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Lincoln Square Homes Proposed Disposition Residents Meeting Powerpoint from April 21st 2020

Lincoln Square Homes Proposed Disposition Residents Meeting
April 21st, 2020

Resident Mtg Powerpoint

Resident Mtg Powerpoint - Spanish


Current Conditions

•Built in 1967; substantially rehabilitated in the mid-1980s.
•Systems are breaking down and require extraordinary cost for repair and upgrades: elevators, fire safety system, HVAC, electrical and plumbing system are all affected.
•A vacant high-rise was demolished in 2004 due to similar issues.
•AHA has difficulty filling vacant units.
•2019 analysis by consultant indicates site qualifies for demolition because of physical conditions.
•AHA built 156 new low-rise, modern units (52 PH) to improve neighborhood and in anticipation of removal of Lincoln Square.


•City’s vision for the neighborhood (including Lincoln Homes) is outlined in the “Capital South Plans: SEGwayto the Future” prepared in 2007.
•City recently announced funding to update the plan.
•Future uses of the site are not final. Community engagement planned as part of newly announced update.

Immediate Plan: AHA Administrative Transfers

•AHA has authority to make “administrative transfers”
•Policy is outlined in the Admissions and Continuing Occupancy Policy (ACOP)
•Due to ongoing critical problems, AHA will soon begin transferring residents from Lincoln on an administrative basis.

Transfer Priorities:

•Residents who have requested transfers (current transfer list)
•Elderly or disabled residents
•#3 Lincoln (building in worst condition)


•Take stress off buildings
•Avoid critical system failure while people are residing in a building
•Possibly vacate #3 Lincoln
•Use parts from #3 Lincoln for repair of #1 and #2 Lincoln if possible


•*Resident Relocation Priority:
•Priority #1 -#3 Lincoln
•Priority #2 -#1 Lincoln
•Priority #3 -#2 Lincoln
•With HUD approval, residents get permanent relocation (no right to return)
•There is a possibility that #2 Lincoln will be rehabilitated in the future

General Approach

•Resident protection, notification and support features, based HUD/NYS relocation guidelines.
•No required move without 90-day notice.
•On-going communication and resident support.
•Advisory and support services including moving.
•Financial assistance to off-set out of pocket expenses.

Relocation Plan and Staffing

•AHA will have staff dedicated to assist resident plan and implement relocation
•AHA staff will periodically be available for evening & weekend consultation.
•Staff will make home visits as needed and requested.
•Staff will assist with support and resources for special needs and elderly.
•Process will include grievance & claims procedure.

Relocation Orientation

•We will conduct an interview with each household to determine relocation needs and preferences.
•At the interview, we will provide you with both written and verbal explanations of available housing options.
•We will also review with each household, both in writing and verbally, all laws pertaining to discrimination and fair housing.

Anticipated Housing Options

•Vacant Housing Authority – managed Units at Other Sites
•Section 8 Tenant – based Vouchers

Tenant Paid Rents

•Tenant rents for PH units are typically 30% of gross income with allowance for adjustments
•If you move to another PH unit your rent will not be affected by your relocation out of Lincoln Square
•If you move into a §8 project-based unit your rent should remain the same
•If you move using §8 tenant-based voucher your rent should remain the same unless you choose a unit that rents at above AHA’s payment standard, then you may pay up to but no more than 40% of your adjusted income
•Rent you pay with a voucher will also depend on the bedroom size of the unit and its utility allowance. Size of the unit must be appropriate for the family size.

Resident Counseling

•During the initial interview, and afterwards, we will assist each household, at their option, with the preparation of a budget for living expenses (such as rent, utilities and maintenance). If necessary and desired by the resident, we will, refer residents to counseling and other services for rent and debt delinquency problems.
•We will also be available to you for referrals to community resources for other specialized and personal needs.

