatives from New York State Homes & Community Renewal (HCR), Empire State Development (ESD), and the Albany Housing Authority for an official groundbreaking ceremony to kick off the start of construction of Academy Lofts.

“Academy Lofts is a terrific example of the kind of creative and pragmatic initiatives emerging from the regional economic development efforts created by Governor Cuomo,” said CREDC Co-Chairs James Barba, Albany Medical Center President and CEO, and President Robert Jones, University at Albany.  “The state’s commitment to supporting local Investments like this will create jobs and enhance communities in the Capital Region and throughout our state.”

“Under Governor Cuomo’s leadership the Regional Economic Development Councils have created a bottom-up paradigm for success, with community development projects that grow the economy and are strategic priorities for the region,” said Darryl C. Towns, Commissioner & CEO of New York State Homes and Community Renewal. “Academy Lofts is designed to become a focal point, attracting development and growing the neighborhood and the economy. The project brings millions of dollars to Arbor Hill, contributing to the long term vision of greater revitalization. I congratulate the City of Albany, the Albany Housing Authority and Albany Barn Inc. for steering this innovative project to success.”

The adaptive re-use of St. Joseph’s Academy will revitalize a long vacant structure, helping to improve the quality of life in the Arbor Hill neighborhood. Located at North Swan and Second Streets, Academy Lofts will provide 22 affordable apartments to the artist community, with on-site studio space that will be multi-purposed as a business incubator for the arts and an arts-oriented community center open to local residents.  High-design/high-concept features of the project will include space for work studios, rehearsal suites, performance space, a digital media center and retail space and offices for the professional artist community. Academy Lofts is projected to generate nearly $10 million in economic activity for the region and is leveraging resources from the City of Albany and the Albany Housing Authority.

Mayor Jennings said, “Building stronger, more vibrant neighborhoods is a priority in Albany. Our neighborhoods are rich in diversity, character, history and architecture, and as such, we are committed to preserving Albany’s past while creating a vibrant future for our community by developing programs and projects that encourage reinvestment in the community and in the people of the Capital City.”

In the first round of the Regional Council initiative, the City of Albany Industrial Development Authority (IDA) was awarded $5.4 million in low-cost financing to assist with major components of the restoration project.

In addition, Empire State Development has provided $4.5 million in Restore NY grant funding and HCR has awarded $2.4 million in Low Income Housing Tax Credits, as well as local support through the Federal Home Loan Bank, $350,000, and Historic Tax Credits.

“ESD is pleased to have provided assistance through its Restore NY program, which was created to revitalize neighborhoods as a means to attract residents and businesses and spur private investment,” said Empire State Development President, CEO & Commissioner Kenneth Adams.  “This project demonstrates what can be accomplished through collaboration on the state and local level and we look forward to Academy Lofts’ completion.”

Steven T. Longo, Executive Director of the Albany Housing Authority explained that the project satisfies four main criteria in the city’s plan to revitalize the Arbor Hill neighborhood. “It improves existing housing, provides economic development, fulfills historic preservation, and will address quality of life matters,” said Longo. “This project is a real game-changer.”

Mike Yevoli, Commissioner of the City of Albany’s Department of Development and Planning, said, “We have worked hard to bring the right partners and resources together to implement the Arbor Hill Plan and revitalize this historic neighborhood.  This project is an excellent example of the City’s commitment to finding creative solutions for challenging vacant urban properties.  Once rehabilitated, Academy Lofts will maximize the full potential of this historic building and allow it to once again serve as an anchor for the community.”

Jeff Mirel, President of Albany Barn, Inc., the project’s creative enterprise partner, said, “It’s truly a ‘rising tide’ type of project.  Local and regional artists will come to create and collaborate affordably in the renewed St. Joseph’s Academy.  This activity will attract other types of commerce, especially basic services that are absent today, and rekindle a lively village center in the heart of Arbor Hill.  By establishing meaningful connections with artists, educators and entrepreneurs living and working in Academy Lofts/The Barn, we can lift the creative and professional aspirations of neighborhood youth.”

New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) consists of all the State’s major housing and community renewal agencies, including the Affordable Housing Corporation, the Division of Housing and Community Renewal, the Housing Finance Agency, State of New York Mortgage Agency, Housing Trust Fund Corporation and others.

