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Problem Solving Day – 03.20.2020

Have a tax problem you haven’t been able to resolve with the IRS? The Taxpayer Advocate Service will assist taxpayers in person at its upcoming
Problem Solving Day

What: TAS Problem Solving Day at Albany Housing Authority

When: Friday, March 20th 2020, from 10:00AM to 2:00PM

Where: Albany Housing Authority Community Room, 200 South Pearl St. Albany, NY 12202

Partner: Albany Housing Authority

The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) will be available to assist taxpayers with tax problems they’ve been unable to resolve on their own with the IRS. Our goal is to provide personalized, step by step guidance. If your tax problem meets our criteria, we’ll assign a Case Advocate to work directly with you.

The Taxpayer Advocate Service is an independent organization within the Internal Revenue Service. TAS helps taxpayers resolve tax problems, recommends changes to prevent future tax problems, and protects taxpayer rights. TAS’s services are free to taxpayers who are:

• Experiencing a financial hardship or having financial difficulties because of a tax problem;

• Trying, but haven’t been able to resolve an IRS tax problem; or

• Believing an IRS system or procedure isn’t working.

Learn more about TAS at

Problem solving day 03202020 Albany NY

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Birthday Party Benefit for the Feed and Read Program at the Madison Theatre


A Birthday Party to Benefit
the Feed and Read
Weekend Backpack Program

Saturday, February 29, 2020

6 – 7 pm – Special Benefit Concert
7 – 10 pm – Music by Sean Madden & Friends
and DJ Nate Da Great
@ Albany’s Madison Theatre

Ginnie and Jim in front of Madison Theatre

1975 brought us many remarkable things … Betamax video tapes, the Introduction of Daylight Savings Time, Wheel of Fortune, the movie Jaws, Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here and the births of 13th Ward Common Council Member and AFE Board President Ginnie FarrellJim MacFawn, Union Organizer and AFE Supporter, and AFE Executive Director Mari Shopsis all within a few weeks of each other.

Help them kick off 45 by having fun and doing good at a special birthday party at Albany’s newly renovated Madison Theatre on February 29. All funds raised will support the Feed and Read weekend backpack program.

Dress as your favorite decade… 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s, 10’s or 2020! 

Leap to be there – a party like this only happens once every four years!

Can’t make it to the party? We’ll miss you!
But you can still support the Feed and Read program with a donation
All donations will help inspire Jim and Ginnie to get their Ridiculist on…
With a special post-event email with pictures for donors who couldn’t be there in person!

Ticket options: 

$300 – Full Backpack: Sponsor 30 weeks of food and books to feed body and mind for a hungry student in our district. Enjoy all the birthday party benefits below, and choose a decade or a dance for Ginnie and Jim (costume, dance, etc.).
$100 – Birthday Bestie: Enjoy all “Birthday Bandmate” benefits *and* take a photo with the birthday kid or kids of your choice!
$45 advance/$50 door Birthday Bandmate: Be there for a special pre-party concert from 6-7 pm with Sean Madden & Friends and guest vocalist the Honorable Ginnie Farrell, while enjoying appetizers and birthday cake.
$25 advance/$30 door – Boogie with the Birthday Kids: Enjoy music from Sean Madden & Friends and dance to DJ Nate Da Great from 7-10pm. Stay through the evening to see what “ridiculist” outfits and dances Ginnie and Jim will put on…

Ginnie and Jim are willing to do a lot to help Albany children. They’ll even dress up and act ridiculous for a good cause. The items on the “Ridiculist” are examples of just how FAR Ginnie and Jim will go to raise funds for the Feed and Read program (aka FAR) which gives hungry kids in the Albany City School District a backpack of food and a new book each week to provide food security over the weekend when school meals are not available. This important program is a collaboration between the Albany Fund For Education, The Homeless and Travelers Aid Society, and Grassroot Givers.

The Ridiculist

Every $300 raised (beyond event admissions) is a decade that Jim and Ginnie will dress for in spectacular fashion throughout the evening – beginning in the 1970s and moving on through the years as the night goes on. After the costume change, another $300 raised will inspire Ginnie and Jim to burst out their dance moves from that decade – think the Hustle, the Running Man and the Cabbage Patch – just for starters! They may even relive their inner boy band or Britney Spears moments (oops! we did it again!). Please consider making an additional donation with your ticket purchase to get Jim and Ginnie through the entire Ridiculist!

Many thanks to our friends at the Madison TheatreSean Madden & Friends, and DJ Nate Da Great

The Albany Fund for Education enhances opportunities
for students to learn, grow, and succeed.

Albany Fund for Education
PO Box 3110, Albany, NY 12203 ~ (518) 417-2107

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6:30PM – 9PM

135 South Pearl Street, Albany, New York 12202

All events are free and open to the public during February.