Housing Locator Services

To help you locate suitable replacement housing, we will provide these services to your household:

•Maintenance and updates of lists of qualified housing providers/landlords.
•Help in contacting landlords and housing providers.
•Arrangement for transportation to inspect available housing.
•Information regarding schools, public transportation, shopping, etc. in areas you wish to live.
•Assistance with completing rental applications.
•Assistance in obtaining necessary certifications.
•Assistance in negotiations with prospective landlords.

Other Relocation Support Services

•Provide moving assistance through a qualified moving company at no cost to you.
•Coordination of the actual move -date, time, etc.
•Help with resolution of relocation/moving issues and complaints.
•Assistance with utility providers (gas, electric, water, rubbish removal, phone, etc.) –housing authority can put resident in touch with resources that help with unpaid utility balances. AHA will attempt to locate appropriate housing with project-paid utilities when utility connection is a problem.
•Assistance with housing authority contacts.
•Coordination of all qualified and HUD-approved relocation reimbursements.
•Provide any specialized services for elderly or disabled residents.


•AHA has instituted practices compliant with social distancing guidelines and contactless processing.
•AHA will follow guidelines in effect regarding masks, gloves and attire for staff and require vendors to abide by applicable requirements.
•Personnel involved in services entering a home may need to ask about health condition of residents in order to adequately serve and protect occupants of the home.
•Financial hold harmless policy is already in place and will apply: residents that suffer loss of job or income will have rents adjusted and same rent will apply when they move to another public housing unit.

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Albany Public Library Updates about Trustee Election & Reopening Approach

Trustee Election Update for Potential Candidates & Voters

Albany Public Library is hosting an information session for anyone interested in running for a seat on the library board TONIGHT — Thursday, May 7 — at 5:00 pm. The session will be livestreamed on YouTube, and recorded for later viewing.

Current trustees will share their experiences as board members and answer questions. There are two trustee seats up for election this year. Both positions carry full five-year terms.

The trustee election will take place on Tuesday, June 9, via absentee ballot.

Candidates must be at least 18 years old, a U.S. citizen, a resident of the city of Albany for at least 30 days immediately before the election, and a qualified voter. Candidates must also must submit a nominating petition.

Nominating petitions are due to the Clerk of the City School District of Albany by 5:00 pm, on Monday, May 11. Any person who has self-nominated and meets the other requirements will be placed on the ballot, in alphabetical order. The library will be able to announce the trustee candidate names after May 11.

We will host a livestream meet-the-candidate session, and publish biographical information about the candidates on its website. We’ll share details about these as they are finalized.

Absentee ballots will be mailed to Albany voters about 14 days before the June 9 election. Completed ballots must be returned and received by the school district by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, June 9, in order to be counted.

APL Director Discusses COVID-19 Reopening Approach

The library’s executive director, Scott C. Jarzombek, has been speaking about APL’s approach to reopening our locations once NY-PAUSE is lifted in the Capital Region.

“Reopening is not flipping a switch. It will be slowly adjusting a dial…The better we are at following this course, the closer we are to getting ourselves back to promoting a free and informed society,” he wrote in an article for the New York Library Association. You can read Jarzombek’s full article here.

Jarzombek talked more about APL’s approach to reopening on a recent WAMC News podcast. “We are that community space. We want to get back to it. But we know the only way we’re going to get back to it is to follow the protocols set forth by experts, and do it slowly. It will be slow. It will be deliberate. It will be with protocols in mind. It will be done in a way that if we have to roll things back, we can,” he said.

The full WAMC podcast episode is available here. Jarzombek’s discussion about the library starts at the 12-minute mark.

APL has a dynamic continuation of service plan, consisting of several phases, that is regularly refined based on new data and guidelines from the federal, state, and county governments. The plan is reviewed by the library’s Board of Trustees at every board meeting. The next board meeting is set for Tuesday, May 12, at 6 pm, and it will be livestreamed on YouTube.

Albany Public Library Website

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Notice of Public Review and Hearing 5 Year and Annual Plan

Notice of Public Review and Hearing 5 Year and Annual Plan

NEW DATE – 5 year Annual Plan

Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 4p.m.