The Regional Economic Development Council initiative (REDC) is a key component of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s transformative approach to State investment and economic development. In 2011, Governor Cuomo established 10 Regional Councils to develop long-term strategic plans for economic growth for their regions. The Councils are public-private partnerships made up of local experts and stakeholders from business, academia, local government, and non-governmental organizations. The Regional Councils have redefined the way New York invests in jobs and economic growth by putting in place a community-based, bottom up approach and establishing a competitive process for State resources. After two rounds of competitive awards, nearly 1,500 projects are receiving support to put people back to work, get the economy back on track, and restore New York State as the Empire State.


To learn more about each regional council and their economic development plans, visit

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AHA April Board Meeting Agenda




MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2013 at 2:00 P.M.

200 South Pearl Street 

            1.         Roll Call.

            2.         Community Forum

            3.         Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting held March 11, 2013

            4.         Action Calendar


04-13-12           Approval to operate the Summer Food Program for 2013.


04-13-13           Approval to send Debbie Zlotnick to attend Casterline Associates Accounting & Budgeting Seminar in St. Louis, MO from May 7, 2013  to May 9, 2013 for an approximate total amount of $1,531.50 which includes Conference, Hotel and Air Fare.


04-13-14           Approval to submit the 2013 Annual Plan to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.


04-13-15           Approval to send up to two employees to the Novegradic Affordable Housing Tax Credit Conference and Workshop to be held May 15-17, 2013 in New Orleans estimated cost $2,250 per person.


04-13-16           Approval to enter into a contract with Urban Arts Experience, Inc. for $21,500 to operate a 6 week summer camp at the Kids Improvement District Field house for residents of Robert Whalen, and Capital Woods, Ida Yarbrough and neighborhood children.  This will include Computer Literacy, Performing Arts and Sports for a blend of academic and recreational activities.  Last year AHA made a contribution of $19,500 for a 5 week program. 


            Reports of Committees  

5.                Unfinished Business

6.                New Business:

7.         Bills and Communications

8.         Report of the Executive Secretary

A.    Monthly Management Report

B.     Monthly Financial Report (Deputy Director)

C.    Items for Advisement and Discussion

  • Bank Balance as of 4/3/13                                 

9.  Adjournment –


Monday, May 13, 2013 @ 2:00 p.m.

200 South Pearl Street, Albany, New York 12202

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Safe Disposal for Unused or Expired Medication!

Turn in your unused or expired medication for safe disposal Saturday, April 27, 2013 from 10a.m. – 2p.m.

Rx Return Day Video

RX Return Day Flyer


Visit WWW.DEA.GOV for more details!

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Last Chance to Sign Up for Little League Baseball!!

It’s time to play ball, don’t be caught on the outside looking in. Join in on the fun and the camaraderie of playing Little League Baseball by joining one of our 24 teams at 4 levels of play based on ability and age. Everyone makes a team so join us now. See you at the Park!

 You may sign up at one of the following places and times: 

Tuesday, March 26th 6 PM – 7:30 PM – Albany PAL Center

Wednesday, March 27th 5:30 – 7 PM – American Little League Park

Thursday, March 28th 6 PM – 7:30 PM – Albany PAL Center

Saturday, March 30th 10 AM – Noon – Albany High School Gym

Monday, April 1st 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM – Albany PAL Center 

Wednesday, April 3rd 5:30 – 7 PM – American Little League Park


Please bring copies of your birth certificate and proof of residence – Youth must be accompanied by parent or guardian

For more information, Click Here!

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A Letter to the Assistant Secretary for Public Housing

To view the original letter, please Click Here!

March 12, 2013

The Honorable Sandra B. Henriquez

Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

451 Seventh Street, SW

Washington, DC 20410


Dear Sandi,

There REALLY is trouble in River City! I’ve had the pleasure of being around the Public Housing program for over 25 years, and I’ve never known the Industry to be satisfied with its appropriation allocation. I’m sure Congress must feel like the Industry is just a little boy crying “Wolf!”

