Author Archives: albanyhousing
Know Your Rights!
AVillage and Radix Summer Youth Employment Signup!
Albany Housing Authority Mourns the Death of Father James Lefebvre
Albany Housing Authority Mourns the Death of Father James Lefebvre
Lefebvre served as the Authority’s Board of Commissioners for more than 40 years
ALBANY, N.Y. – The Albany Housing Authority is deeply saddened by the passing of The Rev. James Lefebvre. Father Lefebvre served the City and the residents of Albany Housing Authority as a commissioner for more than 40 years. In that time, many commissioners and several executive directors looked to Father Lefebvre for guidance and leadership. He was a constant and steady force who spoke quietly but insightfully to bring order to the discussion of even the most complex and controversial issues; always keeping the best interests of the residents at the top of the conversation.
Lefebvre passed away Tuesday morning at a rehabilitation center in Albany. He was 83 years old.
“Father James was the constant, stabilizing voice on which the Authority could always depend,” said Steven T. Longo, executive director, Albany Housing Authority. “He was a mentor who supported me for 28 years in my position as executive director, and I’m sure many at the Authority can say the same. His impact on our organization, and this city, was immeasurable. His memory lives on in our mission to serve the residents of Albany.”
“I join our entire community in mourning the loss of Assistant Chief and Chaplain Father James Lefebvre,” said Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan. “Father Lefebvre was a devoted servant of this community for decades. As Mayor, I relied on his advice and counsel often, and am grateful for the strength and support he provided our community – especially during times of tragedy. I’m proud to have called Fr. Lefebvre a friend and I will miss him. I have directed flags at all City buildings be flown at half-staff in honor of Fr. Lefebvre’s life and service.”
Ordained to the Roman Catholic priesthood in 1959, Father Lefebvre was appointed Albany police chaplain in 1965 while residing at St. Joseph’s Parish in Albany. He was made honorary assistant police chief in 2014. Father Lefebvre also served for many years as priest at Historic St. Mary’s Church in Albany. He was appointed to the Albany County Ethics Commission in 2016, and was reappointed last month.
“Father was a friend, mentor, storyteller, and a part of the fabric that makes Albany a special place to live and work,” said Albany Housing Authority Board Chair Michael Whalen. “His impression will be felt for many years to come by those who were fortunate enough to come in contact with him. His humor, quick wit and smile will be missed.“
Father Lefebvre will be fondly remembered by the Albany Housing Authority for his commitment to serving the residents of this city, for whom he cared so deeply. He was a pillar of our community who residents, and especially our police officers, could look to as a spiritual leader and counselor. His passing is a tremendous loss for the City of Albany.
HAI Group Resident Scholarship Program – Deadline March 30th
Clicking the above image will bring you to the original message, all links within the original flyer are active links.
2018 Albany Citizen Police Academy Application is Available
SPRING, 2018
On behalf of Mayor Kathy Sheehan and Acting Albany Police Chief Robert Sears, we invite our fellow citizens to apply to the Albany Citizen Police Academy. Applications are now being accepted for the 2018 Spring, Citizen Police Academy, scheduled to start on Wednesday, March 28th, 2018. This is a fourteen week course which continues on each subsequent Wednesday evening. Classes will meet from 6pm – 9pm @ The Albany Police Training Center (Large Classroom), 223 Washington Ave Ext. Albany, NY 12205.
Albany’s Citizen Police Academy is a unique opportunity for citizens who live in or work in the City of Albany. The goal of the Academy is to increase understanding between citizens and police through education.
Through the weekly classes, the police will hope to dispel suspicions and misconceptions and increase rapport between the citizens of Albany and the police. The citizens, in turn, make officers more aware of their feelings and concerns.
A few examples of presentation and topic
discussions include:
- Community Policing
- Police / Community Relations
- First Responder / CPR
- Forensic Investigations Unit
- Criminal Investigations Unit
- Children and Family Services Unit
- Basic Crime Prevention
Much time and energy has been devoted to the development of an informative overview of the fundamentals of police operations, which are instructed by both management and nonmanagement representatives from the Albany Police Department. Students will typically be meeting once a week for three hours for fourteen weeks. Instruction will be presented by subject matter experts and will include virtually every aspect of police work ranging from a study of the New York State Penal Law, demonstrations of many different law enforcement tools (canine unit, mounted unit, etc.), narcotics investigations, computers, firearms, etc. The classes will include lectures, tours, demonstrations, and hands on participation.