Please join meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.

(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)

United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679

– One-touch: tel:+18668994679,,940162821#

United States: +1 (571) 317-3117

– One-touch: tel:+15713173117,,940162821#

Access Code: 940-162-821

Posted in AHA Board of Commissioners, Featured News, Office of the Deputy Director, Office of the Executive Director | Comments closed

Mother’s Day Game Night!

Mother's Day Flyer

Mother’s Day Game Night

Who knows their mom the best?

Join hosts Mark Bobb-Semple & Too Deep Entertainment for a Newlywed style game where you and your mom compete by answering questions about mom!

Round One – Saturday, May 9th 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm and 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Championship – Sunday, May 10th 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Register today with the following ZOOM information

ZOOM ID: 867-6350-9657

Password: 201802

**meeting link will be provided upon registration**

for questions call 518-380-6701

Prizes include iPad, gift baskets, gift cards, jewelry, flowers and much more!

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Become a New York State Trooper

The Honor of Tradition –
The Privilege to Serve

Become a New York State Trooper
Apply: or
Text JoinNYSP to (518) 240-3959

Starting salary: $57,297 After 1 year: $81,056
The New York State Police is an Equal Opportunity Employer

NYS Recruitment poster 3

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Albany Mayor Urges Residents & Workers Avoid Area Around New York State Capitol on Friday (5/1)

Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan Urges Residents & Workers Avoid Area Around New York State Capitol on Friday, May 1 in Anticipation of Unpermitted Rally

ALBANY, NY – Today, Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan urged residents and workers to avoid the area around the New York State Capitol and Empire State Plaza on Friday, May 1 in anticipation of an unpermitted rally set to take place in the immediate vicinity.

To view the video, please visit the City’s Facebook page.

To download the video, please visit

Residents and workers should avoid Washington Avenue, State Street, and Madison Avenue between Swan Street and Eagle Street and adjacent areas, including Academy Park.  The Albany Police Department has been working with CDTA to adjust bus routes on Friday, May 1 to ensure the safety of their riders and transit workers.

In a video message, Mayor Sheehan made a plea to those planning on attending the rally that they not compromise their own safety, or the safety of first responders, health professionals, and City residents.

“Most of our residents and local workers are already working from home, but to those still coming Downtown, I encourage you to avoid the area around the Capitol,” said Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan. “All of us want to see businesses re-open and get back to normal, but I urge those who are coming to Albany to remember we are a City that has three hospitals treating COVID-19 patients, we have healthcare workers, police officers, fire fighters, and sanitation workers on the front lines each day, and we have residents who want to be safe. Please stay in your car and be respectful and mindful of those who live in this community, because while we understand your frustration, we hope you understand that our residents deserve to be safe as well.”


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Community COVID-19 Testing

Community COVID-19 Testing

By appointment only, no walk-ins.

Please call 518-465-4771, ext 3506 to schedule an appointment.

Testing is provided through Whitney Young Health’s mobile health unit, Whitney on Wheels (WOW).

Community COVID-19 testing (002)

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AVillage…, Inc.

From Tom McPheeters, COO

(518) 433-0679

AVillage with community partners has created a new website,, which has been up and running for about a week. The website has three sections:

  • A portal for people who have needs or are dealing with crises and a detailed questionnaire so helpers can learn specific needs or actions and track them.
  • A portal for volunteers to sign up
  • A Resource section that leads to pages from AVillage and others with specific information and resources.

The is a neighborhood-grown product designed to focus on residents of the South End of Albany, but because it is on the web it is attracting requests from all over the region — some 80 as of April 15.

Most of the requests are for food, toiletries and cleaning supplies, but there are some that require more complex actions.