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STEAM Garden – Trades Tech Lab Second Cohort Starts Soon


S.T.E.A.M. Garden to host Traditional Trades training workshops with
Hudson Valley Community College,
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation

Enrollment Deadline is Thursday, February 27th

Classes in Wood Window Rehabilitation start Thursday, March 5


Contact:           Anthony Capece, Executive Director

Central Avenue Business Improvement District (CDMA, Inc.) / 518-462-4300

ALBANY, NY (2/13/20) — Historic windows add authentic charm to old buildings, but they need to be maintained and modernized to stay weather-tight and operable. Even 100-year-old windows are probably structurally sound but may be painted shut, have damaged or missing putty, a cracked pane of glass or the sash cords that allow for easy opening and closing may have broken.

It’s getting harder to find people with the skills who can repair and restore old windows, but thanks to an upcoming workshop (Cohort), the number of local historic window repair specialists will soon be growing. At Albany’s S.T.E.A.M. Garden, a formerly vacant school building is providing hands-on learning opportunities for a new generation of skilled workers.

“S.T.E.A.M. stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Media – but we’re also training people in the technology from the past that remains in high demand,” said Anthony Capece, Executive Director of the Central Avenue Business Improvement District (Central BID). “Starting in March, we will be welcoming contractors, entrepreneurs, even homeowners, to learn about the traditional trade of historic window rehabilitation.”

The Office of Workforce Development of Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC), the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) and Historic Albany Foundation are joining forces to address the growing need for skilled contractors for restoration projects. The Historic Wood Window Rehabilitation course follows the Historic Masonry – Treatments and Repair course that started in January. The Historic Window course will be held on Thursday evenings and four Saturdays from March 5 – April 25 at the S.T.E.A.M. Garden at 279 Central Avenue.

The 40-hour course will provide participants with both classroom and hands-on training in the traditional trade of historic wood window rehabilitation, including the repair of window sashes, glazing, frames and weights. Students will gain an understanding of windows used on 19th and 20th century buildings, basics in the field of historic preservation, weatherization techniques and where to market their skills. A certificate for completion of the course is awarded by HVCC and OPRHP, which is New York’s federally designated State Historic Preservation Office.

The course will be taught by Christopher Templin and Emily Majer. Templin is an architectural historian at Mesick Cohen Wilson Baker Architects in Albany with years of on-site preservation and restoration carpentry experience. Majer is the owner and operator of White Clay Kill Preservation in Tivoli, NY, and earned a Master of Science degree in Historic Preservation from the University of Massachusetts.

Tuition for the course is $850, and participants should have basic construction skills. Tuition assistance is available for CSEA employees; and from the Albany and Rensselaer County One-Stop Employment Centers; and other workforce development organizations. For more information or to enroll, visit, email  or call (518) 629-4111. The enrollment deadline for the Historic Wood Window Rehabilitation class is Thursday, February 27th.

“The New York State Division for Historic Preservation heard from countless communities across the state that, while they embrace the rich history and historic character of their neighborhoods, finding contractors with the necessary training to repair older buildings was extremely difficult,” said Daniel Mackay, Deputy Commissioner for Historic Preservation. “By enhancing the skills of craftspeople in the traditional trades, we can help create quality construction jobs that provide a much need service to the next generation of historic building stewards.”

“Jobs like these can’t be outsourced or automated – and the time it takes to get on many preservation contractors’ schedules illustrates the demand,” said Capece. “At the S.T.E.A.M. Garden, we’re happy to help turn old skills into new jobs.” An additional course in Historic Preservation Carpentry is slated for the spring.

The Albany S.T.E.A.M. Garden is a regional super-hub for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Media. It provides shared work areas, meeting rooms, maker labs, and classrooms as well as rental space for special events. It welcomes entrepreneurs and co-workers for monthly, weekly or daily memberships. For more information about the S.T.E.A.M. Garden, visit or .


 Here are some easy to use Social media “clips” you can drop into your social media and help us spread the word.

Learn a skill a robot can’t take away! Historic Window Rehab – 40 hour course offered by HVCC and NYSOPRHP starts 3/5 at STEAM Garden, 279 Central Ave. $850 – tuition assistance is available – RSVP by 2/27. 518-629-4111.

Historic windows don’t have to be a pain in the glass! Keep them in good shape – for you or a client! 40-hour class starts 3/5 at STEAM Garden, 279 Central Ave. $850 – tuition assistance is available – RSVP by 2/27. 518-629-4111.

At Albany’s STEAM Garden, a former school is providing hands-on learning for a new generation of skilled workers. RSVP by 2/27 for Historic Window Rehab starting 3/5 at 279 Central Ave. $850 – tuition assistance available. (518) 629-4111.

