AHA Board of Commissioners

The AHA Board of Commissioners

The current members of the Board of Commissioners are:

Michael Whalen – Chair

Kelly Kimbrough – Vice-Chair

Linda Mitchell

Mark Bobb-Semple

Pastor David Traynham

Rosetta Scott – Resident Commissioner

Melvenia Jenkins – Resident Commissioner

The Albany Housing Authority Board of Commissioners is made up of seven members. Five members are appointed by the Mayor and serve five year terms. There are two Resident Commissioners who are elected by the residents of the Authority and serve two year terms. At the Board’s annual meeting, held in January, the Commissioners elect a Chair and Vice-Chair. The Commissioners are the governing officers of the Authority.

The Role Of The Housing Authority Board Of Commissioners

PHA Lead the Way: Roles & Responsibilities, Quick Reference

In its role, the housing authority board adopts policies, approves budgets, hires, evaluates, and supervises the executive director, and has fiduciary accountability for the PHA’s financial sustainability. However, the board is not responsible for day-to-day operations; that is the function of the executive director. Some boards try to be involved in day-to-day housing authority operations; this is inappropriate and outside the scope of the board’s authority.

Board members are not to be influenced by personal or political interests. A PHA board member is a public official under the New York Consolidated Public Housing Law Ac, linked here Legislation | NY State Senate (nysenate.gov) and subject to rules of conduct. Importantly, although some board members are appointed by local elected officials, PHAs in NYS are not part of local government. Board members must be committed to the PHA’s goals, understand programs and operations, make decisions to support sound financial management, be curious and ask appropriate questions, demonstrate and uphold high ethical standards, and have a sincere interest in improving the quality of life for participants.

Board meetings and actions must be transparent and comply with PHA bylaws. Decisions must be ethical and avoid personal and organizational conflicts of interest. The board makes decisions as a unit – no board member can act independently or make unilateral decisions. The board cannot act beyond the scope of its authority. General Counsel should be consulted as necessary, with consideration of cost reasonableness.

HUD’s role is to provide funding, regulation, technical guidance, and monitoring. The HUD-Buffalo Field Office is staffed with seasoned experts who monitor and provide technical guidance to PHA executive directors and their staffs. If a PHA board attempts to be involved in the authority’s operations, HUD may monitor the board, provide technical guidance, and training as needed. Poor board governance can negatively impact a housing authority. Conversely, effective board governance contributes to the success of a housing authority.


The Albany Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners conducts regular Meetings on the
second Tuesday of each month (subject to change at the Board’s discretion). Meetings begin at 3:30 P.M. and take place at the Albany Housing Authority’s Administrative Offices, 200 South Pearl Street, Albany, New York, 12202.

2025 Meeting Dates:      
January 21st February 11th March 11th
April 8th
May 13th June 10th July 8th August 12th
September 9th October 14th November 18th  December 9th

There shall be a Public Comment period, labelled on the agenda as “Community Forum,” at the beginning of each regular and special meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Regular meetings of the Board of Commissioners are open to the public. Those who wish to address the Board at any meeting must register to speak by contacting the Office of the Executive Director by phone (518-641-7518) or e-mail (Governance@albanyhousing.org) by noon of the day prior to the meeting. Persons who fail to register as required by this policy shall not be permitted to address the Board.

Virtual Access to Board Meeting


Speakers will be heard in the order of registration and speaking time shall be limited to three (3) minutes per person.

The Community Forum will conclude when all speakers are heard or the expiration of thirty (30) minutes, whichever shall first occur. Upon motion of any Commissioner and a vote of a majority of the Commissioners in attendance, the thirty (30) minute time period may be extended for one additional period of fifteen (15) minutes. The Board may, but shall not be required to, respond to any comments made during the Community Forum.

At a regular meeting, the public may comment during the Community Forum on any housing-related topic. The subject of the comments made during a special meeting shall be limited to items on the agenda for consideration at such special meeting. This Policy on Public Comments shall apply to “in person” and virtual meetings when permitted by law. All persons commenting during meetings shall be required to identify themselves.

Any person with a disability requiring a reasonable accommodation in order to effectively communicate with the Board of Commissioners during a meeting should contact the Office of the Executive Director at (518) 641-7518 no less than five (5) business days before the meeting. The Office of the Executive Director shall make every effort to provide an accommodation.

In lieu of speaking at a meeting, members of the public may make written submissions which will be distributed to the Board of Commissioners at or before the meeting. Such written submissions must be received by the Office of the Executive Director by noon of the day prior to the meeting. Such written submissions may mailed, personally delivered, or emailed to Governance@albanyhousing.org. Upon motion of any Commissioner and a vote of a majority of all Commissioners in attendance, such written submissions may be read to the public at the meeting.

Resolution # 02-22-04 effective 2/8/2022