As the demand grows, we need more volunteers to follow up on requests for help. The volunteers (or volunteer teams) would:

  • Have access to the AirTable document (similar to a Google doc where multiple people can make entries and edit) that has all the requests and notations of what has been done in each case.
  • Select, or be assigned specific requests, then follow up by phone.
  • If the request can be fulfilled by the volunteer or team, do it.
  • If the request cannot be fulfilled by the volunteer or team, contact the site moderator and pass on the information.
  • Record on the follow up section what was done and what still needs action.
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Do It For Yourself — and For Others: A DYI Mask Maker’s Guide

Do It For Yourself — and For Others: A DYI Mask Maker’s Guide

Below are YouTube guides for making cloth masks that are within most people’s competence — whether or not you are an accomplished sewer.

Now that masks are advised for everybody, there are not enough to go around, and people who are likely to need them most may be last in line. Read below how you can help.

But remember, these masks are just part of being smart about this virus. A handy reminder is attached below.

  1. From the CDC, a T-shirt and rubber band mask DIY:
  1. This one from an engineer — not only has clear directions on making a t-shirt masks, but also why you should:
  1. Here is another simple template to make a home-made mask for those of us who are craft or sewing challenged.
  1. This one is for people who can sew. They can be very colorful. They take about 20 minutes each once you get the hang of it:

Be warned, however, that elastic bands are in very short supply in the Albany area. Consider making cloth ties rather than risking shopping in too many stores.

Help Our Neighbors: One thing we know for sure is that many people in the South End have the “pre-existing conditions” that are causing so many deaths from COVID-19. The reasons are not hard to see — poverty, poor housing conditions, lack of access to healthy food, medical services that often start and end with the emergency room. Add on top of that the South End’s heavy air pollution, which has been well documented by the DEC, and you have a toxic brew.

As Chris Churchill noted in a recent column, perhaps it takes a crisis like this to get people to realize the obvious. He quotes state Sen. Alessandra Biaggi of the Bronx: “This has put a spotlight on every area that we fail in… The foundation was already cracked, and this is crumbling it.”

As it happens, we know many of the people in the South End who do have medical conditions that make them vulnerable to the virus should they contract it. This is because of several health surveys conducted by The Radix Center in partnership with AVillage at Ezra Prentice and Creighton Storey Homes, and because of Trinity Alliance’s WALC program, which works with individuals and families at risk and assists them in dealing with their health problems and related issues.

By all means, make masks for yourself and your family. And please consider making more masks for people who need them. Contributions can be sent to AVillage’s office at 3 Lincoln Square. The office is staffed Monday-Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and other times by appointment. Please call our office at (518) 451-9849, or email

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Walk-Up COVID-19 Test Sites to Open in Albany’s South End, Arbor Hill, and West End Neighborhoods

Walk-Up COVID-19 Test Sites to Open in Albany’s South End, Arbor Hill, and West End Neighborhoods

Albany County Department of Health and Whitney M. Young, Jr. Health Center to Open Walk-Up Sites at Capital South Campus Center, Bleecker Terrace Apartments, and Whitney M. Young, Jr. Health Center

Stay Home.  Be Kind.  Save Lives.

ALBANY, NY – On Wednesday, Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy and County Health Commissioner Dr. Elizabeth Whalen announced the opening of three walk-up COVID-19 test sites in Albany’s South End, Arbor Hill, and West End neighborhoods.

Walk-up sites will be available at the following times and locations:

Thursday, April 16: Capital South Campus Center (20 Warren Street) from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Friday, April 17: Whitney Young Health Center (920 Lark Drive) from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Friday, April 17: Bleecker Terrace Apartments (North Manning Boulevard) from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

All sites will be available on a walk-up basis, however an appointment is required.  To make an appointment, please call (518) 465-4771.

“It is crucial that we are bringing tests to our entire community, especially given the disproportionate impact COVID-19 is having on our historically underserved communities,” said Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan.  “I applaud County Executive Daniel McCoy and County Health Commissioner Dr. Elizabeth Whalen for working with the Whitney Young Health Center to open these three walk-up testing sites in our South End, Arbor Hill, and West End neighborhoods.”


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Headspace – Meditation, Sleep, and Movement Exercises and Resources

A NY state of mind


New York has been hit hard by the current global crisis. In partnership with Governor Cuomo, Headspace wants to be here for you — to help you find some time and space as you weather this storm.