The STEAM Garden is helping turn old skills into new jobs. Window Resto classes start 3/5. RSVP by 2/27. $850 – tuition assistance is available. (518) 629-4111. Preservation Carpentry classes coming soon.

Are your historic windows painted shut? Don’t despair – REPAIR! Historic Window Rehab – 40 hour course offered by HVCC and NYSOPRHP starts 3/5 at STEAM Garden, 279 Central Ave. $850 – tuition assistance is available – RSVP by 2/27. 518-629-4111.

Get your historic windows ready to let the spring air in! Historic Window Rehab – 40 hour course offered by HVCC and NYSOPRHP starts 3/5 at STEAM Garden, 279 Central Ave. $850 – tuition assistance is available – RSVP by 2/27. 518-629-4111.

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5th Annual Healthy Aging Fair



Learn Everything You Need to Know about Your Health at:


Wednesday, April 8th. 2020

12:00 pm – 3:00 pm

-Demonstrations & Information


-Free Raffles


MORE INFO: (518) 434-5803

Facebook: @AlbanyNyDepartmentOfRecreation

5th annual healthy aging fair 2020

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Census 2020 Informational Meeting!








Hosted by:

Albany NAACP

Centro Civico

African American Clergy United for Empowerment

Information Session Is Free and Open to the Public

Tuesday, February 18, 2020 3 PM —6 PM

230 Green Street, Albany (in Centro Civico Room)

Light refreshments will be served

census 2020 English


census 2020 spanish

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New Graduates!

Congratulations to Princess Dixon and Shariff Chunn, the WAGE Center’s newest Graduates!

HSE Graduation 02-11-2020

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Youth FX Friday Night Flicks!


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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2:30 – 3 PM


Come hear directly from members of the US Census Bureau about part-time job openings (up to $20 per hour!), the purpose of the census, legal protections and more. This is a great chance to ask questions to help alleviate any concerns community members may have.

A fair and accurate census depends on every person’s responses remaining confidential.

Please RSVP at 518-862-4711 because seating within each classroom is limited.

CRB Census 2020 Workshop

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Albany Housing Authority Scholarship & Laptop Giveaway!

Scholarship & Laptop Giveaway

The Albany Housing Authority has established an annual scholarship and laptop giveaway. This scholarship will assist students with the financial expenses of pursuing higher education. The applicant must be a tenant/resident residing in rental property owned, affiliated with, or subsidized by the Albany Housing Authority. This includes Public Housing residents and Section Eight participants. Recipients must be a senior in high school, presently enrolled as a full-time college student or a re-entry student pursuing academic, technical or vocational training. Three scholarships for the 2020 Fall Quarter or Semester will be awarded in the amounts of:

1st Prize – $3,000.00

2nd Prize – $2,000.00

3rd Prize – $1,000.00

***All finalist will be entered into a drawing for a free laptop***

Deadline: Application must be postmarked or delivered no later than July 1, 2020.

Submit to: Albany Housing Authority Scholarship

200 South Pearl Street

Albany, New York 12202

Applications postmarked or received after July 1, 2020 WILL NOT be reviewed

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Scholarship & Laptop Giveaway Application

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Youth FX DOC Lab: 2/17 – 2/21

Learn documentary film production from Youth FX over the winter school break! Youth FX D.O.C (Documenting Our Community) Lab will provide young people between the ages of 14-19 in the City of Albany with the opportunity to learn skills in documentary filmmaking as a means to tell urgent stories about issues affecting their communities.


DATES: Monday 2/17 – Friday 2/21 // 10am-4pm


In this program youth documentary makers will develop a wide variety of skills by working on film projects that address a broad range of topics like gun violence, women’s rights, gender and identity, poverty, teen homelessness, exploring community history and much more.

Questions? Email us:


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Impact Downtown Albany Update: February 10


Making Progress on a $48 Million Project in Arbor Hill

Looking ahead to spring, Home Leasing has passed the halfway mark in its construction of more than 200 affordable housing and mixed-income residential units within 70 row houses in the Arbor Hill neighborhood and along Clinton Avenue and Ten Broeck Triangle.

To date, 27 buildings have been completed. Restoration work is continuing, and more than two dozen buildings are being worked on at one time. Tours can be scheduled for those who would like to see the progress for themselves, and The Clinton Avenue Apartments is already accepting applications for studio, 1, 2, and 3-bedroom apartments. Completion of the entire project is planned for late this year.

Located in Albany’s Clinton Square Downtown Revitalization Initiative zone, the new investment will forge a connection between downtown and its surrounding neighborhoods – an Impact Downtown Albany plan priority. The scattered-site project was made possible with City of Albany industrial Development Agency assistance, and involves the revitalization of a total of 210 units within 70 row houses and on 2 vacant parcels.

