Attend Part 1 of Y-Vote
Young Voices Matter: Why Vote?
Join this online discussion September 10th
Organized by the Albany NAACP, Troy
NAACP, Schenectady NAACP, & P3
Register Here Now
Thursday, September 10th, 2020 – 6:00-7:30 pm EST
Participate by Listening — Ask Questions — Join the Panel
Bring your ideas. Participate in breakout groups.
For more information contact: Beverly, NAACP: 518-221-9388
NAACP Y-Vote Flyer rev. #1
The Audit Office wants to hear from you! The City of Albany’s Office of Audit and Control wants to better understand how community members are experiencing the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic, especially those from communities of color.
If you are an Albany resident, please fill out an anonymous 5-minute City of Albany COVID-19 Community Survey by 5pm on Tuesday (9/1).
The survey results will help the City of Albany government respond to the needs of the community in the event of a second wave of COVID-19 or future emergency.
Survey Link:

PDF Flyer (Espanol)
The HERO Scholarship provides the opportunity to earn a college education and embark on career opportunities that will allow you to grow as a professional and achieve success. Clicking the below image will open the application in PDF form for you.

Schedule a Healthy Neighborhoods Home Visit today! Clicking the below information will open the PDF version of the flyer and referral form.

Fund the Community
Saturday, August 22nd
106 S. Pearl St. (Old McDonald’s Parking Lot)
The City of Albany will be On-Site to help residents complete the Census.
Music, Grab-N-Go Meals, and Raffles!!

The Housing Authority invites residents to a public meeting to discuss proposed upgrades of the 260-270 North Pearl Street buildings and North Albany Homes
AHA would like to give residents and all concerned an opportunity to voice any concerns or submit written comments about the proposed plan. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about AHA’s plans and what it means for you and your family.
Due to restriction on public meetings and need for social distancing resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, the meeting will be held by teleconference. You will be able to join the meeting by telephone, smart phone, tablet or computer.
Your Participation is important!
Date: Friday August 14th 2020 Time: 6:00 PM
There are several ways to join the meeting, listed below.
Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Type the link below into a web browser and follow any instructions provided.
Join the meeting by dialing-in using your phone
United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679