From Buffalo to Long Island, Albany to the Lower East Side, this special NY collection of meditation, sleep, and movement exercises are here to support you through stressful and challenging times. Helping you — and your fellow New Yorkers — stay strong and be kind to yourselves, with a New York state of mind.

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Legal Aid Society: Update on Our Services and New COVID-19 Resources

Legal Aid Society

We understand that this can be a confusing and challenging time for many as we all navigate our way through this pandemic. So we want you to know that the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York is still here for our community.  We will have to close our doors and work from home, per the Governor of the State of New York’s request, effective Monday, March 23, 2020 at 9:00 a.m., however, our work will still continue, and we will all be reachable by phone.

We can be reached at the local and toll free numbers for the following offices: Albany, AmsterdamCantonPlattsburgh and Saratoga Springs.

We are taking the extraordinary step of maintaining phone access because we know that our legal services are essential to the low income community’s response to COVID-19 issues.

We ask that you please assist us in publicizing this change in services and our “Did you know?” legal updates broadly on your websites and on your social media channels so that clients, as well as the private bar, know that we are to help. We also have a  new web page, LASNNY COVID-19 “What you should know” , that will be updated regularly.

Support staff will be working remotely to manage new intakes or requests for assistance, and to put clients in touch with intake specialists and case handlers. We will also continue to make referrals for callers who we cannot assist.

Again, we are posting legal information about the response to COVID-19 on our website for anyone to review and reference,, and we ask that you direct  people in need of our services to our website.

The community we serve is particularly vulnerable to the economic impact of this pandemic and Legal Aid must continue to play its important role during and after the crises.

Stay home, stay safe, and flatten the curve.

Lillian M Moy

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Information about Affordable Internet Offers, Low-Cost Devices, and Learning Content to Assist During COVID-19


I. National Locator Tool for Low-Cost Internet Service Offers:

  • Provided by HUD’s nonprofit partner, EveryoneOn, the locator is easy to use. Users simply type in their zip codes and answer a few questions to determine eligibility for low-cost offers by the major Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
  • The site has been updated to reflect new offers many ISPs have made to help ensure connectivity for low-income Americans during the COVID-19 outbreak.

A. COVID-19 Updates to Specific Low-Cost Internet Service Offers. Featured below is a list of the major ISPs, their low-cost offers, and specific updates to their offers made in response to the Federal Communication Commission’s “Keep Americans Connected” pledge which was designed to help all Americans stay connected to the Internet during the COVID-19 crisis.

  1. AT&T’s “Access by AT&T.” Available in 21 states.  One family member must be eligible for SNAP.
  2. Charter Communications’ low-cost offer is “Spectrum Internet Assist” and is based on eligibility for the National School Lunch Program.
    • COVID-19 response: Charter is now offering free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have service through Spectrum. To enroll, call 1-844-488-8395. Installations fees are waived. There are no data caps.
    • For more information go to:
  3. Comcast’s low cost offerInternet Essentials is available to any low-income American.
    • COVID-19 Response: Internet Essentials will be free to new customers. New customers will receive 60 days of complimentary Internet Essentials service, which is normally available to all qualified low-income households for $9.95/month.
    • Additionally, for all new and existing Internet Essentials customers, the speed of the program’s Internet service was increased to 25 Mbps downstream and 3 Mbps upstream. That increase will go into effect for no additional fee and it will become the new base speed for the program going forward.
    • Xfinity WiFi Free for Everyone: Xfinity WiFi hotspots across the country will be available to anyone who needs them for free – including non-Xfinity Internet subscribers. For a map of Xfinity WiFi hotspots, Once at a hotspot, consumers should select the “xfinitywifi” network name in the list of available hotspots, and then launch a browser.
    • Data overages will no longer apply for 60 days.
    • No Disconnects or Late Fees: Comcast will not disconnect a customer’s internet service or assess late fees if they contact them to let them know that they can’t pay their bills during this period. Comcast care teams will be available tooffer flexible payment options and can help find other solutions.
    • For more information and updates from Comcast related to Coronavirus, visit:
  4. Cox Communications’ Connect2Compete is for families with school-aged children who are enrolled in low-income assistance programs.
  5. The Starry Internet Company’s affordable service Starry Connect is available in New York City, Boston, Los Angeles, Washington, DC and Denver in affordable housing developments.
  6. T-Mobile:
    • COVID-19 Response: While T-Mobile does not have a low-cost offer, it has announced that starting now, all current T-Mo and Metro by T-Mobile customers who have plans with data will have unlimited smartphone data for 60 days, excluding roaming. Most subscribers already have unlimited data, but now people who may be on an older plan with a data allotment have unlimited data. Also, Starting soon, T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile customers will have an additional 20GB of mobile hotspot data for the next 60 days.
    • For more information go to:
  7. Other smaller or regional ISPs have offers as well:
    • This Open Source Document lists information about special programs regional ISPs are offering in response to the crisis.