However, the action taken by the House of Representatives to continue the shortfall created in 2012 throughout the 2013 fiscal year and the Senate proposal to only provide minor relief creates a challenge to the very existence of decent, safe, affordable housing for over three million families. To illegally seize $750 million from financially prudent housing authorities in 2012 and then refuse to consider that this was a one-time offset in 2013 is beyond any sense of fairness. It’s an imprudent attack on America’s most vulnerable population, public housing residents. While the sequester is a problem, the proposed shortfall is an unmitigated disaster!

There is only so much cutting one can do to any organization before the fat is totally removed and bone is being chopped away. If the House action stands, the shelter of all of these deserving families is in true jeopardy.

This is not a time for either hesitancy or timidity. Both HUD and the Industry must go into crisis mode. As a previous occupant of your office, I am strongly urging you to cease all “business as usual” not explicitly, statutorily required and focus the full attention of your team on saving the nation’s assisted housing programs. Nothing less than slashing the micromanaging red tape created over the decades (including during my tenure) will suffice. Be bold! Be creative! We need to end homelessness, not increase it by watching public housing crumble.

Specifically, I urge you to assemble a bi-partisan group of people tasked with the immediate suspension of any and all non-statutorily required provisions within the next thirty days via an emergency Interim Regulation. Even if a program is required, the group should seek alternative streamlined compliance possibilities. This suspension should remain in effect until full funding is restored to the program.

I seriously question whether HUD staff has the temperament or capacity to handle this on its own, so I urge you to assemble, on HUD’s nickel (they can’t afford to do it voluntarily), relevant outside experts (i.e. public housing practioners) to assist you in this effort.

Needless to say, this request will need the Secretary’s, and possibly OMB’s, blessing. Clearly, HUD lawyers will need to be involved in drafting the removal of non-statutorily REQUIRED process requirements that currently bind the Industry and diverts housing authority personnel from serving deserving residents. However, I urge that outside, knowledgeable counsel be recruited to provide a “can do” attitude to the effort.

Sandi, I write this to you in a constructive spirit dictated by circumstances you did not cause. I am writing to you, rather than the Secretary, because your responsibility is totally focused on our small, but critical, arena. We all appreciate your efforts to keep everyone informed of the dire situation, but that is not enough. As the person charged with our country’s Public and Indian Housing programs, you have a unique responsibility and obligation to act before it’s too late. Please take action today in consort with your superiors and colleagues. ACT BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.

While we obviously need to deal with this short-term crisis, the longer-term picture is just as bleak. For the sake of America’s extremely low-income families, the entire morass of federally-assisted housing programs desperately needs to be re-engineered into a results oriented, comprehensive, locally-focused, choice-based holistic program that is consistent with the federal government’s budget problems. Before we focus on the long term, however, let’s stop the gushing blood stemming from the public and assisted housing body today.

Sincerely yours,

Joseph G. Schiff

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The 2013 Summer Camp Catalog is Here!

About the Capital District Child Care Council . . .

The Capital District Child Care Council is a resource and referral agency dedicated to promoting quality, accessible child care for all of the Capital Region’s diverse communities. The Council assumes a leadership role in supporting children, parents, providers, and employers through referral counseling, education, training, and advocacy.

This catalog is provided to you as a resource as you search for summer care programs. This is not an exhaustive list. Information about each camp was collected at the beginning of 2013 and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. All information is subject to change at the discretion of each program. These programs are not licensed, endorsed, or recommended by the Capital District Child Care Coordinating Council, Inc. It is the right and responsibility of the parent to choose the summer program most appropriate for their family.

This catalog is brought to you by the Capital District Child Care Coordinating Council, Inc., 91 Broadway, Menands, New York, 12204-2728. You can reach Capital District Child Care Council by calling 518-426-7181.

Click HERE for your Catalog!

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Sixth Annual College Bus Fair Trip with Visit to Basketball Hall of Fame

6th Annual National College Fair Bus Trip

Eastern States Exposition Springfield, MA Sunday, April 7, 2013

Includes Visit to the Basketball Hall of Fame

Organized by the

George Biddle Kelley Education Foundation & Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Bus Departs 8 a.m. from NYS Museum on Madison Ave.

Bus Returns at 6 p.m.

Tickets $40 (lunch included) due March 28.

Admission to HOF $12 adult, $8 student.

