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Monthly Archives: December 2016

The Homeless Action Committee (HAC) Winter Newsletter is Here!

The Homeless Action Committee (HAC) is dedicated to improving the lives of homeless people and advocating for permanent solutions to the problems of homelessness. HAC operates permanent Single Room Occupancy (SRO) housing for people who had been living on the streets for years and who have alcoholism. This SRO has helped countless people to get off the streets, have a home, and begin making changes in their lives. HAC is also the proud operators of the Outreach Van program which assists hundreds of people on the streets each year by providing them with compassionate human contact, a listening ear, food, clothing, blankets, referrals and transportation to area services. Please click the link below to read the current newsletter and help the HAC achieve its goal of helping the homeless in our region.

HAC Winter 2016 Newsletter


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