On Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 there will be an Open House at the Radix Center (153 Grand Street – corner of Warren Street) at 1:00PM. Everyone is welcome to come and see what’s new at the center. For more information visit http://radixcenter.org/.
The Black History Month Film Series has been very informative and so much fun! Last week we had our first discussion forum about our first two films 12 Years a Slave and Django Unchained, this Thursday (2/27) we will be showing Rosewood and next week (3/6) we will be showing Get on the Bus. The Film Series will come to a close on Thursday, March 13th with a discussion forum about Rosewood and Get on the Bus, food will be provided by AHA and all are welcome to participate!

Black History Month Film Series Discussion Forum
Albany Community Action Partnership (ACAP) supports the progress of individuals and their families to economic self-sufficiency. Our programs are dedicated to providing individuals and families with the right skills and confidence needed to begin a successful career. Each certification is offered by Schenectady County Community College (SCCC) through a grant from HHS.
Please click Free Health Career Trainings for more information.
For more information for you taxes, visit the IRS Website!
Are you eligible for EITC this tax season? Visit the IRS Website to find out!
On track for June 13, 2014
Notice of Public Review and Hearing
Annual Plan
Albany Housing Authority will hold a public hearing on April 8, 2014 at 5:30 PM in the Atrium at 200 South Pearl Street to hear comments on its 2014 Annual Plan for the upcoming fiscal year 2014.
A draft of the Annual Plan will be available for public review during regular business hours on February 17, 2014 for the duration of the comment period. A copy of the plan will also be available on our website at www.albanyhousing.org and at each AHA management office for its federal sites.
Comments may be submitted prior to the public hearing. Comments may be mailed to AHA, 200 So. Pearl St., Albany, New York 12202-1834; emailed to
info@albanyhousing.org or faxed to 518-641-7545.
Please put “Annual Plan Comments” in the subject line. Attendees to the hearing will be required to sign in.
Victor Cain, Chairman
Steven T. Longo, Executive Director Equal Housing Opportunity