Applications Available HERE and Online at

Contact: ————— 518-421-5986

Pre-register for the college fair:

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Progress at Ida Yarbrough Lo-Rise Homes

Residents and housing staff are relieved to see the start of the long awaited demolition of the 1970’s-era Ida Yarbrough Lo-Rise Homes.  Buildings 4, 6 and 7 are being abated and demolished using $575,000 of Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds.  The grant funds remain from the recently completed rehabilitation of eight historic buildings in Arbor Hill.  City of Albany and Housing Authority staff had to work quickly with NYS Homes and Community Renewal to repurpose and expend the funds before the March 20 deadline, when they would have been returned to the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development.

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A+ PLUS Applications Now Available!!

SYEP Application Packet 2013

The Albany Program for Learning, Understanding and Succeeding (A+ PLUS) Applications are now available. Applications will not be accepted without all required documentation. Also, be sure to sign up for a two hour orientation which is required for all first time summer youth employees this year and is included in your application packet.

To avoid long lines, applications can be mailed this year. Return your completed application with all required paperwork and original working papers by mail and postmarked by Friday, March 29, 2013.

Assignment letters will be mailed to enrolled you employees by July 1, 2013.

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Albany Housing Authority presents 5-Year and Annual Plan

The AHA 5-Year and Annual Plan is now available for viewing. This is a draft version and is subject to change.

AHA 2013 Five Year and Annual Plan

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African American History and Culture Film and Discussion Series

The Center for Law and Justice, Inc.

 For Additional Information:  Alice Green – 427-8361

Community Film Series to tell African American History Story

Three Albany-based community organizations have joined forces to present a 10-week film and discussion series entitled – African American History and Culture Film and Discussion Series.  The Center for Law and Justice, the Albany Housing Authority, and the African American Cultural Center of the Capital District believe that it is important to provide a forum for community people to discuss major issues affecting their community and place them in an historical perspective for clearer understanding and effective action.

Key community leaders, educators, and activists will be on hand to discuss each film.  They include: The Honorable Barbara Smith, Dr. Timothy Sams of RPI, Dr. Allen Ballard of SUNY at Albany, Alice Green, Mark Bobb-Semple, Brenda Motley, Dr. Ingrid Allard of Albany Medical College, Ekow King, Nell Stokes-Holmes, and Karen Christina Jones.

The Series will begin Thursday, February 21 at 5:30 PM and run through April 25 and is free and open to the public.  Showings, discussions, and free snacks and refreshments will be held at 200 South Pearl Street at the Albany Housing Authority Building.

Film Series Summary

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Community Fireside Chat with Dr. V 2/14/2013

The new Superintendent for the City School District of Albany, Marguerite Vanden Wyngaard, Ph.d, is reaching out to all families and community members who would like to talk about the city’s public schools of Albany and how to make them better !  Click Avillage Community Firechat with Dr.V for more information.

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AHA February Board Meeting Agenda




2:00 P.M. – MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2013

1.     Roll Call

2.    Community Forum

3.    Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting held January 7,   2013

4.    Action Calendar

 02-13-05          Authorization for AHA to contribute up to $110,000 to be applied after the expenditure of $295,000 in NSP funds provided through the Albany Community Development Agency and $250,000 in funds contributed by the City of Albany toward costs to abate asbestos and demolish buildings #6, 7, and 4 at Ida Yarbrough Homes, subject to approval from HUD, currently pending.  Total cost of abatement and demolition to be $655,234.  The abatement and demolition will be overseen by Norstar Development as AHA’s Developer Partner for the Ida Yarbrough Rehabilitation project.

 02-13-06          Approval to award contract # 0025-C-12-023 Elevator Maintenance to the low bidder, Otis Elevator, Inc. for a Not-To Exceed value of $270,540 for three years.  Initial contract period will be March 1, 2013– February 28, 2016, with options to renew for 2 additional one year terms.

