One City United – Albany, NY
Community and Law Enforcement Event
Washington Park; 12 noon until 3 PM
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Free Carnival Games, Sports Activities, Prizes, and Food
Free Huck Finn Playland tickets to the first 100 children 12 and under with a Completed Law Enforcement Passport!
Join Your Friends and Neighbors and Meet Representatives from the FBI; NY State Police;
Us Attorney’s Office, Northern District;
Albany County Sheriff’s Office;
Albany Police Department;
A. C. District Attorney’s Office
U Of Albany Police Department

Once again, Capital Region BOCES is teaming up Albany Can Code to offer its Front End Web Development course! Starting September 17th, the course will be held on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 5:30pm-8:30pm at the Capital South Campus Center. The tuition is $1,650 and financial is available for veterans and individuals who are income-eligible. Interested candidates can call 518-238-6808 and applications are being accepted online at
Please share with anyone you think would be interested in attending. Seating is limited!!!

Sonic hiring staff, including store and district managers, were on site for three days of hiring at The WAGE Center in July. After 175 interviews, 49 people were hired on site at The WAGE Center. This included Housing Authority Resi-dents and Housing Choice Voucher recipi-ents who now have new jobs to look for-ward to when the brand new Albany Sonic opens later this summer.
Community partners referred can-didates to the hiring sessions at the WAGE Center where they were interviewed at up to three times in one day, some resulting in an offer being made on the spot.
The Southend of Albany and the Mt. Hope neighborhood are in close prox-imity to the new the new restaurant and plaza being constructed on Southern Boulevard. Sonic offers accessible job opportunities to residents with the Route 7 CDTA bus planning stops at the Mt. Hope Commons and the easy walking distance from the Mt. Hope neighborhood.
Very positive responses to the three day hiring event at The WAGE Center were expressed by employment candidates and hiring staff from Sonic. As the new restaurant continues construction, more candidates will be hired. Orientation will oc-cur in August prior to the store opening.
According to one long-time homeowner in the Mt. Hope neighborhood (and new Sonic employee), the addition of Sonic and the Mt. Hope Commons project is welcome not only for jobs, but also in terms of offering dining and other services to residents.
Hiring will be ongoing until the restaurant is fully staffed. For assistance with accessing online applications, job seekers are encouraged to visit The WAGE Center at 200 Green Street. Or, applicants can also apply directly on the Sonic website at:
The WAGE Center looks forward to maintaining a positive working relation-ship with Sonic in order to maximize the opportunity for local residents to gain em-ployment. For more information please call The WAGE Center at: 518-380-5600.
We Cordially Invite
Our Parents, Community, Friends, and Fans
Skillastics Showcase
Wednesday, AUGUST 7, 2019 At 5:30 p.m.
(Yes, next wednesday!)
Location: Boys and Girls Club of the Capital Area, Albany Branch
21 Delaware Avenue, Albany NY

Application Deadline for Police Officers Quickly Approaching
The City of Albany is now taking applications to become a Police Officer. The application deadline is August 12, 2019.
Qualifications needed to apply and take the written test include the following:
• Candidates must have a high school diploma or GED;
• Candidates must be at least 19 years of age on or before September 14, 2019 and not have had their 35th birthday by that date; up to 6 years may be deducted off the age of individuals with eligible military service time;
• Be a U.S. citizen and possess a valid NYS Driver’s License at the time of the appointment.
You can apply for the exam online at
The department is also interested in lateral transfers.
Certified NYS Police Officers may submit a cover letter and resume to
Albany Police Department
165 Henry Johnson Boulevard
Albany, NY 12210
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 518-438-4000
Statement from the Office of the Mayor Regarding Arbor Hill Park
ALBANY, NY – “At a community meeting tonight, a resident claimed that the City is closing Arbor Hill Park. We want to state unequivocally that this is untrue. The park is open and the City is fully funding a youth basketball program and other youth camps being held at the park. The City also has been working to accommodate the adult men’s Arbor Hill softball league even though the league only provided its full schedule to the City today. After investing more than $700,000 in improvements to the park, the Sheehan administration remains committed to supporting the Arbor Hill sports complex.”