Please join us on Thursday June 2nd, at 15 Trinity Place, Albany NY 12202, to honor the life of Brother Yusuf Burgess,
as well as to commemorate National Gun Violence Awareness Day, in remembrance all those lost to gun violence in our city and in our nation.

The Schuyler Flatts Burial Ground Project was created to pay tribute to the discovered remains of 14 formerly enslaved Africans. Please join us on as we honor these souls and lay them to rest.
Friday, June 17, 12pm-8pm, Memorial Service
Schuyler Mansion State Historic Site, 32 Catherine Street, Albany
The public is invited to visit and pay their respects. Music and poetry honoring the deceased will take place on the grounds throughout the day.
Saturday, June 18, 11am-12pm, Burial Service
St. Agnes Cemetery, 48 Cemetery Ave. (off Broadway), Menands
The individuals will be transported to the cemetery and laid to rest. This interdenominational service will be presided over by local clergy and community leaders.
On May 19th, Albany Community Action Partnership (ACAP) kicked off a year-long celebration of the 50th Anniversary of their founding with a block party outside their headquarters on Sheridan Avenue.
On Saturday March 21, 2016, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. local chapter, Delta Mu Omega (serving the Capital District for over 47 years), partnered with the Albany Housing Authority to restore, refresh and revitalize the playground at our Capital Woods property. We provided the tools and equipment, while they provided the labor! Saturday was 1908 Playground Mobilization Day for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated and its chapters all over the world. Alpha Kappa Alpha was founded in 1908 on the principles of “Service to All Mankind” and understands that helping children engage in play contributes to success in school and beyond. Therefore, from 2014 to 2018 the membership aims to Restore, Refresh and Revitalize 1,908 playgrounds around the world to ensure safe and fun places for children to play! (For more information about Alpha Kappa Alpha and the Delta Mu Omega Chapter, please visit www.akadeltamuomega.com)
On May 19th, members of the Lexington Avenue Workgroup got their hands dirty for a good cause, beautifying a vacant lot after a recent demolition. AHA helps to facilitate the Lexington Avenue Workgroup, which is comprised of stakeholders who implement high-impact, easy to accomplish neighborhood improvement projects, while discussing longer term solutions to issues facing West Hill.

City is conducting a public survey to evaluate Albany’s broadband options
ALBANY—Would you like to help Albany better understand the broadband landscape and figure out what Internet services are available, what Internet services are needed, and how they might be made fast and affordable to Albany businesses and residents?
Then fill out the online Broadband surveys for Albany residents and businesses!
“Public input from a wide variety of Internet users is essential if we’re going to fully understand Albany’s Broadband needs,” said Albany Mayor Kathy M. Sheehan. “This survey is an integral part of the feasibility study that will examine potential options of broadband service, keeping in mind the goal of bridging any digital divide that prevents businesses and residents from getting affordable and fast broadband access.”
Broadband refers to any high-speed Internet access that is always on for smart phones and computers and faster than traditional Internet service. Important info:
- Survey responses are needed by June 1st;
- The survey is one component of the Broadband Feasibility Study being conducted by the City’s technology consultant, Millennium Strategies;
- The survey will help Millennium Strategies design a plan for a better high-speed and affordable Broadband network for City residents.

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