 2nd Low Bidder:              Kone, Inc.           $417,024

 3rd Low Bidder:               Shindler, Inc.    $1,130,400

 02-13-07          Approval to write-off $51,955.73 in tenant balances covering the period from last quarter of 2012 (All balances are results of evictions, fraud, or death):

Pieter Schuyler Court:     $4,235.50

Steamboat Square:     $7,914.96

Ezra Prentice:     $5,348.36

North Albany:     $2,441.65

Nutgrove:     $2,374.95

Lincoln Square:     $9,498.94

Ida Yarbrough:     $7,793.00

Townsend:     $322.30

Capital Woods:     $7,770.76

Westview:     $2,133.21

Creighton Storey:     $1,753.35

Swan Street Apt:     $368.75

5.               Reports of Committees  

6.               Unfinished Business

7.               New Business

8.               Bills and Communications –  Financial report by the Deputy Director

9.              Report of the Executive Secretary

 A.    Monthly Management Report

 B.    Items for Advisement and Discussion

Bank Balance as of 2/7/13                              

10.        Adjournment:            


Monday, March, 11, 2013 at 2:00 P.M.

AHA Board Meeting Agenda

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Notice of Public Hearing

Notice of Public Hearing

 Albany Housing Authority will hold a public hearing on April 4, 2013 at 6:00 PM in the Atrium at 200 So. Pearl Street.  This is the time to come and hear/make comments on the Annual Plan for the upcoming fiscal year 2013.

 The Annual Plan Update and attachments will be available for public review during regular business hours starting on February 15, 2013 and for the duration of the comment period.  A copy of the plan will also be available on our website at  and at each AHA management office for its federal sites.

 Comments may be submitted prior to the public hearing. Comments may be mailed to AHA, 200 So. Pearl St., Albany, NY 12202-1834; emailed to or faxed to 518-641-7545.

 Please put “Annual Plan Comments” in the subject line. Attendees to the hearing will be required to sign in.

 Victor Cain, Chairman

Steven T. Longo, Executive Director

Equal Housing Opportunity

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Ribbon Cutting at Ten Broeck Street!!


City Uses $4 Million Neighborhood Stabilization Program to Fund Rehab

Ten Broeck Ribbon Cutting Program     

Ten Broeck Ribbon Cutting Poster     YNN Article

Albany, NY (January 24) –Mayor Jennings, the Albany Housing Authority, the City of Albany Department of Development and Planning, and New York State Homes and Community Renewal officially cut the ribbon today at eight newly renovated apartment buildings in Albany’s historic Arbor Hill neighborhood.

The $4.5 million dollar project, which received over $4 million in federal funding through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), consists of 23 new residential units and one commercial space.  The commercial space is occupied by Operation S.N.U.G., an anti-violence advocacy and counseling program operated by Trinity Alliance.  The project also received funding from lead abatement grants and CDBG-R funds through the Albany Community Development Agency.

Working with the ACDA, Albany Housing Authority (AHA), and New York State Homes and Community Renewal, among others, the City demonstrated its ongoing success leveraging federal stimulus funds to make improvements in the community.

Due to the deteriorated condition of the dwellings the vast majority of the units were abandoned and uninhabitable prior to the purchase of them by the ACDA on behalf of the City.  The properties were transferred to the Albany Housing Authority which oversaw the rehabilitation and will continue to own and operate them.

“This is exactly the type of project that NSP funding is designed for,” said Mayor Jennings.  “It provided us with an opportunity to take derelict buildings and turn them into safe, high quality housing, as well as a home for much needed community services.”

The City of Albany was among the first cities in the state to have a project approved using NSP funds.  The program was established through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and administered through the State of New York, which provided grants for the purpose of stabilizing communities that have suffered from the effects of foreclosures and abandonment. Through the purchase and redevelopment of foreclosed and abandoned properties, the City was able to bring these buildings back into use and at the same time provide safe, affordable housing for low income residents and veterans. 

“By completing projects such as this it shows the continuous effort we are making to rehabilitate and redevelop blighted properties here in the City of Albany- an initiative we will continue to take until vibrancy is brought back to all neighborhoods.” Michael Yevoli, Commissioner, City of Albany Development and Planning, “The completion of this project also adds to the nearly $80 million in investment made since the completion of the Arbor Hill Plan.”

Sanders Architects served as the project architects and Norstar Development USA was contracted to perform the construction work.  AHA, Sanders Architects and Norstar have extensive experience with infill and rehabilitation projects in Arbor Hill, having completed another 74 residential units and 7 commercial spaces in the area already.

