Erika came to the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)Program with goals to increase credit worthiness, maintain a good job and eventually become a home and business owner. During tough times, it hasn’t always been easy.
Erika says, “setting goals and sticking to them are tough tasks.” In order to maintain her full-time employment and continue to be qualified to access her escrowed FSS funds, she began working overnight to accommodate her family. Of this sacrifice she says, “ Though it all, I never gave up – no matter how tough it got, I kept pushing.” What inspired her dedication is “my children and being that example…they are depending on me.’ Erika continues, saying that “the most important things to accomplish your goals are consistency and always believing in yourself.”
Erika is leaving today with a large check, which she earned through years of hard work, dedication and sacrifice to make it to the end of the program. Going forward, she plans to “get a better vehicle and save the remaining, continue to build my credit, purchase a home [and] start my own home day care business. This is important for me to accomplish to be that example for my children and show them that you can do anything you put your mind to.”
During her journey, Erika explains, “The FSS program helped me to be more open to receive help from my community resources. It taught me never to be afraid to ask for help. FSS has been a key asset in helping me with online applications, job leads – if FSS was unable to help, they would be sure to refer me to other resources. FSS was the help to me gaining a job with New York State Tax and Finance.”
Of the FSS Program and The WAGE Center Erika says, “the staff will strive to help bring the best out of you. I am a living testament to that. It wasn’t until I came to know of The WAGE Center that I found out about the FSS Program. [It] has helped me abundantly. It has pushed me harder for my goals in life and to believe in what I can achieve with a little courage and skill.”
FSS Program Coordinator, Amibel Tineo says, “ Erika’s perseverance and re-siliency that have developed throughout these last years to push past her inner doubts and fears are traits I admire greatly about her.” All of us at The WAGE Center are looking forward to where Erika goes from here.
If you are interested in learning more about the FSS Program, please call 518-380-5600.