More photos and construction-updates can be found on the Corporation’s Instagram.

Current Implementation Investments

$245+ million completed

$174+ million under construction

$93+ million in the pipeline

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Friday Night Flicks @ Youth FX

Join YOUTH FX this Friday, February 7th from 6pm-9pm for Friday Night Flicks!
Friday Night Flicks is a FREE monthly Youth FX movie screening event for teens. Come through, watch a film and participate in a thoughtful post-film discussion lead by Youth FX filmmakers & special guests!

***FREE Pizza, Drinks and Snacks***

This Month’s Film
SEE YOU YESTERDAY (2019) dir. by Stefon Bristol
Two teenage science prodigies spend every spare minute working on their latest homemade invention: backpacks that enable time travel. When one of their older brothers is killed, they put their unfinished project to the test to save him. See You Yesterday marries a novel sci-fi premise with urgent social relevance and forges something excitedly new from the union

Our Location:
Youth FX Studios
25 Warren St. (btwn. Phillip & Grand st.)
Albany, NY 12202


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Upcoming Citizen Preparedness Corps Training with Capital Region BOCES

Capital Region BOCES will be hosting a Disaster Preparedness Specialist from the American Red Cross on Monday, February 3 from 6:00 – 7:00 PM at the Capital South Campus Center (20 Warren St., Albany, NY 12202) and Wednesday, February 5 from 10:30 – 11:30 AM at the West Hill / Arbor Hill Literacy Zone (388 Clinton Ave., Albany, NY 12206). The training is free to all attendees and will cover a range topics ranging from evacuation plans to basic first aid so that participants can be properly prepared during an emergency/disaster.

Space is limited, so please have interested participants contact Cody from Capital Region BOCES at 518-862-4711 to reserve a spot as soon as possible. Please feel free to post/distribute the attached flyers.

CPC Flyer at CSCCCPC Flyer at WHAH

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African American History Film & Discussion Series

Center for Law & Justice Presents:

African American History Film & Discussion Series

Join us every Thursday. starting February 6th through February 27th at 5:30PM at the Albany Housing Authority, 200 SOuth Pearl Street (Parking in rear parking lot).

When They See Us, directed by Ava DuVernay

2020 Film Series Flyer(Final)

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Albany County Land Bank’s 2019 Annual Report

The Albany County Land Bank
2019 Annual Report 
Five Years of Progress

The Albany County Land Bank 2019 Annual Report

The Albany County Land Bank 2019 Annual Report Five Years of Progress

Five years ago, communities across the United States were still reeling from the 2008 Financial Crisis. Foreclosures had reached record levels, creating a tremendous number of vacant properties and leaving taxpayers, residents and local governments to shoulder most of the burden. As these properties continued to devastate neighborhoods and drain municipal resources across Albany County, local officials and community members took the bold step of forming a land bank to fight blight and revitalize neighborhoods.
Today, thanks to the support of Albany County, our Board of Directors, dedicated staff and many partners, the Albany County Land Bank has grown to be among the largest and most active land banks in the Eastern United States. Our work has enabled hundreds of vacant and abandoned properties to return to productive use and resulted in millions of dollars of investment into Albany County’s neighborhoods. Our innovative programs and creative partnerships to increase long-term affordability and opportunities for first-time homebuyers have received national recognition and serve as a model for land banks across the country.
As we celebrate our fifth anniversary we are proud of the progress we have made and look forward to revitalizing neighborhoods and strengthening communities throughout Albany County in 2020 and beyond!

Click the Image Above or HERE for the 2019 Annual Report.

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IT Training – Start Your Career in the TECH SECTOR

Tech Sector Flyer

Apply today to start a career in the tech sector!

Click HERE for more information!

Availability is limited, apply now to reserve your spot!

Get on the path for a career in: Information Technology, Computer Coding, Game Design, Web Development.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be 17 – 24 years old,

  • Must meet income requirements,

  • must be a City of Albany resident.


Call at (518) 372-4100

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2020 Human Services Guide

The newly updated 2020 Human Services Guide is available and can be reached by clicking HERE or on the image below.

2020 Human Services Guide

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First Annual Hunger Awareness Day

First Annual Hunger Awareness Day
January 19, 2020
Worship Service at 10:00 am
Israel AME Church ▪ 381 Hamilton Street ▪ Albany, NY Rev. Justin Anderson, Pastor

Hunger Awareness Day_2020Flier

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NYSPHADA 2020 Scholarship Application Available

A scholarship for high school seniors living in public or assisted housing
at a NYSPHADA member agency.

One scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $2,500.00
One runner-up will be awarded $1,000.00.

Applications are due to NYSPHADA by February 24, 2020.

NYSPHADA 2020 Scholarship Application


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