“The success of these initiatives stems from the creation of the Arbor Hill Neighborhood Plan and the continued support of Mayor Jennings and his staff in helping us to identify the resources and the expertise to get the job done,” said Steven Longo, Executive Director of the Albany Housing Authority. 

Darryl C. Towns, Commissioner/CEO of New York State Homes and Community Renewal said, “Congratulations to the City of Albany and the Albany Housing Authority on the completion of the Arbor Hill Neighborhood Stabilization Program. The Arbor Hill Neighborhood Stabilization Program, with the renovation of eight formerly foreclosed and blighted buildings in a historic neighborhood, is a symbol of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s commitment to expanding housing options and revitalizing communities. By creating safe, high quality housing in a community most severely affected by issues of foreclosure and abandonment, the Arbor Hill Neighborhood Stabilization Program will transform the neighborhood.”

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Warriors on Wheels Program

Since 1988, the Warriors on Wheels program has empowered individuals to achieve greater independence. The program uses modern strength and conditioning exercise techniques to boost both physical and psychological capacity. Individuals with Spinal Cord injuries, Multiple Sclerosis, spinal related disorders and other mobility impairments have benefited from this therapeutic fitness program. The Warriors Gym is located at 230 Green Street, Albany, NY.

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Rededication at Historic King’s Place!!


 King’s Place Rededication Ceremony eVite

King Postcard Staff Tour

King’s Place Rededication Program 

Times Union – King’s Place Article 

Albany, NY, (January 16 2013) – Today, Mayor Jennings and Housing officials joined preservationists and stakeholders of the historic Arbor Hill neighborhood in cutting the ribbon on the newly rehabilitated 157 year-old building known as King’s Place.

Officials participating in the rededication ceremony on North Swan Street were City of Albany Mayor Gerald D. Jennings; Michael Yevoli, Commissioner of Development and Planning; Steven T. Longo, Executive Director of the Albany Housing Authority; and, Wendy Burch, Executive Director and trustees of the Albany County Historical Association.

King’s Place is a double, two and a half story Greek Revival house distinguished by a large center arch, through which passes King’s Way.  It was originally constructed between 1852 and 1856 by J. Howard King and John J. Olcott, Esq., son of Thomas Worth Olcott, a prominent Albany banker and philanthropists whose family owned the Ten Broeck Mansion for roughly 100 years prior to its donation to the Historical Association. 

The rehabilitation of King’s Place brings its history full circle to reconnect with that of the Ten Broeck Mansion.  The building will serve as the administrative headquarters for the Historical Association, which was previously headquartered at the Ten Broeck Mansion.   This move will free up the Mansion’s basement to become more interpretive museum space. The Ten Broeck Mansion is considered one of the crown jewels of Arbor Hill’s reawakening of its arts, cultural and heritage scene and reconnecting it with North Swan Street is considered instrumental to the neighborhood’s revitalization.

“The Albany County Historical Association has been a stable cultural presence in this neighborhood since 1947” said Marie Erkes, President of the Albany County Historical Association.  “We are delighted to partner with the Arbor Hill Community, the City of Albany, and the Albany Housing Authority in redeveloping North Swan Street.  Our presence at King’s Place will allow us to play a more active role in the community. We are very excited about our future in this historic neighborhood.”

Steve Longo said, “This project is about leveraging community assets for a better tomorrow and there is nothing more important to Arbor Hill’s future than celebrating its strong cultural heritage.  The Ten Broeck Mansion is a national treasure that draws visitors from far and wide.  We are excited that they will see and contribute to renaissance of North Swan Street.”

Funding was provided for the $750,000 project through a $300,300 City of Albany Community Development Block Grant under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 and through Replacement Housing Factor Funds from the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  The project was also funded by the New York State Assembly through member item funds provided by Assemblymen Ron Canestrari and Jack McEneny.  The goals of the ARRA funding were to remove blight and provide affordable housing.  Two one-bedroom apartments are also a part of the project and will be rented by the Authority to qualified applicants on its wait list.