B. The Lifeline program provides a subsidy to HUD-assisted residents for phone and/or Internet service. Annual recertification requirements have been postponed for 60 days by the FCC.

C. For updates to these offers: See the Federal Communications Commission’sKeep Americans Connected” page.



  1. ABCMouse – online learning content for kids 3-8+ years of age. Provided by the company Age of Learning.  District or school leaders can visit to obtain free in-home access to ABCMouse and other programs for their students. For more information, see their media advisory.
  2. Recommendations for the whole family by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit dedicated to online safety of minors:

For more, visit: or

  1. Virtual museum tours provided by 12 of the top museums in the world, from London to Seoul.
  2. Government-wide information:


*This information does not constitute an endorsement by HUD.

Prepared by the Community & Supportive Services Division, Office of Public Housing Investments, 3.17.2020

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BNC Wellness Phone System


BNC FREE TELE-HEALTH WELLNESS VISITS and more for our seniors/disabled/others.

CALL 518-596-0936

BNC Phone Buddy

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City of Albany COVID-19 Updates and Resources

The City of Albany Website has links for updates, closings, resources, and department information.

They can be found by clicking HERE.


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COVID-19 Update: 03.17.2020

ALL AHA Offices Closed to Walk-Ins

To minimize the potential spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and out of an abundance of caution, effective immediately, all Albany Housing Authority offices are closed to walk-in traffic until further notice.

While we recognize the inconvenience this may cause, we take our commitment to the safety of this community very seriously. These measures have been taken in a concerted effort to protect our clients, residents and staff.

Please place any documents in the drop box found inside the 200 South Pearl Street entrance lobby.

Rent payments (Check or Money Order) may be placed in the drop box located outside of the building, to right of the 200 South Pearl Street entrance. Please make sure your name and address is written clearly on your payment


While our doors may be closed during this time, our phones lines remain open. Below is a list of services available online and via phone:

  • We encourage you to use our website from home, 24/7 at to make payments, apply for housing, and view Section 8 Landlord payments. We’ve made a number of enhancements that make it easier than ever to manage these tasks digitally.
  • We continue to offer customer support by calling 518-641-7500 (Option 1) 24/7. Using this phone number you can check your rent balance and your status on the waiting list.
  • Please report any maintenance issues using the maintenance line 518-447-0047 24/7.

To reach a staff member directly, please call (518) 641-7500 and use option “2” for the spell by name directory. Fax numbers for staff and their e-mail addresses will be available on their voicemail should they be on another call. Please remember that our staff will be handling an unusually high volume of calls at this time and leaving only one message is encouraged.

Documents for the following departments can be faxed to:

Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) and Applications/Move-Ins-(518) 641-7548

Public Housing- (518) 641-7549

Managers and all other employee fax numbers will be available on their voicemail.