Citizens (limited to those who live in or work in the City of Albany) should complete the following application (Click HERE for the fillable application in PDF format) and return it to the Albany Police Department Training Unit at:
or by mailing the completed form to:
Albany Police Training Unit
223 Washington Avenue Ext., Albany, NY 12205
518.452.2837 Fax: 518.456.0459
**Class size is limited and applicants should not delay.**
FSS Newsletter 2018 No.1
For more information, please visit
Scholarships Available for Your Clients/Tenants
Dear Albany Community,
CARES , though it’s City of Albany Poverty Reduction Initiative (CAPRI), is pleased to announce applications for scholarships are now open for consideration. Scholarships of up to $2,500 will be awarded on a rolling basis for eligible City of Albany residents pursuing a licensing program or a professional and/or technical certification that will lead to full-time employment. Some examples of eligible programs include electrician, natural gas technician, massage therapist, commercial driver license, and nursing certification. This funding opportunity may be a perfect fit for one of your current or former clients looking to pursue a vocational or educational opportunity. For more information on CAPRI and how to apply for the Workforce Scholarship Program on behalf of your client/tenant, please visit or email Pedro Perez, the Program Director at
Thank you,
Nancy Chiarella
Pedro Perez, Program Director
City of Albany Poverty Reduction Initiative
Phone: 518.454.5412
City of Albany Poverty Reduction Initiative Announces
Workforce Development Scholarship Program
Albany, NY – The City of Albany Poverty Reduction Initiative (CAPRI), led by Mayor Kathy Sheehan, announced the launch of the Workforce Development Scholarship Program.
Scholarships of up to $2,500 will be awarded on a rolling basis for eligible City of Albany residents pursuing a licensing program or a professional and/or technical certification that will lead to full-time employment. Some examples of eligible programs include electrician, natural gas technician, massage therapist, commercial driver license, and nursing certification.
“Licenses and certifications are important credentials that can boost salaries, earning potential, and economic mobility—key components of reducing poverty in the City of Albany,” said Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan. “This scholarship program will ensure that we are eliminating barriers for individuals seeking to advance their career or re-enter the workforce.”
This scholarship aims to offer the opportunity to earn credentials and certification that will provide the most relevant skills and knowledge to build viable careers. It also works to ensure that barriers to obtaining and retaining employment are removed for the applicants through an innovative partnership with local not-for-profits. Each applicant will be sponsored by a not-for-profit, creating a support system that empowers eligible applicants to create opportunity and build equity.
CAPRI is part of the larger Empire State Poverty Reduction Initiative (ESPRI) led by Governor Andrew Cuomo that aims to assist impoverished individuals within a community with the goal to ultimately lift them out of poverty.
For more information on CAPRI and how to apply for the Workforce Scholarship Program, please visit, or email
Nancy Chiarella
Executive Director
200 Henry Johnson Blvd. Suite 4
Albany, NY 12210
518.489.4130, ext. 105
A Village, Inc reveals their Honorees for this year’s ‘Celebration of Progress’
For More information about A Village, Inc please click HERE to visit their website!
2018 Black History Month Film Series Is Here!
Please Join the Center for Law & Justice for our annual Black History Month Film Series.
Happening every Thursday in the month of February. Films begin at 6 pm. Dinner and/or light
refreshments will be served! For additional information or to RSVP please call Amy at
518-427-8361 or email
A Thank You From the South End Children’s Cafe
Dear Friends at the Albany Housing Authority,
2017 was an amazing year for the South End Children’s Cafe.
Thanks to you, and your ongoing support, belief in the program and dedication to the children, we were able to celebrate serving over 14,600 meals in just two years!
And especially thanks to you, we moved into our new space at 25 Warren Street, Albany. Since opening on December 4 to the children, we have served over 1,000 meals already. Your support from the beginning of planning for this has been unbelievable, and I am so grateful to all of you and your staff for everything!
We have created a slideshow to show our appreciation to you for all you have done. Please enjoy your slideshow HERE.
Please come by sometime for dinner (we eat at 5) or a visit to see your kindness in action. Happy 2018! May you have as much joy and happiness in your life as you bring to so many others.
Tracie Killar
Director, South End Children’s Cafe
PO Box 10581
Albany, NY 12202
A Word from the Homeless Action Committee
393 NORTH PEARL ST. Office (518) 426-0554
ALBANY, NY 12207 FAX 462-5839
Volunteer to Help the Homeless
The Homeless Action Committee operates an Outreach Van program which makes rounds on the streets of Albany to places where homeless people congregate. An Outreach Van volunteer would assist individuals with basic needs as well as transportation to area resources or other human services organizations. The police, hospitals and other agencies will often call the Outreach Van to provide transportation for individuals to shelters or motels for the night.
The hours are between 2-10PM every day of the week. During the winter, on Code Blue nights, the hours are until 12AM.
Volunteers for the Outreach Van must be able to work with individuals with active alcohol/substance abuse issues, have good judgment, be responsible, reliable and have a good knowledge of crisis intervention techniques.
We are looking for volunteers to make at least a 2-3 hour weekly commitment. Excellent writing and organizational skills are a must. Volunteers must be motivated, patient and willing to help those who are vulnerable.
This is a great opportunity to assist others who are in greatly in need. Please reply with a cover letter and resume.
***You may e-mail cover letter and resume to OR you may also fax your info to (518) 462-5839.
Congratulations to a 2017 High School Graduate
For more information about the WAGE Center please visit their website HERE!
Board Meeting for the month of November has been cancelled.
Capital Holiday Lights in the Park 2017 Kick-Off
Join Mayor Kathy Sheehan, Santa, and other special guests as they throw the switch for Light Up the Holidays. Take a walk around the lake as part of the walk-only Charity Walk Night to benefit the local Charities of Choice for 2017.
Charities of Choice
Alzheimer’s Association of NENY
The Albany Fund for Education
Soldier On
For more information visit the Event Page!