“The Albany Housing Authority has been an exceptional partner in our revitalization of the Arbor Hill neighborhood” said Michael Yevoli. “King’s Place brings us one big step closer to the transformation of North Swan Street.  The revitalization of this historic property will bring additional vibrancy back into the community and adds to the nearly $80 million of investment made since the completion of the Arbor Hill Plan.”

Mayor Gerald Jennings said, “This is another significant milestone in achieving the goals we set forth in the Arbor Hill Neighborhood Plan of 2003.  We are following through on a promise to remove blight and invest in arts, culture and heritage as a way of creating a neighborhood where people have secure future.  Congratulations to everyone involved.”

 The King’s Place project is one of many recent developments in the Arbor Hill neighborhood over the past year, including the addition of 23 new rental units on Clinton Avenue; the redesign of the North Swan Street Park; and the continuing rehabilitation and conversion of Saint Joseph’s Academy into artist lofts on North Swan Street- totaling more than $28 million dollars of investment in and around surrounding areas of North Swan Street.

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15th Annual MLK Labor Celebration

15th Annual MLK Labor Celebration

Monday, January 21st, 2013

Hackett Middle School, Albany, NY

(Cor. Delaware & Myrtle Avenues, Albany)

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

For Flyer Click Here!!

“MLK, Labor and the Fight for Environmental Justice” Presented by Cecil Corbin-Mark, MA; Co-coordinator of the JustGreen Partnership, Program Director WE-ACT For Environmental Justice, Harlem, NY

Workshops on Environmental Advocacy & the Green Jobs Economy

Community Luncheon & Vendor Fair

Presentation of the Alan B. Lubin Student Awards


The NAACP Capital District Student Outreach Program (STOP)


For Vendor and Event Information contact for packet:  – or – (518) 331-6611

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AHA featured in Downtown Albany Digest!!

In 2007, the year the Hampton Inn and Suites opened its doors in downtown Albany, a collaboration to create and manage a Work Experience Program was born between the hotel, The Albany Housing Authority (AHA) and the Community Technology Initiative (CTI). The idea was simple. Create a train-to-work program giving participants an opportunity to learn necessary skills to build careers, develop confidence and grow as individuals. At the same time, The Hampton Inn and Suites gains a pool of valuable employees, builds a strong community, improves the hospitality workforce and capitalizes on benefits for the company.

Over the past six years, the work experience program has averaged 28 individuals annually. Participants who enter the two to four week intensive work training experience at the hotel, are given a uniform, and put to work shadowing and assisting employees in hotel departments such as housekeeping, breakfast bar, laundry and hotel public areas. The hands-on experience allows participants to gain quick skill sets that can be put into immediate use and presents opportunities to impress the host organization for possible future employment.

The program benefits for the Hampton Inn and Suites are three-fold. First, the partnership supports the local community by offering much needed job training opportunities. Additionally, fresh and eager individuals are introduced to the hotel as a way to replenish the workforce and keep It stable. Lastly, the corporate entity of the Hampton Inn receives tax incentives as a program participant.

According to Todd Reichelt, General Manager, Hampton Inn and Suites, Albany-Downtown, The hospitality industry has a history of being a good corporate citizen and giving back to our local communities. The work experience program with AHA and CTI allows us to continue that tradition while enhancing our workforce.” Training new people costs time and money for any business. Hotel management embraces this fact and trains program participants to be successful.

For most, the job is a tremendous stepping stone,” explains Reichelt, We have a core of housekeeping and front office associates that have been here for a number of years. So they rub shoulders with these people and make friends and sometimes, that’s what they need more than anything. Other people they can relate to that have been somewhat successful at what they do so they can be a role model for them.” A position at the Hampton Inn is not guaranteed, but many successful participants in the training program are considered for serious employment. Some even go on to train others.

For the full article Click Here!!

Posted in Featured News, Office of the Executive Director, The WAGE Center | Leave a comment

Win 2 tickets to the Slider Slam at the Albany Chefs’ Food & Wine Festival!

Albany Chefs’ Food & Wine Festival!!

For more details visit

Albany Barn is a private non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to developing a permanent, sustainable creative arts incubator and community art center in Albany, NY – a place for artists, neighborhood residents and the public alike to create, collaborate, present and explore, particularly those who cannot afford or otherwise access such space and services.

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