Appointments, Inspections, and Work Orders:

If you or any person you live with has been experiencing symptoms of acute respiratory illness, a fever (100.4 F or 37.8 C or higher), has recently traveled out of the Capital Region, or has any reason to believe you may have been personally exposed to an acute respiratory illness or around people who are ill, please let us know immediately. This information will be kept confidential in our office and is for preventative purposes only.

  • Emergency Work Orders-Will be addressed as soon as possible. Emergency protocols will be used.
  • Inspections- At this time inspections are being performed as scheduled

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work through this together.


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COVID-19 Update

Amid ongoing concerns about COVID-19 (Coronavirus), circumstances beyond our control have forced our normal business practices to change, effective immediately non-essential staff’s contact with the public will be by appointment only through Friday March 20, 2020. For all other matters our staff will be available to assist you via phone, fax, and e-mail. The Albany Housing Authority (AHA) is closely monitoring the latest reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the NYS Department of Health. The health and safety of our residents and employees is our top priority.

Below is a list of services available online and via phone:

We encourage you to use our website from home, 24/7 at to make payments, apply for housing, and view Section 8 Landlord payments. We’ve made a number of enhancements that make it easier than ever to manage these tasks digitally.

We continue to offer customer support by calling 518-641-7500 (Option 1) 24/7. Using this phone number you can check your rent balance and your status on the waiting list.

Please report any maintenance issues using the maintenance line 518-447-0047 24/7.

To reach a staff member directly, please call (518) 641-7500 and use option “2” for the spell by name directory. Fax numbers for staff and their e-mail addresses will be available on their voicemail should they be on another call. Please remember that our staff will be handling an unusually high volume of calls at this time and leaving only one message is encouraged.

Documents for the following departments can be faxed to:

Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) and Applications/Move-Ins-(518) 641-7548

Public Housing- (518) 641-7549

Managers and all other employee fax numbers will be available on their voicemail.

Appointments, Inspections, and Work Orders:

If you or any person you live with has been experiencing symptoms of acute respiratory illness, a fever (100.4 F or 37.8 C or higher), has recently traveled out of the Capital Region, or has any reason to believe you may have been personally exposed to an acute respiratory illness or around people who are ill, please let us know immediately. This information will be kept confidential in our office and is for preventative purposes only.

Emergency Work Orders-Will be addressed as soon as possible. Emergency protocols will be used.

Annual and Non-Emergency Inspections- Have been cancelled until further notice- We will continue to perform inspections for move-ins.

Section 8 Voucher Holders living in units not owned by AHA and Landlord’s may still request an inspection if the unit contains conditions that are life threatening or unsanitary. Call (518) 641-7497 for emergency inspections only.

We’ve augmented daily cleaning procedures with the use of disinfectant products on high-touch surfaces and working to keep hand sanitizer readily available for all staff. We are also working diligently to educate office and front line staff on best practices recommended by the CDC. This includes proper hand-washing, especially after handling cash and documents as well as implementing a temporary “no hand shake” policy. As always, we are still committed to providing exceptional customer service.


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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Facts

Share Facts About COVID-19 (Coronavirus-19 DISEASE)

Know the facts about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and help stop the spread of rumors.


Diseases can make anyone sick regardless of their race or ethnicity.

People of Asian descent, including Chinese Americans, are not more likely to get COVID-19 than any other American. Help stop fear by letting people know that being of Asian descent does not increase the chance of getting or spreading COVID-19.


Some people are at increased risk of getting COVID-19.

People who have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or people who live in or have recently been in an area with ongoing spread are at an increased risk of exposure.


Someone who has completed quarantine or has been released from isolation does not pose a risk of infection to other people.

For up-to-date information, visit CDC’s coronavirus disease 2019 web page.


You can help stop COVID-19 by knowing the signs and symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath Seek medical advice if you
  • Develop symptoms
  • AND
  • Have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or if you live in or have recently been in an area with ongoing spread of COVID-19.


There are simple things you can do to help keep yourself and others healthy.

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating or preparing food.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Stay home when you are sick. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

For more information: www.cdcgov/COVID19

COVID19 Fact Sheet 2020

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